Tag: ethnicity
Is DEI Ready To DIE?
While it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the term Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) became a specific term in the American lexicon, we can certainly trace the beginnings of its concepts to the middle part of the 20th century. In...
Alameda County Clings to Discriminatory Legacy for Government Contracts
Frederick Douglass, the American abolitionist and freedom fighter, fought tirelessly for equality under the law. In an 1857 speech condemning the Supreme Court’s thoroughly racist and ahistorical Dred Scott decision, he called for an America that keeps the promise stated...
Unity In The Garden Of Good And Evil
Unity. What does the word really mean? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word unity as “the quality or state of not being multiple: ONENESS.” Alternative definitions include “a condition of harmony,” and “the quality or state of being made one.” Yet...
AG Bonta Announces ‘Surge in Reported Hate Crimes’ 8 Weeks After Creation of ‘CA vs Hate’ Hotline
California Attorney General Rob Bonta just released the Hate Crime in California report Tuesday, prepared by the state Department of Justice. In early May the Globe reported on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s official launch of CA vs Hate, “a new...
Latino SF Cop Called Racist For Arresting Latino Drug Dealers
San Francisco cop Daniel Solorzano, who is Latino, is being accused of racism by leftist lawyers because he was only arresting Latino drug dealers in the Tenderloin district where he patrolled until recently. The rub is that only Latinos are...
CA’s Ethnic Studies Law Based on ‘Shoddy Works,’ Distorted Data, ‘Research Quicksand’
Last fall, California Gov. Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 101, a mandatory K-12 Ethnic Studies requirement authored by Assemblyman Jose Medina (D-Riverside). The governor vetoed Medina’s controversial previous version, Assembly Bill 331, saying it was “insufficiently balanced and inclusive” and would...