San Francisco Mayor London Breed. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
San Francisco Mayor Announces Vaccine Proof Needed For Most Public Indoor Businesses
‘A lot of us rely on tourists, so it will cut at least 20% or 30% into our businesses’
By Evan Symon, August 13, 2021 4:03 pm
San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced on Thursday that the city of San Francisco would be requiring customers and employees aged 12 and up to provide proof of being fully vaccinated to enter most public indoor places such as restaurants, bars, and gyms.
According to Mayor Breed’s announcement, most high contact indoor establishments will be covered under the strict new mandate. In addition to restaurants, bars, and gyms, clubs, theaters, entertainment venues, and fitness establishments in general are covered. The main exception to the new vaccination mandate will be for those who are there to order or pick-up food.
In addition, proof of vaccination for those aged 12 and older will be needed for large events at indoor venues with 1,000 people or more. Self attestation of getting a vaccine or a negative COVID-19 test instead of vaccination proof will be no longer accepted to get in. Outdoor events with 5,000 people or more such as concerts or sporting events will not be requiring similar vaccination mandates, but will strongly encourage them to adopt the measure, hinting at possible future mandate additions.
Mandatory vaccines for health care workers and city employees were also expanded in Thursday’s action, requiring workers at adult day centers, residential care facilities, dental offices, home health aides, and pharmacists to get the vaccine.
The order is due to take effect August 20th for customers and patrons and October 13th for employees, giving the latter two months to get fully vaccinated.
Mayor Breed and the city of San Francisco drew up the new order due to the recent spread of COVID-19, particularly the delta variant, among unvaccinated people. In addition to protecting more people, the order is designed to still allow San Francisco’s economic recovery progress by allowing businesses to stay open and serve customers.
“We know that for our city to bounce back from the pandemic and thrive, we need to use the best method we have to fight COVID-19 and that’s vaccines,” Breed said Thursday. “Many San Francisco businesses are already leading the way by requiring proof of vaccination for their customers because they care about the health of their employees, their customers, and this City. This order builds on their leadership and will help us weather the challenges ahead and keep our businesses open. Vaccines are our way out of the pandemic, and our way back to a life where we can be together safely.”
“This is to protect kids, is to protect those who can’t get vaccinated, is to make sure that we don’t go backwards, is to make sure that I never have to get up in front of you and say, ‘I’m sorry, I know we just reopened and now the city is closed again because we are seeing too many people die’.”
More vaccination mandates in San Francisco despite a 78% vaccination rate
Despite many businesses in favor of the new mandate, and 78% of San Franciscans aged 12 and up already vaccinated, a large number of businesses, and particularly those that cater to tourists, spoke out against the mandate on Friday.
“Sure, 78% of the city may be vaccinated, but tourists are way less so,” said David Motta, an assistant manager of a business nearby Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco to the Globe on Friday. “A lot of us rely on tourists, so it will cut at least 20% or 30% into our businesses. That’s a critical percentage. That’s profit. Do you have any idea how much rent is in tourist areas? We need that higher traffic. But if we can’t allow a significant portion of them, we are hurt.”
“I’m glad it’s not a full-scale lockdown again, but this isn’t exactly encouraging us to grow economically either. Vaccines mean something else to different people. But to business owners, it now means deciding if you want to try and keep a great employee who doesn’t want it or not accepting customers who can keep your business afloat. I don’t think Breed remotely understands the economics of this.”
San Francisco now joins New York City as the only American cities with indoor business vaccine requirements, albeit with San Francisco’s fully vaccinated mandate being stronger than New York’s one dose required rule. Other cities, including many in California, are expected to follow the two cities leads in the coming weeks.
Remember a year ago all these Democrats were against the vaccines? That’s because it was the Trump vaccine! But now that FORMER Vice President Joe Biden is “sitting” in the White House the vaccines are gonna cure everything!
But to business owners, it now means deciding if you want to try and keep a great employee who doesn’t want it or not accepting customers who can keep your business afloat. I don’t think Breed remotely understands the economics of this.
Democrats were against the vaccines? That’s because it was the Trump vaccine! But now that FORMER Vice President Joe Biden is “sitting” in the White House the vaccines are gonna cure everything!
