Tag: Constitution
Frequently Asked Questions about Expulsion or Suspension of State Legislators
Which branch of government determines who can hold a legislative office? California’s Constitution, in Article IV, Section 5, provides that the Legislature is the judge of its Members and their ability to hold office. What does the state Constitution provide...
The Slaughter Over Juneteenth Weekend
As many Americans celebrated the end of slavery over the weekend leading up to June 19, called Juneteenth, dozens of people were wounded or murdered in violent attacks across the country. The Associated Press reports on over 103 shootings in...
Tom Bane Civil Rights Act in California
Civil Code Section 52.1(a) created the Tom Bane Civil Rights Act, which provides that, if a person, whether or not acting under color of law, interferes by threat, intimidation, or coercion, or attempts to interfere by threat, intimidation, or coercion,...
Lawsuit Brews Over SF School Board Decision To Close Schools on Two Muslim Holidays
A decision earlier this month by the San Francisco School Board to allow two days off this year for two Islamic holy days in April and June faced multiple new legal challenges this week as many parental, religious, and legal...
California Election Law – Constitutional Provisions
California’s elections are governed by Article II of the state Constitution, as well as the extensive Elections Code. Article II, which deals with voting, initiatives, referendums, and recall, was amended by Proposition 14 on the June 9, 1976 ballot. Article...
Why Is the Governor in Article IV of the California Constitution?
When reading the California Constitution, we find that Article IV relates to the legislative branch of state government. Section 1 of Article IV grants lawmaking authority to the Legislature. On the other hand, Article V relates to the executive branch...