Tag: do no harm
Two Doctors File Lawsuit Challenging California Law Requiring ‘Implicit Bias’ Training in Medical Education
Two California doctors are challenging a state law that requires them to call the doctors they teach racists. In 2019, California passed Assembly Bill 241 by then-Assemblywoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove (D-Los Angeles), requiring that starting in 2022 teachers of continuing medical...
Doctors Without Ethical Borders
Since the time of Hippocrates, medicine has had one common thread – first, do no harm. Often, the harm done is only clear in retrospect – bloodletting, various treatments involving toads, the “humours” system of diagnostics all seem just plain...
Are California Business Owners Fighting the Illegal Lockdown Orders?
A friend who lives in Beverly Hills, CA sent a text message Tuesday evening: “Beverly Hills city leaders unanimously oppose LA County’s outdoor dining ban.” This friend, and many others, have been fighting the Los Angeles County public health orders...
More California Elected Officials Violate Their Own Business Lockdown Orders
In another stunning act of hypocrisy, after ordering restaurants in Los Angeles to close, former State Senator, now Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl enjoyed an outdoor meal at a Santa Monica restaurant last Tuesday, Fox News reported. San Jose Mayor...
Gov. Newsom Smothers California’s Economy With Lockdown Orders, then Offers Small Biz ‘Relief’ Grants
Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to expand his stay-at-home lockdown orders for most of California. He said so Monday in a press conference. He is taking a lot of well-deserved heat for smothering the state’s economy and suffocating most small businesses....