Dr. Simone Gold, a board-certified physician and attorney, at Capitol Hill press conference. (Photo: youtube)
America’s Frontline Doctors Explain Vaccines & The Law For Employees and Students
‘COVID-19 vaccines are still in Phase III clinical trials until 2023 to 2024’
By Katy Grimes, May 26, 2021 2:26 am
California schools, colleges, universities and places of employment are requiring students and employees to show proof of COVID vaccination before they will be allowed to return to school or the workplace.
Yet, as California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said last week, “California has made amazing progress in our fight against COVID-19. With more than 34 million vaccines administered, we now have among the lowest case and positivity rates in the nation.” Yet the state’s mask mandate will remain in place until June 15th, the Globe reported.
However, students and employees are being coerced into taking vaccines.
America’s Frontline Doctors, a group founded by Dr. Simone Gold, a board-certified physician and attorney, held a “White Coat Summit” last July in Washington D.C. to expose and counter the “massive disinformation campaign” surrounding the Coronavirus. Despite the 20 million views online, they were cancelled within days by Facebook, Google/ Youtube, and Twitter, which pulled the video conference from all social media platforms.
“American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear,” America’s Frontline Doctors said.
“If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
Since the White Coat Summit,” America’s Frontline Doctors has not let up. Dr. Gold makes regular appearances on news shows and radio letting Americans know the docs are committed to maintaining the physician-patient relationship in the face of government encroachment.
They have posted on their website a page dedicated to Vaccines and the Law: “The law is clear. An experimental vaccine cannot be mandated. We want you to be armed with resources to advocate for yourself and your loved ones,” America’s Frontline Doctors say.
They offer a letter template to utilize related to your employer or school attempting to mandate the Covid-19 experimental vaccine candidates. And they recommend, “Send to principals, superintendents, department of education officials, managers, corporate officers, etc. Put everyone on notice! Send on your own or unite with others’ signatures in support of your movement. Informed and united people are truly the greatest threat to tyranny!”
The Notice of Liability to Schools deals with the issue many parents currently face with children going back to in-person school. America’s Frontline Doctors explain not only the legalities involved with vaccination mandates, they say, “all the treatments being marketed as COVID-19 vaccines are still in Phase III clinical trials until 2023 to 2024 and hence qualify as medical experiments. People taking these treatments are enrolled in clinical trials; None of these treatments has been approved, but only granted emergency use authorization, hence cannot be mandated nor can informed consent be dispensed with.”
“Children and youth are at virtually no risk of dying from COVID-19 or transmitting it to others, but deaths and injuries to children and youth have already occurred in the COVID-19 injection clinical trials.”
They note, “Students are at nearly zero % risk of contracting or transmitting this respiratory illness and are instead buffers which help others build their immune system. The overall survival rate is 99.997%.”
AFLDS Vaccine letter609462860f3394d5991a85fd_Employee-Form-Covid-Injections
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Thank you Katy for getting this out there. Your article is correct in that MSM, social media platforms have erased anything related to these experimental vaccines. It should be unlawful to pray on the uninformed by covering up the facts and using fear tactics for compliance. It is disgusting to see teens encouraged by their schools to use peer pressure, pep rallies and other forms of inclusion/exclusion to promote this deadly unnecessary vaccine. After all, teens know everything, right? BTW, a few weeks ago another regular poster on this site wrote about Trader Joe’s and no mask police in CA. I tried it out last week, and he/she was correct. Trader Joe’s in NorCal, no more mask police outside or inside. I walked in no mask, I was the only one. All TJ workers were polite, said hello, can I help you find anything, while customers stared at me, scared, kept far away from me. It was great! I wanted to kick my heels in the air when I left! I was never once asked to put a mask on, did I have a vaccine, it was like old times. Thank you Trader Joe’s for your silent protest. It is time for us to support them!
Agree with you Stacy, and thank you also for your personal Trader Joe’s experience. It’s heartening!
Very grateful to America’s Frontline Doctors, so brave and outspoken. Their efforts have made a huge difference in informing us of the truth of this situation. Imagine the usual suspects going full-out to intimidate a young population that has ZERO RISK of harm from COVID into being vaccinated. It’s outrageous and these mis-informants are not doing themselves any favors in the credibility department. Why anyone would believe anything at all that comes from the vaccine-pusher group is beyond me.
Thank you Katy Grimes for your excellent and relentless coverage of this. (And everything else!)
I am so concerned that so many of you anti-vexers are so uninformed. It bothers me that you feel you are right. It also spreads misinformation as to the vaccination itself. Covid 19 is pure death if you get it and you are predisposed to many of the underlying ailments. The young may be ok but there are also a lot of long-haulers. This covid 19 will not go quietly in the night–it will take millions more if we don’t vaccinate against it. The vaccines are what’s keeping us safe now now some mysterious hokus pokus. Just look at how the numbers have gone down with the increase in vaccinations. That should tell you the whole story!
Why do you put a letter in your article that people can’t copy and paste or even print!
There are links in the article to the America’s Frontline Doctors and the forms.
You can take a photo of the letter with your phone and then print it out. That’s what I did …
Thank you for the article. However what I want to ask about is the coming discrimination. While in Santa Clara is not making employers mandate the vaccine they are mandating vaccine status as a way around it. So if you decline to answer or anything other than yes you are vaccinated the you will be treated as such. Here is where the new segregation starts. Vaccinated people get their freedoms back and unvaccinated people are treated as a threat to public health and safety!! They will have to abide by the mask and other mandates in perpetuity!! Will we be required to use separate entrances and separate bathrooms?? One the county has your name and dob and that you are not vaccinated what do you think they will do with that information? Will they sell it to FB and or Twitter so you can be kept track of and denied certain freedoms. If we don’t stop this now it will only get worse and more intrusive!
