Tag: drug dealing
Gaslighting the Public on Recidivism
A story posted in the online edition of the Sacramento Bee reports that after California’s 2016 adoption of Proposition 57, “The Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act,” recidivism went down according to a report from state’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation...
Data Indicate That Zero Bail Results in More Crime
Data released last September by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services provided researchers at the Manhattan Institute with the necessary information to compare the rearrest rate for offenders prior to the state’s 2020 bail reform law with...
SacBee Calls Parents ‘Angry, Violent, Toxic’ While Touting City’s New Community Organizer Hire
The Sacramento Bee recently published a news article calling angry and frustrated California parents “violent” and “toxic extremists.” Within days the Bee published another article touting Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s latest hire: a former Community organizer to run Sacramento’s new...
Turning Sacramento Into a ‘No-Go’ Zone?
Earlier this week, the Sacramento City Council voted unanimously to pass a “public safety” resolution, but there is little safety involved. The resolution is intended to officially redefine public safety — Sacramento Police Department, Sacramento Fire Department, and Emergency Medical...