Selective focus voting yes on California Gubernatorial Recall Election Ballot Los Angeles, CA, Sept. 10, 2021. (Photo: Elliott Cowand Jr/Shutterstock)
What Ballot Initiatives Will Californians Face in the Nov. 8th Election?
The good, bad, and the ugly, and out-of-sight spending
By Katy Grimes, September 15, 2022 8:45 am
California has 7 ballot initiatives qualified for the November 2022 General Election ballot.
There is also colossal spending behind the measures. So what’s hot, what’s not and what’s toxic? The Globe checked in with Ballotpedia and the California Secretary of State for the breakdown:
November 8, 2022, Statewide Ballot Measures
Proposition 1
Constitutional Right to Reproductive Freedom. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. (PDF)
Proposition 26
Proposition 27
Proposition 28
Proposition 29
Proposition 30
Proposition 31

If the details are a little too dry or unclear because of ballot titles and summaries, we also have detail on the measures from California Congressman Tom McClintock:
Proposition 1 – Margaret Sanger Eugenics Act: NO. Prop. 1 would provide an absolute right to abortion in the state constitution under any and all circumstances, including the hideous practice of partial birth abortion. Most people aren’t absolutists on the subject: they support early abortions but not late term. This proposition would prohibit such distinctions. And before we hear the “My Body My Choice” refrain, pardon a simple question. Does YOUR choice stop YOUR heart from beating, or suck YOUR brains from your skull? If the answer is no, maybe there’s somebody else whose body is affected.
Proposition 26 and Proposition 27- Bet Your Bottom Dollar: YES. Prop. 26 allows in-person sports betting at tribal casinos and race tracks and allows tribes to offer roulette and dice games. Prop. 27 allows internet sports betting conducted by licensed tribes or companies. To be clear, I don’t approve of gambling; I think it’s a waste of time and money. I have the same opinion of stamp collecting. But I have enough trouble running my own life without trying to run everyone else’s. This has some odious anti-competitive features, but my bottom line is, if a grown-up wants to bet on a game or obsess over a stamp, that’s their right.
Proposition 28 – Don’t Know Much About History: NO. This would earmark about a billion dollars a year from school funds for music and arts, at a time when California’s math and reading scores are plunging to Gavin Newsom IQ levels. Churchill, as usual, said it best: “I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat. But the only thing I would whip them for is not knowing English.” Or, another idea: give parents the choice of where to send their kids and let the schools compete to meet their needs by offering curricula best suited to them.
Proposition 29 – Bringing Venezuelan Health Care to Dialysis Patients: NO. For the third time, the SEIU is trying to screw up kidney dialysis in California. They’ve lost twice and are back again with this measure that imposes onerous and expensive requirements to have physicians or nurses on duty at dialysis clinics and prohibit them from going out of business without state approval. This will help dialysis patients by increasing their costs and will help encourage new clinics to open by forbidding them ever to close. Makes perfect sense.
Proposition 30 – We’ll Leave the Lights Off for You: NO. Here’s an idea: add another 1.75 percent to what is already the highest income tax rate in the country for those earning over $2 million. Then spend that money on electric cars, charging stations and firefighting. Just don’t use the charging stations because we don’t have enough electricity to keep the lights on. And don’t worry about the millionaires; they’ll be fine. There are nine states that have no income tax at all and 40 with lower tax rates, and these millionaires can take their jobs, business and spending with them. They won’t even need to turn off the lights when they leave since they’re already out.
Proposition 31 – Unflavor of the Month: NO. Here’s another entry from the “we’ll make your decisions for you” crowd. The legislature voted to ban sales of flavored tobacco. A NO vote would overturn the ban. Bruce Herschensohn once observed that every pleasure in life involves a risk. With enough laws, we can create a nearly risk-free society. But it will be the most boring, tedious, colorless and flavorless society in the history of human misery. We call it California.
