Newman Police Officer Ronil Singh (Stanislaus County Sheriff)
An Arrest has been made in the Shooting of a Newman Police Officer
The Suspect is Believed to be in the United States Illegally
By Sean Brown, December 28, 2018 12:00 pm
Following a tragic shooting occurrence yesterday that left a Newman Police Officer dead at the hands of an illegal immigrant, the suspect in the shooting has since been arrested after a massive man hunt.
The suspect, whose name has not been released due to the possibility of several aliases, was arrested Friday morning in the Bakersfield area where local 2020 Congressional candidate Ted Howze said “great news… The fugitive wanted in the connection with murder of Newman, CA Police Officer Ronil Singh has been arrested early this morning in Bakersfield.”
Although the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office has not confirmed the arrest, they will hold a press conference today where they will be releasing “significant details.”
The California Globe covered the story yesterday after Singh, a 33-year-old native and legal immigrant from Fiji, was conducting a routine traffic stop that was as part of a DUI investigation when the suspect opened fire and struck Singh before he could react. Singh was eventually able to return fire, but not before the attacker fled the scene in his car. He will be survived by his wife and infant son.
Leading the investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson also stated yesterday “this suspect … is in our country illegally. He doesn’t belong here. He is a criminal,” Christianson told the large gathering of reporters before adding “the sheriff’s office will spare no expense in hunting down this criminal.”
The event has created a firestorm on twitter and added immense pressure on both political parties in Congress to find a deal regarding border security.
Cpl. Singh will be survived by his wife and 5 month old infant son.
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