OC Supervisors ‘Pause’ Vaccine Passport Plan as Hundreds Protest Outside Meeting
More than 700 OC residents signed up to speak at the board meeting
By Katy Grimes, May 15, 2021 8:05 am
Orange County has been in the news recently, as Dr. Clayton Chau, director of the Orange County Health Care Agency and acting county health officer recently proposed a pilot program for “vaccine passports” in the county – a “show-me-your-papers” or “digital passport” program to provide COVID vaccination evidence, the Globe reported.
Orange County residents were so outraged, hundreds protested outside the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, and more than 700 signed up to speak in opposition to the proposed vaccine passport.
From business owners to lawyers to everyday residents, the list of speakers went on for hours, ABC 7 reported.
“Being that I am a Black American, and you’re asking me now to carry ‘freedom papers’ is absolutely appalling. I will bring every Black member of this community back down here if this goes any further,” said a speaker,” ABC 7 reported.
Another speaker was just as direct: “This isn’t communist Russia, this isn’t communist China, this isn’t Nazi Germany. We should have the freedom. The Jews had passports, look what that led to.”
Four of the five supervisors voted to “pause” the proposal, but one remained supportive of the vaccine passport program, as ABC 7 reported:
Katrina Foley is the one supervisor who stands firm in favor of a vaccine passport. She believes most people support it and that only a small faction of people are against it.
“These individuals are mostly people who don’t believe in vaccinating in the first place. They’re also people who in the past year have denied that COVID exists, denied the pandemic, have marched on our United States Capitol, participated in the insurrection,” said Foley.
With 33,745,248 total vaccines administered in California, there is no need for vaccine passports. And, this is one way to ensure businesses are forced to close again. “Many people imagine it would ‘open things up,'” Michael Brendan Dougherty writes at National Review. “In fact, the first thing it would do is close things down, because it bars people from doing things they’ve already been doing throughout the pandemic: shopping, traveling, gathering together, attending weddings and funerals. You would be instituting new and harsher restrictions at the very time the pandemic was ending.”
The title of his article, perhaps explains his message even better: “Stop the Vaccine-Passport Revenge Fantasy.”
As attorney and author JD Vance recently explained, “what these passports threaten to do is devolve into a Chinese-style social credit system, enforced by our corporate overlords. Orange County residents should question why their public health director Dr. Clayton Chau proposed vaccine passports in the first place.
“Once you build the architecture for this kind of enforcement regime, it’s easy to use it to reward ‘good’ behaviors or penalize ‘bad’ ones, Vance said.
All for an experimental vaccine for a virus that is 99.98% recoverable.
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Newsom will be blamed for things like this “vaccine passport” idea. More anger and more support for recall.
You are absolutely right about that, Raymond.
If anyone out there would like to donate to the Recall effort, and can spare it, visit the official Recall Gavin website and click on the “Donate” button:
Amazed Comrades
Who would have believed your friends, neighbors, relatives would sell you out as a “potential” malcontent of the “state”.
So be it, a short trip to the mental hospital, or bus ride to the gulag. You deserve the proper official guidance…..
katrina foley is a danger to civil society and the rule of law
No sane human being can support her or her ideas
Katrina Foley has surely drank all the koolaid. Every drop.
The problem however, is not Katrina Foley, but the people who will mask, social distance, refuse to go to work, and so on just because someone in some level of government tells them to.
The most damaged by the events of the last year are the children. You see them every day. Poor kids scared behind their masks. Kids who have embraced them as a new necessary fashion item. Those kids will never take off their masks.
The children will have the hardest time adjusting when life goes back to normal. Their developing minds have been conditioned to wear masks and be afraid of people. That is the true shame for the last year.
Every voting cycle I spend hours upon hours looking for extremely hard to find information on candidates, particularly those local positions, like County Supervisor. Katrina Foley just made it easier for me to eliminate one of the candidates from District 2 Supervisor. Thanks, Katrina!
Per Heinlein’s The Notebooks of Lazarus Long. :
– In a mature society, “civil servant” is semantically equal to “civil master.”
– When a place gets crowded enough to require ID’s, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere.
More here:
Excerpts from the Notebooks of Lazarus Long http://www.branedy.net/?page_id=32
Having lived 2000 years gives you a lot of wisdom.
Just a thought.
Anyone who has ever attended or followed a Supervisors or City Council meeting, anywhere in California, knows that 700 residents signing up to speak at such a meeting is a HUGE DEAL. Earth-shattering and record-breaking, actually, in that context. And that they spoke passionately tells the rest of the story about how all residents vehemently oppose a “vaccine passport” or anything that even slightly smells like one.
