The Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to approve an ordinance prohibiting homeless encampments within 500 feet of schools and day care centers. Also on Tuesday, a federal judge issued an order forbidding Sacramento police and city officials from clearing homeless...
“Why aren’t women in upper income neighborhoods pressing charges against transients who attack them in the park or break windows to their home?” a friend asked after learning of a violent break-in attempt in our residential neighborhood. “What is this...
A 24-hour homeless respite center on the outermost fringe of the City of Sacramento will be turned into a 50-bed homeless shelter – right next door to the Sacramento Children’s Receiving Home, Renfree Baseball Park, and Del Paso Regional Park....
The number of homeless living on Sacramento streets has increased over the past three years, according to the new Point-in-Time count released by Sacramento Steps Forward, the City of Sacramento reports. However, based on interviews with homeless, they were living on...
California Senate Republicans announced Monday they are calling for investing $10 billion in California’s mental health crisis in the state’s burgeoning homeless population. The Republicans sent a letter to Senate Budget Chairwoman Nancy Skinner and Assembly Budget Chairman Phil Ting,...
The City of Sacramento is spending more than $44 million to provide eight homeless shelters and camping options, most not yet built or ready, and three Project Homekey motel conversions. According to city officials, “most of that comes from state...
Sacramento City Manager Howard Chan “raised an alarm this week about funding for the city’s existing homeless shelters even as the City Council pushes to open more large sites to address the community’s growing homelessness crisis,” the Sacramento Bee reported...