So then tell them yes you have been vaccinated. What’s the problem whether or not anyone else was anyways if they believe that the fake vax protects them?
I haven’t read it yet but according to these doctors the federal emergency use authorization law states that any compulsory requirement to be vaccinated with these experimental unapproved medical treatments is a violation of federal law title 21, section 360bbb-3 of the federal food and drug administration. Any discrimination against a person because they are unvaccinated is a form of compelling a person to be vaccinated in violation of federal law.
Prevent covid with Vit D3, 10000 units/day; Vit C, 3 gm/day; zinc, 50 mg/day. Ivermectin, a repurposed med used to de-worm horses kills covid. “Ivermectin” taken 12gm on day one then again on day 3 wipes out covid in 5 days, kefir for the diarrhea. Walmart in the pet section as Horse Health. Caution though, before Ivm, wife got covid, if you’re taking lots of meds/drugs daily don’t go into unventilated rooms full of people. Lots of meds daily depress the immune system. Read SOTT news, “Virus Mania” (Jan 2021.)
No covid poison for me. Never bought into the fraud and pity those who have.
Love Katy’s reports. She’s the best!!
Thank you Katy for sharing this critical information…
My employer is making plans to reopen the office after Labor Day, and has insinuated that it’s open “to those fully vaccinated”…
It’s critically important to know the EUA status of these experimental concoctions and this is the first article I’ve seen with a disclosure date of 2023/2024 until Phase III clinical trial approval is granted…
Hopefully we can use this information to continue to work remotely until then, at least…
The difference in projected daily Covid death rates by the end of 2021 is 118/day without masks, and 9/day with 95% mask wearing. This source doesn’t have comparisons depending on future vaccination rates, but generally it is accepted that mask-wearing + social distancing has about the same effect as 70 percent vaccination rate. Has anybody found comparisons of deaths and hospitalizations by variation only in vaccination?
Thank you Katy for your research! I’m concerned that we have become so comfortable discussing our private health information at the office. Shouldn’t this be protected under HIPAA laws?
I’ve received FDA approved vaccines as a child and therefore can answer that I’ve received “the” vaccine.
Of course there is the idea behind a “vaccine passport”. I’m thinking there will be a black market for these in the near future. Sign me up!
Thank you, Katy. God bless you and keep you going. You are a light in the growing darkness of the Progressive state.
Love and agree with your sentiment Leonard!
Thank you Katy!
Covid 19 vaccines are killing people. Covid-19 has a 99 percent recovery rate. These are Facts…not misinformation
Not only is an experimental drug/vaccine unable to be mandated by law, nor is this constitutional in any way to force anyone in getting vaccinated! You see now there are lottery’s and so many other means to coerce people into getting the vaccines! I totally disagree that any government should be able to force you under international law, let alone in America to begin with! The people’s of the United States of America are the one’s who employ the Governments, not the other way around!
My employer told me yesterday that if I dont get vaccinated I will loose my job. I am 64, live with my 92 year old mom, ( who doesnt want to get vaccinated) and work the last 9 months for a veterinary hospital.. wish I could find an attorney to help fight this that doesn’t charge a fortune. Love my job, but not enough to get vaccinated. But do have bills to pay.
@Michelle, thank you for sharing your story. I hope it works out in your favor. I hope you find a veterinary hospital that will utilize your skills without requiring you to be vaccinated.
Never in our history has this been attempted. Companies are putting themselves in position to be sued by their employees. You should use the template, what do you have to lose, if they intend to fire you anyway?
Be well and good luck!
Hello, I live in California and I’m concerned that they are now forcing our jobs to push the vaccine on us. What can I do to protect myself legally? Thank you
My daughter will be attending UC Davis in California and has been provided a requested Religious Exception Request form by the university. Any assistance regarding helpful wording/verbiage would be greatly appreciated. Per the university, each request will be evaluated case-by-case for approval. The following questions are listed on the form;
1) Identify your sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance that is the basis for your request
2) Briefly explain how your sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance conflicts with the University’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement
3) Please provide any additional information that you think may be helpful in processing your religious accommodation request.
Could you email me the law of why we should not take this bad vaccine. I tried to print what shows up on this page but the letter dated 4/21 would not print nor the questions on the page that come after the letter.
1. How do I contact the american front line doctors? Do they have a phone number? I would like to have a phone number to actually talk to someone.
2. With the approval of the covid vaxx aug 23, 2021. how can we protect ourselves from being forced to take it, whether at work or in everyday society or even prevented from shopping. This is very stressful.
1. How to I get in contact with the American front line doctors. Is there a phone number? I really would like time talk to someone.
2. Now that the covid vaxx has been approved Aug 23, 2021, how to we protect ourselves from being forced to take it either at work or in everyday society or to just shop. This is very stressful.
You can contact America’s Frontline Doctors at https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/
Our family has all submitted our telemedicine request and paid the $90. 3 of the 4 of us received calls from the Pharmacy and our RX was delivered. My husband has still not received a phone call. We’ve emailed several times but have not heard back. Any advice on the best way to reach them. We’ would like to revive his medicine asap.
My QUESTION IS: Since CURRENT news announced recently that the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine, does that guarantee it is safe? I’m one of many born Americans confused between what to believe… So much false or fake news thrown to us, we can’t see straight to know what in fact are the real facts, i avoid any TV news. I hate to admit to others that I haven’t taken the covid vaccine shot, when Im asked. Those who have taken the vaccine… pretty much talk down to me, like I’m the enemy.
How do active duty military get a waver to not get vaccinated???
How do u. s citizen get a copy of the letter that protect them from getting the shot.