This makes me sick to think of it. All it is is jackboot-on-your-neck stuff. City of L.A. is poised to do this too. County of L.A. is “taking two weeks to look at it,” but I don’t hold out much hope given the makeup of the Board of Supervisors, probably four that would vote Yes of the five total and nothing can sway them because, frankly, they’re totalitarian dictators. L.A. City Council president, that annoying Nury Martinez, only sees fit to have a temper tantrum that the un-vaccinated “don’t have rights” to be un-vaccinated, and are wrecking the vaccinateds good time. Can you imagine? I won’t go through all the reasons for not getting a vaccine; Globe readers know them all, and arguments don’t work with these people anyway, they are tyrants. This is completely and utterly unreasonable and scary, too.
Just one more good reason to stay out of San Francisco.
I will keep my muk-boots in the shed, no need to pull them out, if I keep off the feces filled streets of San Francisco.
Liberty is dead in San Francisco the home of Gov. Gav.
If you want to end this nonsense, start by voting to RECALL Gavin Newsom.
This will spread like wildfire as long as he keeps his emergency powers, he feels emboldened as well as London Breed!
Spread of delta variant? If, according to the cdc, the PCR test couldn’t distinguish between the flu and covid, then what test is being used that can distinguish variants of a variant?
This is a question direct at you, Evan, because these are your words,”Mayor Breed and the city of San Francisco drew up the new order due to the recent spread of COVID-19, particularly the delta variant, among unvaccinated people.”
The pandemic is over. What we have now is fear mongering and propaganda. You know how many people are in ICU with Covid in California? 1555. You know how many hospitals there are in California? 1555. So that’s one ICU patient per hospital. One. Does that sound like a pandemic to you? Does that sound like a dire emergency? You know what the death rate in in California? 4 in 10 million people. I would not be surprised if more people are dying from the common cold than that.
And once again, those with their own antibodies are where in this scenario? I feel bad for the small businesses getting hit in the shins again. No desire to visit SF in its current state. Vote Yes on the Recall of Gavin Newsom because its coming your way to!
I know, Stacy, the proof of these tin god politicians’ lies is that they NEVER talk about immunity from having had COVID, they never talk about vaccine risk and adverse events including death, they never talk about the vaccine’s lack of FDA approval, they never talk about treatment options, well-known by now to most sensible people, which have grown and blossomed since March of 2020, and they never address the illegality — never mind how it is UNETHICAL — of their forced vaccine policies.
But showandtell, it is safe, so says the politicians. Don’t you trust politicians? After all they seem to know what is best for health on an everyday basis. SARCASM! The more research I do on the mRNA vaccines the more apprehensive I get. Look back at 2017 mRNA studies that were stopped, its very interesting. I have to say I love learning, and I am learning a lot, to NOT trust this vaccine at all! The information is out there for those who wish to learn and educate themselves before getting vaccinated. Buyer beware!
This will be coming here to LA next. Actually it looks like it going to be mandated around the world. WTF. I feel like there is no hope. They are going to force us all to put these chemicals in our bodies. Why aren’t people filling the streets to oppose this like what’s going on around the world. Americans are just rolling over and going to take this. This vaccine is experimental not even approved by the fda… Only for emergency authorization use. They have no data on the long term effects of these vaccines.. If your not willing to fight or die for your freedom then you don’t deserve it.
Heads up, Los Angeles —– there’s a rally at City Hall at 2 p.m. today:
Am I losing it, because this seems like a form of discrimination???
Enough Already: If you mean racial discrimination in addition to vaxx v. unvaxx discrimination, you’re right. It is my understanding that only one quarter of blacks have been vaccinated, making the vaccination passport a de facto racist policy. Which is, of course, only one of the hundreds of problems with it, but it’s a glaring one that will ultimately be a major problem for these tin god Dem/Marxist politicians who are attempting to mandate the vaccine and punish the “un-vaccinated.”
