Assemblyman Marc Berman. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Woke Assemblyman Berman Savaged for Ludicrous Climate Change Tweet
Read the room Marc
By Katy Grimes, December 8, 2023 7:49 am
Woke lawmakers in California’s Legislature are insufferable. The virtue signaling, the platitudes, the triteness, may make them appear as if they are doing something useful. But they are not. And posting their virtue on X/Twitter makes them look even more self-serving – and a little desperate for affirming attention.
Assemblyman Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park), is a case-in-point. He posted this Tweet on X:
“What a great tour from the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District showcasing promising nature-based solutions being used on the Coast to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts, including flooding, wildfires & water security.” @SenJoshBecker @Ray_Mueller_
What a great tour from the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District showcasing promising nature-based solutions being used on the Coast to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts, including flooding, wildfires & water security. @SenJoshBecker @Ray_Mueller_ pic.twitter.com/oZyn53h4uN
— Marc Berman (@AsmMarcBerman) November 30, 2023
He managed to cram several chestnuts into that Tweet:
- nature-based solutions
- adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts
- including flooding, wildfires & water security
Water security? California sits on the Pacific Ocean and has hundreds of lakes, rivers, creeks and waterways.
Here is a map of California’s rivers and lakes:

Berman was savaged – appropriately. Because he’s part of the problem working harder to restrict water use, than managing it.
Former Ambassador Ric Grenell replied:
“Hey Marc. Your party controls all of Sacramento… so why don’t we clear fallen timber? Why not support a timber industry? Why is your team not capturing the rain? Why are we always in a drought? And why are you telling us to conserve more water when we live on the ocean? And why don’t we have enough electricity and instead are told to unplug appliances?! Stop the radical knee-jerk events about climate change. Build something.”
Hey Marc. Your party controls all of Sacramento…
so why don’t we clear fallen timber? Why not support a timber industry? Why is your team not capturing the rain? Why are we always in a drought?
And why are you telling us to conserve more water when we live on the ocean? And… https://t.co/Spl15wxwyJ
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) December 6, 2023
Also addressing water use, this reply hit home:
“Too bad the water storage we voted on years ago has never built more storage. Upgrading existing is obviously not working but certainly spending the bond money voters approved.”
Too bad the water storage we voted on years ago has never built more storage. Upgrading existing is obviously not working but certainly spending the bond money voters approved
— Micky (@germaknee) December 7, 2023
Another asked, “Why do you let so much water runoff into the ocean? Seems like a waste.”
This dad replied:
“Here are some ways to solve the problem. My sixth grader made the short list. 1. Increase logging to keep forests maintained. 2. Build more water storage reservoirs. 3. Increase clean natural gas production to warm homes and power generators. 4. Close the border.”
Here are some ways to solve the problem. My sixth grader made the short list.
1. Increase logging to keep forests maintained.
2. Build more water storage reservoirs.
3. Increase clean natural gas production to warm homes and power generators.
4. Close the border.— Roger That! (@feenstra_roger) December 6, 2023
Another retweeted Grenell’s reply after telling Berman to “cut the climate crap – we’re not buying it:”
Berman- cut the climate crap. We’re not buying it. Try a little common sense from Richard Grenell. https://t.co/noLvSlfjeL
— Carlos 🍊 🇺🇸 (@Clos_1985) December 6, 2023
A few others expressed their frustration with the lawmaker:
“You people are so incompetent at running California – in the private sector you’d be permanently sitting on the bench.”
“so why don’t we clear fallen timber? Why not support a timber industry? Why is your team not capturing the rain? Why are we always in a drought?”
“Another commie pushing climate hoax”
“Water security? Really CA has reduced water captivity and done nothing to increase its capacity.”
“Start by showing us you’re doing something to help the problems! Earn your salary!”
“Climate change impacts? You forgot your pronouns.”
The comments devolved quickly:
“what a complete f**king moron… clueless idoits not a single one of that entire group would know how to properly mitigate wildfires… water security? f**king morons”
“What a moron you are….We live around oceans. Climate change is a Democrat hoax and finally everyone sees it…”
“Dipshit says what?”
As California Rep. Tom McClintock said in a House floor speech in 2021 titled, Producing Want from Plenty, “Fortunately, nature has given us a superabundance of resources and left it to us to responsibly reap and manage this bounty. But it is precisely these resources that the left has waged war against for a full generation. The very things that make us prosperous and comfortable are the things the left attempts to put off limits. Is it any wonder that the more they extend their domain, the worse the human conditions that they produce?”
It’s California’s leftist lawmakers wasting our precious water. Here’s the usage breakdown: 50% of California’s water supply goes to environmental uses, 40% goes to agricultural uses – converted to the food we eat and the clothes we wear, and the remaining 10% is for urban use – cities, homes and businesses.
Let’s hope Assemblyman Berman actually read the responses and learns how to read the room better – and learning about effective water management would help.
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Great one Katy! And you can bet that 50% of water for environmental use flows straight to the sea.
They put out a tweet slapping themselves and their causes on the back thinking that this will help mollify the folks. Unfortunately for the “woke” leaders this tactic has lost its charm and appeal and as your article points out it is angering people. When you are in the business of “serving” the people and your customers no longer want what you are serving it produces change. I am seeing antidotal evidence that folks in all corners of the state are weary of this mess and want leaders that have common sense and will be responsive to them the “customers”. Hold on the change that is coming to California will be bumpy for the woke.
Climate Change™ is a hoax.
LOVE seeing the responses to this ridiculous assemblyman’s endless phony nonsense. YAY!
Assemblyman Berman just regurgitates the climate gobbledygook nonsense that most Democrats and deep-state globalists spew? Berman is another lawyer who would probably starve if he wasn’t being supported by taxpayers? In college, Berman worked in Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office and as an analyst in the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. Before his election to the California State Assembly, Berman served as a member of the Palo Alto City Council. No doubt he answers to his Democrat masters who installed him into office and he probably doesn’t care what his detractors or constituents think?
Do you know how you expose a fool?
Let him keep talking!😂
Climate Change is a hoax. It is a cudgel to give a select, elite group, power and control!
The most insane part is he and the other Perma-D’s keep getting “elected” (somehow). I wouldn’t want voter verification, either, if I was the beneficiary of such a blatantly rigged game. If we’re not going to go to war with these freaks then we deserve whatever we allow them to do to us. We WILL get the behavior we tolerate!
So energy taxes to manipulate and impoverish us are “nature based”?
Who knew?
I have a new hypothesis : climate change is NOT a hoax, but rather it is a WEF-playbook of create-problem/moralize-gaslight/provide-solution-that-transfers-power.
I suggest that the “climate change” is being created by the ulra-highflying jets I see most early mornings, right after sunrise, criss-crossing the skies over the 805 leaving white trails in their wake…
One YouTube provider I’ve been following hypothesized that these are “dessicants” that are designed to dry out the atmosphere and block incoming moisture off the Pacfic Ocean…
Oddly enough, last weeks’ anticipated rainfall fizzled out as the front made landfall…
I wouldn’t put it past Newsom to engineer rainfall shortages to control the drought narrative in conjunction with Federal government assets, This YouTube provider linked to FlightRadar 24 tracking that indicated a USAF airfreighter out of Washington state did a California overflight and landed in AZ near Luke AFB.
Is this being done. to cover the tracks that take clear, sunny mornings and turn them into milky white mid-days???
Something to consider and investigate…
Believe me, I was the world’s biggest skeptic about “chemtrails”, but after 2020, I now believe that anything is possible in this corrupt world….
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