Tag: California slavery compensation
California Democrats’ Backdoor Reparations Scheme
California Democrats have 14 reparations-related bills introduced this session. They are the first bills to come following the California Reparations Task Force’s final list of recommendations which are an attempt to legalize racial discrimination. The latest is a bill to...
New Poll Finds 59% Of Californians Outright Oppose Cash Reparation Payments
According to a new UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) poll released during the weekend, 59% of all Californians oppose cash reparations payments, with only 28% in favor of them, slowing the momentum for any possible legislation for a...
California Reparations Task Force Releases Final Reparations Report
The California Reparations Task Force released their final report Thursday, outlining more than 100 recommendations on how descendants of slaves in California could receive some form of compensation. Since the Task Force was first put together in late 2020, the Task...
Reparations Task Force To Have Final Meeting On Thursday
The California Reparations Task Force entered their final week of meetings to make last minute tweaks to their final reparations recommendations report Monday, with the final report due to the state legislature on Friday. Since the Task Force was first...
New PPIC Poll Finds Only 39% of California Voters Support Reparations Task Force Task Force
A new Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) poll released this week found that only 39% of voters in California support the idea of a Reparations Task Force, showing a huge lack of support for the group only weeks before...
Equity vs. Equality: California Reparations Commission Wants to Legalize Racial Discrimination
“With a ‘Reparations Management Council’ to operate independent of the government of San Francisco, what could possibly go wrong?” the Globe asked earlier this week. San Francisco resident Richie Greenberg has identified that the San Francisco Reparations Plan “installs a...