What’s more, Enough Already, I would like to add that these tin god goofballs have no legal authority to do what they are doing, no moral authority to do it, and they may not be able to get away with it politically, either. Three of the council members’ heads are already on the Recall Chopping Block, do they really want more? And they gain nothing by calling more attention to themselves by doing this stuff, which only insures that they will be recalled or voted out eventually. Up till now they’ve been mostly able to work in the dark, because no one but the gadflies and activists have gone up against them
Am I in hell now? Complete discrimination, I will violently object, get ready any business that prevents me from entering
Cheer up! There’s a potty break exception. It reads as follows:
“Covered Businesses may allow patrons wearing a Well-Fitted Mask to come indoors to use a restroom without requiring patrons to show proof they are Fully Vaccinated.”
You can download the whole ordinance at https://sfdph.org/dph/alerts/files/C19-07-Safer-Return-Together-Health-Order.pdf
Thanks for posting.
Anthony is right. 100%. There are some very interesting exemptions in this new law. My personal favorite is the one for church choirs. Didn’t they do an entire study on this one well established vector for transmission of Covid?
“Religious Gatherings. Service leaders of indoor public religious gatherings, including by
way of example but not limitation, choirs, may remove their Well-Fitted Mask while
actively performing religious services. ” Read more at: https://sfdph.org/dph/alerts/files/C19-07-Safer-Return-Together-Health-Order.pdf
Digital Covid vaccine registry IS a vaccine passport in disguise! It is the beginning of your medical information no longer being confidential. And you get your own special QR code, as if you are a menu during a pandemic!
Do not comply. There is no vaccine available. Its an experimental drug. I t has 2 mores years of testing and it dose not stop the COBID19,FDA fact sheet states there is no vaccine that protects against COVID19. RECALL GAVIN.
What happens if you get injured or killed by the vaccine. There is no liability by Pharmaceuticals Company. the Mayor can not dictate the laws. You are the only one on this planet that decides what you do to your body. Trust me God has built the immune system possible. I guarantee it works better Than Facuci poison research aids’ THINK
It’s not a vaccine. Let’s stop calling it that. The definition of vaccine includes the word ‘Immunity’, which this shot, clearly doesn’t provide.
Vaccination: Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. This “Vaccine” prevents nothing; it should not be called a vaccine.
If you take the experimental mRNA COVID19 “vaccine” that is NOT a vaccine under legal definitions by the public health law, CDC, and FDA, all your information is entered into a state registry. You must consent to this to receive the experimental mRNA injections plus you must also sign a waiver of liability on the person that injects you with the “vaccine” and everyone else associated with you receiving the “vaccine.” If you die, get injured temporarily or permanently, you will NOT be able to file a lawsuit. You will be responsible for all of your medical bills and loss of wages. It’s all on you. You take all the lieftime health risks with the COVID19 mRNA “vaccine.”
It’s a LOSE, LOSE situation for anyone that takes the “vaccine” and a WIN, WIN $$$ for the pharmaceutical companies, and all of their investors that will reap billions of dollars every year on the billions of foolish people that blindly trusted them with their health. The pharmaceutical companies have ZERO liability on your death or injury from their so called “experimental” mRNA “vaccines.”
Many aspects of Covid-19 and subsequent vaccine development are unprecedented for a vaccine deployed for use in the general population. Some of these includes the following.
1.First to use PEG (polyethylene glycol) in an injection (see text)
2.First to usemRNAvaccine technology against an infectious agent
3.First time Moderna has brought any product to market
4.First to have public health officials telling those receiving the vaccination to expectan adverse reaction
5.First to be implemented publicly with nothing more than preliminary efficacy data (see text)
6.First vaccine to make no clear claims about reducing infections, transmissibility, or deaths
7.First coronavirusvaccine ever attempted in humans
8.First injection of genetically modified polynucleotides in the general population
See here https://bit.ly/3gu1DUX and https://bit.ly/3g8zLFm
Imagine if during AIDS in the 80’s, San Francisco had demanded random HIV-test checks to enter a gay sex club?
Another California dumb-dumb wanting to wield power locally to “climb the ladder” to bigger things. Mayor is making more enemies playing dick-tator. If any decent law officers are left in Commie-fornia, they’d lock her a** for violating her own rules. You too, Lightfeet.