Tag: Franchise Tax Board
Did Hunter Biden Also Fail to Pay California Taxes?
Last week a public Whistleblower Complaint was successfully filed with the California State Auditor to investigate the Franchise Tax Board and whether Hunter Biden filed tax returns and paid taxes due California on time in the same period of 2014-2019...
Withholding Tax on Wages in California
In Division 6, Chapter 2, of the California Unemployment Insurance Code, it deals with the withholding and payment of taxes on wages. Section 13020 provides that every employer who pays wages to a resident employee for services performed either within...
California’s Last-Minute Budget Maneuver: Retroactive Corporate Taxes on Foreign Dividends
Imagine if, after carefully planning your household budget based on existing tax rules, you received a letter from the state demanding back taxes for the last five years. That’s exactly what the newest version of the Assembly’s budget proposes for businesses...
Franchise Tax Board To Take Back $360 Million In Unclaimed Middle Class Tax Refund Money Next Week
The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) prepared for over $360 million dollars to be reverted back to the State General Fund from the Better For Families Tax Refund Fund this week as much of the Middle Class Tax Refund money...
SB 220: New Tax Increases and Relief Proposal
On May 25, the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee gutted-and-amended Senate Bill 220 to put forth their tax reform package, which has received opposition from Governor Gavin Newman and would require a 2/3 vote of each house. Section 1...
Underground Economic Activities in California
Part 12.3 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the California Government Code concerns underground economic activities. Government Code Section 15925 authorizes an agency to request of information from the Employment Development Department, the California Department of Tax and Fee...