Governor Gavin Newsom speaking at Six Flags Magic Mountain on June 17th, 2021. (Photo: Twitter video image capture)
Gov. Newsom Announces More Incentive Programs To Help Reach 70% Total Vaccination Figure
‘They’re trying to get the high vaccination percentages; it’s becoming less about saving lives’
By Evan Symon, June 17, 2021 11:30 am
Governor Gavin Newsom announced at a press conference at Six Flags Magic Mountain on Wednesday that the next 50,000 Californians to be vaccinated at participating clinics would be receiving a free Six Flags ticket.
Press play to hear a narrated version of this story, presented by AudioHopper.
For several weeks, the Governor has ramped up efforts to vaccinate younger people and minority communities, both groups have have seen lower vaccination figures in the state. In late May, Newsom began the $116.5 million ‘Vax-A-Million’ program. While millions were reserved for the ‘Vax for the Win’ lotteries, culminating in 10 Californians winning $1.5 million on Tuesday, $100 million was reserved to give the next 2 million Californians ages 12 and up $50 gift cards. Earlier this week, free food offers from both Taco Bell and Chipotle for showing your vaccination card, as well as discounts from many professional sports team stores, were also announced by the Governor, as were promises to pay some missed utility bills during the pandemic.
“Anybody that’s impacted by this pandemic that can’t pay their rent and can’t afford their water bill, or their utility bill, California will pay those bills, 100%,” noted Newsom earlier this week. “Going back to April of last year and going forward to September of this year. I need to say that because no one believes it.”
The Governor’s announcement on Wednesday only continued the trend of youth and minority focused vaccination efforts.
“Four and a half million dollars in free tickets. Seemingly the staff here is enthusiastic about this but not the press. The press needs to be enthusiastic about this as well,” said Newsom on Wednesday at the Valencia theme park. “50,000 free tickets at 65 locations. You get a single dose of vaccine at one of these 65 locations in 13 different counties. You will get a free ticket. You cannot sell that ticket, it is not transferrable. Bottom-line is that we are encouraging you to get vaccines beyond yesterdays announcement.”
Newsom has not correlated his latest incentives to either race or age groups, but for many experts, it has been obvious whom he is targeting next.
In California, only 4% of the total number of vaccines have gone to black residents, with only 29% going to Latinos despite having 63% of all cases and 40% of the population in the state. Both white and Asian communities have seen high rates proportional to their population percentage in the state. And, while age groups 50 and above have reached above the 70% vaccination goal, younger ages groups have been hitting figures below that amount, pushing Newsom for more vaccinations in those demographics.
Incentives to to reach 70% vaccination totals, winning back favor with theme parks hard hit by COVID-19 restrictions
“While younger people are less at risk at contracting COVID-19, they still can. The CDC even found them more likely to transmit the virus in more recent months. It’s still much, much below the risk posed by older people, but it’s there,” explained explained Mary Tomlinson, a COVID-19 vaccination researcher covering several Western states, in an interview with the Globe on Thursday. “The bigger thing has been going after minority communities in California, especially the hard hit Latino community.
“That’s where we’ve been seeing all of these incentives tailored to them. Both Albertson’s and Kroger own a lot of grocery stores in poorer areas and minority communities in California, hence why those gift cards were specifically named. Taco Bell and Chipotle target younger groups, even pre-teens, so they were chosen. And now Six Flags today. Amusement parks attract younger people. Oh, and look at where those participating clinics are. Most are located within and/or serve heavy minority populations.”
“He’s aiming for the hard to get people now, giving them bonuses while not giving the people who have already vaccinated anything besides a lottery that only rewarded a few dozen people tops. We actually had a follow up survey for vaccinated people in California and other states where these incentive plans have been in effect, and a lot of people are mad that they didn’t wait to get these or said that they would have waited.”
“And that tells you something. They’re trying to get the high vaccination percentages, pure and simple. It’s becoming less about saving lives. If it was, they would have gone to Latino communities and offered these things from the get-go. The lop-sided statistics kind of point that way. It’s not about hesitancy, but about being able to get it. No, right now it’s about getting that 70% nationwide figure. States want to curry favor with the Biden administration since Biden promised that number. Not just 70% adults. 70% everyone.”
“We’ve been hearing that number at a lot of places we’ve been calling, including California. You know ‘Gotta reach that 70%’, so that’s why there has been this push, including these small incentives in California. They want that shine of being the largest state and still managing to beat out states that didn’t reach that mark. Is it about saving people? Yes, from day one, save as many as possible through vaccinations. But there is a percentage goal now, and many states are doing anything to reach it.”
“Plus, a lot of Governors are scrambling to make things right with groups they pissed off last year due to restrictions. Newsom nearly bankrupted many theme parks last year. Now look. It’s all smiles.”
However, the success of the new incentive programs have been mixed. While 2 million doses have been given since the programs start in late May, a large jump from the previous span of several weeks, it has only added another 840,000 new people receiving the vaccine. And of the 2 million gift cards, only 924,000 have been given away so far, well behind schedule.
