The California Civil Code, in Division 3, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 2, provides for joint or several obligations. Section 1430 states that an obligation imposed upon several persons, or a right created in favor of several persons, may be...
In the California Civil Code, Division 3, Part 4, Title 1.5, there is the “Consumers Legal Remedies Act.” Chapter 1 contains general provisions. Section 1750 provides the title of the act as the CLRA. Section 1751 specifies that any waiver...
Is a statute presumed to operate retroactively? In California, as in most states, a statute is presumed to operate prospectively. How do California courts generally view applying a statute’s provisions? In Quarry v. Doe I (2012) 53 Cal.4th 945, 955,...
California law regulates the sale and manufacture of political items pursuant to Title 1.1 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the California Civil Code. Section 1739 prohibits any person from selling, advertising for sale, of offering for sale any political...
California’s statutes are contained in 29 separate codes. The second alphabetically is the Civil Code. All 29 Codes have general provisions applicable to reading and interpreting that Code’s sections. The following are selected general provisions of the Civil Code: Section...
California’s Civil Code contains definitions and sources of law. These provisions were added in 1951. There are three sections in this part of the Civil Code. Section 22 provides that “law is a solemn expression of the will of the...