Here’s a summary of the campaign contributions of the ballot measures – $197,753,455.23 has been spent in support of the sever initiatives, and $222,907111.00 has been spend opposing the measures:
Ballot Measure | Support Contributions | Oppose Contributions | Outcome |
California Proposition 1, Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment (2022) | $3,110,114.00 | $0.00 | |
California Proposition 26, Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative (2022) | $73,079,702.01 | $42,242,501.00 | |
California Proposition 27, Legalize Sports Betting and Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Fund Initiative (2022) | $100,000,667.00 | $114,188,333.56 | |
California Proposition 28, Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative (2022) | $8,016,452.82 | $0.00 | |
California Proposition 29, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2022) | $7,966,511.42 | $36,697,167.00 | |
California Proposition 30, Tax on Income Above $2 Million for Zero-Emissions Vehicles and Wildfire Prevention Initiative (2022) | $15,645,445.01 | $8,014,195.52 | |
California Proposition 31, Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum (2022) | $5,564,362.97 | $21,764,914.31 |
Click on the links to see the detailed explanation of a “yes” and “no” vote on each measure.
Thanks so much, Katy Grimes — again — for covering this extremely helpful guide to Nov’s ballot.
I appreciate and admire Tom McClintock so much that it pains me to disagree with him on Props 26 and 27. McClintock has a libertarian streak whose application in California has a potential for damage, especially considering we are teetering socially and otherwise culturally. He once gave a thumbs-up to recreational marijuana legalization, and the unintended consequences from its passage have been extremely damaging, in my opinion, from politician corruption regarding dispensary approvals to growing smelly and depressing pot crops on land where once lemon trees or lettuce grew. Just two examples, there are more.
Gambling legalization in California in the first place has not been helpful, in my opinion. I am against growing gambling and broadening it, especially internet gambling, the ease of which I think we can reasonably predict would get out-of-hand more quickly than in-person gambling. The gambling industry is always focused, of course, on making taking your money more convenient for the gambler. DUH. There is also something attached to one of the props that promises to “fix homelessness” by throwing more money at it and I think, in the hands of our current state and local “leadership” this would only be another slush fund for politicians and others. We would not see improvement at all, only worsening, as we have had a chance to observe TIME AND TIME AGAIN.
Otherwise, for what it’s worth, ha, I agree with Tom McClintock — NO on all of the other propositions.
Again, I very much appreciate and admire Tom McClintock as so many of us do and am grateful for all of his good work and common sense and brains and leadership that have helped and informed and guided us through these troubled years in California.
Agree 100%, Showandtell…
The “libertarian” perspective on legalized weed in Colorado, has resulted in that state’s culture being ADVERSELY affected by all the dopers that have moved there and only live to get high… Denver has NOT BEEN IMPROVED by the legalization of pot…..
CD9 – As you know the list of bad consequences of legalizing pot is very long. One of horrible effects, denied by and certainly not disclosed to the public by the backers is the connection of today’s marijuana to schizophrenia and, in general, much more aggressive behavior (vs. the “mellow” behavior of the old) because of the increasingly concentrated THC content.
Some of us knew about the mental illness connection but I would say most didn’t. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Indian casinos have a dirty little secret that no one reports on. Prostitution and drug sales go along with them. The casinos buy off (lots of donations) law enforcement and government officials with part of their profits and it gets swept under the rug. I know people that used to live near a casino and things went to hell after it was built. Not saying there are no arrests but it never makes it to the press.
Yes, CW —- and, as I’m sure you know, this constellation of other crimes is true for all of the so-called “benign” crimes such as prostitution and drug sales. Ask any prosecutor. These activities attract other crimes like a magnet and that is why it has been important to our formerly civilized society to reduce them as much as possible or even attempt to eliminate them from our streets and neighborhoods.
I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but my attitude regarding the idea that casinos promote prostitution and drug sales is similar to Rep. Tom McClintock’s gambling/stamp collecting analogy. Not my cup of tea but I believe in letting you do you…
VOTE NO! on ALL propositions!
why because they are all are not good for society, coming from someone who would like to save time than to go to Reno or LV to be on sports.