Other incentive programs are likely to start up later this week and next week before July 4th.
Oh my goodness, when will this charade stop?
Newsom has continued to make a mockery of his position and the reopening (but is it really?).
He outright lies on national late night talk shows and makes daily appearances at theme parks with silly give aways like tacos from Taco Bell!
I commented on a KRCA You Tube clip of the Universal Studio fiasco. He had many dislikes and all comments were negative. Guess what You Tube did? They pulled all the comments down!
Let’s all remember this is not a proven vaccine, it is a 3rd stage trial injection. We will not know long term side effects for several years.
His shenanigans are a waste of time and taxpayer dollars!
BTW, he put his number one fan, his wife on the payroll to get kids “healthy” again!!
YouTube pulled all the negative comments and dislikes down on the Gov’s hyperactive Universal circus, huh? Thanks, Cali Girl, it’s good to have that information from a trusted source like yourself. These people are desperate, never mind shameless and embarrassing. Scared stiff of the Recall, it sounds like.
Hi ShowandTell,
Many sources posted clips so I cannot speak to those, but the one posted by KRCA was muted after I posted. The odd think about the likes and dislikes buttons was early in the day the dislikes were 3 to one. Later they were just about even, hmm.
I agree with you ,someone from the Newsom camp more than likely had them shut down the comments.
Cali Girl, you now have first-hand experience of censorship and media manipulation by big tech (Google-YouTube). We will see much more of this in the Recall campaign. Newsom’s handlers will keep the media at arms length and orchestrate his public appearances, photo-ops, and create an image of “the outstanding leader” on social media. We are moving toward the dystopian nightmare of Huxley’s Brave New World – shortages of water, food, power. Higher prices for all basic needs. We are all in serious trouble unless we can take over and right this ship. Step 1: RECALL NEWSOM.
Hi Raymond,
Yes, I think we all have been direct victims of tech tyranny. High tech tyrants such as You Tube, Twitter and Facebook suppressed doctors and scientists from explaining early treatment options like H.C.Q. and Ivermectin. They hid the facts of election fraud. We live under their aristocratic rule. They have abused the privilege to disseminate information.
You Tube could not hide the train wreck of Newsom on full display playing game show host but they could eliminate honest discussion.
Citizens need to awake from their comfortable slumber.
@Evan Symon,
They’re trying to get the high vaccination percentages; it’s becoming less about saving lives’…??
Let’s be clear. This was NEVER about saving lives. It’s time to come to grips with the entire fake pandemic. We have all been hood winked and strung along with a long series of lies. It’s time to call it!! The vaccine is harmful. It is hurting children. If you people at the CA Globe don’t start calling this out, you are part of the problem.
Why all the spiffs and incentives if the injection does what it’s supposed to and the condition is really as bad as all the mainstream press says it is???
The more they hype it, the less credence they have and the greater our suspicions…
Hey Newsome! Maybe I will take the jab for chicken chlupa; but not a taco! Get better prizes dude!
To ALL, the great deception campaign in California has begun. Last night, I saw the first Newsom California Roars Back commercial on National Geographic channel. Many images of the smiling leader and his happy constituents. Be prepared for this onslaught. Concur with @Manson Wilde. The MEDIA must call out the lies.
Why is everyone pushing this experimental medical treatment for a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate? Is it to thin out the population? That’s what it seems like to me. We know that almost 6,000 people have died, as reported to VAERS, and only 1% are ever reported. Several in our family believe that the jab killed my brother-in-law, but of course it wasn’t reported as the cause, probably because many doctors are pushing the jab as well. Newsome can’t pay me enough to entice me to put those toxins in my body. I have to be here to care for my husband.
Great article detailing the most recent excesses of the Boy Governor, but the fact remains as to the unvaccinated:
you can’t fix stupid.
@Herb Spencer, there are THOUSANDS of documented cases of people dying from taking the vaccine. If you took the vaccine, were those people as SMART or as STUPID as YOU? It’s a personal choice. Leave it at that.
If you’re concerned about side effects and possible death, get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. On the other hand, if the J&J vaccine’s 0.0017% risk doesn’t scare you, take whatever you can get.
@Concerned Citizen,
Do you happen to be an MD, dispensing medical advice?
Can you definitively say those experimental vaccines have no long term side effects?
What kind of history do MRNA vaccines have when previously tested on humans?
We’ll have a conversation in a couple of years – which one of us will be alive? I hope you don’t gamble, as I surmise you’d suck at it.
CDC can’t find any evidence.
Admits they have no evidence of a (actual) health concern. There never was a “pandemic”. No contagion and to this second there still is none. A claim from the Chinese media or the US (similarly controlled) media is not scientific evidence-gold standard evidence. We had theatrical CLAIMS from Newsom and Fauci about everything! “cases” “mutations” variants” “Hospitalizations” “ICU admissions” “Deaths” “masks” “6 feet apart” …. the level of deception we have been through will be too much for some people to accept.
Step 1: Pleading
Step 2: Shaming
Step 3: Bribery
Step 4: Forced compliance
You are at #3