Exactly! 700 people who normally just want to get on with their lives is a huge deal!
I was speaking with one of our city council-members who happens to be a PHD in mathematics. He said for every person that has the courage to get up and speak there are 9 silent who stand with that person.
So it is a big deal.
J.D. Vance described this action very well, “Once you build the architecture for this kind of enforcement regime, it’s easy to use it to reward ‘good’ behaviors or penalize ‘bad’ ones, Vance said.
Fauci and ilk are encouraging this unconstitutional garbage. He knows full well the government cannot issue these orders but private corporations may risk a lawsuit to require vaccine proof such ad the SF Giants organization and SF Warriors, cruise lines, etc.
Yes, Cali Girl, you’ve made such excellent points.
Not sure how this Katrina Foley character even got elected in her supervisor district in the first place. As “Tomorrow” points out below she ran against John Moorlach! Seriously? And won the seat? What the heck, did that district turn communist overnight? Because her point of view has been the same since she was a widely-criticized city council member and as Mayor of Costa Mesa as I recall. In any event she needs to be defeated in the next election. Who knows, maybe down in the O.C. they’re thinking about recalling her ASAP after this latest dust-up.
I was thinking the same thing, the O.C. has been historically conservative. They are one of the last counties in the state to swing blue. The Dems want to control at every level. They also are going after their current D.A. and working overtime to put in a Soros funded D.A. We cannot forget ballot harvesting and those walk up ballot boxes (easy to stuff). I am afraid the O.C. has a target on it’s back.
Same scenario in San Diego . The Obama administration also resettled many refugees down there. Biden is now doing the same with the migrant families.
Politics is an ugly business. I wish the good people of Orange County a successful push back! Keep up the good fight to keep your liberty! Time to recall Katrina Foley.
“These individuals are mostly people who don’t believe in vaccinating in the first place. They’re also people who in the past year have denied that COVID exists, denied the pandemic, have marched on our United States Capitol, participated in the insurrection,” said Foley.
Apparently not wanting to carry your proof of injection is proof that you are not only anti-science by a terrorist who wants to overthrow the government?
This totalitarian just spilled the beans on their real agenda. Either you comply or we treat you as a terrorist.
Hair-raising, isn’t it? And they are disturbingly open about their plans for us, aren’t they?
Would what Katy Grimes has often summed up be too long a chant for the next BOS or City Council meeting? Or Clean Sweep for CA campaign rally? Here it is:
“All for an experimental vaccine for a virus that is 99.98% recoverable.”
At least it is compact and clear enough to repeat endlessly at the podium next time around.
Notice how we are still civilized and respectful and peaceful on our side in the face of these outrageous betrayals by our local so-called leaders.
“These individuals are mostly people who don’t believe in vaccinating in the first place. They’re also people who in the past year have denied that COVID exists, denied the pandemic, have marched on our United States Capitol, participated in the insurrection,” said Foley. THIS IS A RECKLESS STATEMENT! Vaccine passports are an infringement of the Constitution and will pave the way for future government overreach.
Wasn’t this the ding dong that defeated Moorlach and the GOP in Orange county?
California GOP once again snatches defeat from the arms of victory!
CaGOP needs to fight these battles like the “gimmedats” and get off of their moral high horse!
Communists among us for sure…….expect a tattoo or two to shop, seek medical care, travel, hug your favorite Commissar-
For believers, the vaccine passport is the prototype “mark of the Beast.”
How long until woke corporations will not allow you to buy from them without one?
Yes, we must have complete freedom. Not just freedom to not wear masks and do whatever we want wherever we want during a pandemic that has only killed 20 times as many as the flu in a typical year, but much more than that. We need the right to be able to drive in whichever direction we want on the highway, to use firearms of any kind – on anyone who pisses us off, to burn as much coal as we want, smoke anywhere we wish, break into state and federal capitals and threaten the lives of lawmakers who do not agree with us. That’s what America is all about. Freedom from the tyranny of rules and laws and stuff like that. My God. Keeping track of those who have been vaccinated? How dare anyone even suggest such a thing!?
What are you talking about?
Why is it anyone’s business if I was vaccinated? Do you want to know if I was vaccinated for TB or HPV or Shingles? Would you feel safer going into into Trader Joes or getting on plane if you knew the person next to you was vaccinated for other contagious diseases. Guess what there are people walking around with TB and you have no idea!
We vaccinate to protect ourselves not others!
Bottom line it is none of your God Damn business or the clerk at a grocery store or at baseball stadium! It is private health information. HIPAA anyone? Bill of Rights anyone?
So tell me Freedom are ya wearing a brown shirt right now?