PG&E Warns of a Large Number of Planned Blackouts in 2021
High winds, dry conditions expected to increase wildfire conditions later this year
By Evan Symon, June 12, 2021 2:55 am
Energy provider Pacific Gas and Electric, which provides power for 16 million Californians between North State California to the outskirts of the greater Los Angeles area, announced of Friday that customers should prepare for another high temporary power outage season due to the wildfire season nearing.
Following the disastrous 2018 Camp Fire that claimed the lives of over 80 people in the town of Paradise and destroyed over 18,000 structures, PG&E was found to be at fault for, among other things, having faulty transmission wiring and not clearing dry brush, and was subsequently ordered to pay over $24,5 billion in fines and settlements. The rapid rise of insurance claims against the company also brought PG&E into bankruptcy in early 2019. After nearly being taken over by the state, the company eventually exited bankruptcy under strict terms in July 2020, and has since continued to pay fines for various wildfires across the state.
As a precaution, the company also instituted planned blackouts to avoid any more costly wildfires, especially during dry or high wind situations. However, that decision left hundreds of thousands of Californians without power for days on end in 2019 and 2020.
Despite judges ordering PG&E to ramp up efforts to inspect power lines, clear brush, and trim trees to reduce wildfire risk, PG&E noted earlier this year that they are far behind in their efforts to reduce wildfire risk.
That, along with high winds expected to be back, and drier than usual conditions across Northern and Central California due to the drought, led PG&E to announce that blackouts would be returning in 2021, albeit, according to PG&E officials, not being as bad as the 2019 planned blackouts.
“The big, big variable that’s unpredictable here is the wind,” said PG&E Risk Officer Sumeet Singh earlier this week. “But in all the forecasts that we’ve done, we do not see ourselves getting back to the same kind of power outage events like we saw in 2019.”
PG&E said in their press release that, in addition to shutdowns, homeowners should keep a 100 foot defensible space around their home and keep out flammable materials to hinder wildfire growth.
Planned blackouts and wildfire protection
“As California heads into wildfire season and with 77 percent of the state facing extreme or exceptional drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, PG&E urges customers and the communities it serves to prepare now and take safety precautions to reduce wildfire risk,” said the company in their release on Thursday. “California law requires homeowners to maintain 100 feet of defensible space around homes and structures, or to the property line, by clearing out flammable materials such as brush or vegetation to help halt the progress of an approaching wildfire. This defensible space also provides for firefighter safety while they protect homes during a wildfire.
“According to the Fire Safe Council of Santa Cruz County, creating a buffer around your home does not mean you need a ring of bare dirt surrounding your property. With proper planning, you can have a fire safe home and a beautiful landscape. The general concept is that trees should be kept farthest from the house, shrubs can be closer, and lawns and bedding plants can be the closest.
“During severe weather, PG&E may need to turn off power for public safety as high winds can cause tree branches or debris to contact energized electric lines, which could damage electrical equipment and cause a major wildfire.
“Extreme weather threats can change quickly. PG&E’s goal, dependent on weather and other factors, is to send customer alerts through automated calls, texts, and emails at 48 hours, again at 24 hours, and once more just prior to shutting off power.”
PG&E also suggested clearing brush off of roofs, trimming trees, and looking into programs provided by PG&E for power outage assistance, such as generator rebate programs.
Critics, however, pointed out that PG&E is possibly preparing for larger than normal power outages despite saying previously that they wouldn’t be as bad as 2019.
“They’re trying to be the good guy here,” Dory Isley, a former customer relations supervisor for a power company, explained to the Globe on Friday. “But they are offering rebates on power generators. They are talking portable batteries. This isn’t some small-scale thing. They are expecting big swaths out. I haven’t seen wording like this since I worked in the Southeast when power companies sent out hurricane guidance.”
“They’re trying to play it off, but in reality they don’t want people rally against them for all of these power outages that they themselves are partially to blame for not fixing things fast enough. They even put some blame on the people, pointing out state laws there.
“Bottom line, they’re deflecting on how much the blackouts are still going to be their fault.”
California wildfire season is expected to begin in early July, although many experts note that, due to the environmental conditions, it is more of a soft season beginning, with large wildfires being possible at any time.
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California now has a “Blackout Season”. Priceless.
This issue alone could lose Newsom the recall election. Close your eyes if you will and imagine sitting in your lovely rustic electricity-free home in Fresno in August. The water pipes are dry, so the farm crops are all but DEAD. But thank goodness the 5 smelt fish in the delta are doing well. Your family farm has been relying heavily on tax-payer funded farm subsidies lately because your crops just can’t make it to harvest, let alone to market in these heavily regulated Marxist conditions. Thankfully that redistribution of wealth keeps the farm in the family and some money in your pocket to pay the bills – for now. Despite your wet pits, when your eyes are closed it’s actually a calming and heavenly utopia with no end in sight. Thank you Comrade Newsom. Ya right! RECALL NEWSOM!
To quote Tom McClintock: Droughts are controlled by Mother Nature (God). Water shortages and power shortages are caused by a lack of diligent planning by man kind.
HUGE leadership fail here.
The state is running an active campaign of terror with malice aforethought against the citizens of this state.
Tom McClintock for GOVERNOR. not Caitlyn Jenner…
This makes perfect sense to force all new homes to be built with only electricity.
Well good luck with those portable batteries for your all electric car when you are trying to escape a fire!
An assemblyman proposed a suspension of the financial demand made on PGE by the greenies. This temporary financial relief would allow PGE the monies needed to clear the brush, trees and replace old and dangerous transformers.
HIs proposal was defeated by the Democratic controlled assembly and our idealistic, narcissitic Governor.
The long term plan of the Marxists is a state take-over of PG&E. They want to use “eminent domain” to confiscate the assets; including the shares owned by stockholders. Can’t remember the name of the lunatic who introduced the idea.
Almost no one in my area clears the 100′ required space around their home and the state does not enforce it. There is such a thing as personal responsibility.
Don’t know where you live CW, but in El Dorado county there seem to be LOTS of RULES regarding clearing your own land. Most of the rules and fees, as you say, seem to put the burden on the land owner. Perhaps fewer rules and regulations and simpler codes would encourage more owner maintenance: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/longrangeplanning/environmental/Documents/FAQ-ORMP-Oak-Conservation-Ord-1-29-18.pdf
The 100′ rule is from CalFire and they do not enforce it, neither does the federal forest service. I see homes everywhere with brush and dead trees all around the house. As far as I know we don’t have any other local rules. Rules or not homeowners all know about fire and clearance but are either too lazy or too cheap to do it. Then there are the greens who don’t believe in such things.
As we amp up the recall on Gavin Newsom we also need to end PG&E this criminal organization and Newsom need a RICO investigation. That being said get your END PG&E signs ready….Also have your Newsom murdered my grandma signs 4th is going to be here soon get ready….