Tag: electricity generation
California Energy Commission Proposes State Takeover Of Oil Refineries
Just as Chevron Oil company announced that it is moving its headquarters to Houston Texas from San Ramon California, California Energy Commission regulators announced proposed government controls of the petroleum industry, ostensibly in order to combat future energy price surges,...
Chevron Exit Demonstrates How California Lawmakers Are Regulating Residents Out Of Business
The announcement of another major corporation leaving California is just the latest illustration of Sacramento lawmakers regulating residents out of business. On Friday, the iconic California oil giant formerly known as Standard Oil will mark the 145th anniversary of its...
Add Chevron to the Growing list of Businesses Fleeing California
California’s own Chevron Oil company is moving its headquarters to Houston, Texas from San Ramon, California, the latest big business to flee the Golden State. Chevron is in good company joining X/Twitter, Space X, Oracle, Hewlett Packard, Charles Schwab, and...
California Has Sacrificed its Energy Stability on the Altar of Green Energy ideology
State leaders’ energy mandates mean higher electricity prices for Californians. If you heard angry shouts of protest last month, it was likely your neighbors opening their electricity bills. These echoes of protest reverberated even more loudly in March when PG&E...
Shocking! Totalitarian Policies From California Lawmakers This Week
Last week the Globe reported on the left’s admiration of Vladimir Lenin on the 100 year anniversary of his death. Tony Rennell wrote in the UK Daily Mail in his article, “Why does the gullible Left still lionize Lenin as...
Ringside: Half of California’s Energy Comes from Crude Oil
Here’s a reality check that ought to keep politicians up at night in California. Despite being a sunny, solar friendly state, with ample areas blessed with high wind, California still derives 50 percent of its total energy from crude oil. Another...