Kamala Harris is being portrayed by her supporters and campaign handlers as the savior of democracy, while previous, negative headlines critical of her are quickly being scrubbed from the internet and social media. This in efforts to portray her in...
Over the years, words have been used as self-identifiers in politics, only to see those words turned against those individuals or groups to great effect. Perhaps most notable of these tags is the word Liberal. For the longest time, Liberal...
California Senator Dianne Feinstein died this morning, thus bringing an end to a long career of public service. She was thrust into the spotlight when Mayor George Moscone was assassinated in San Francisco’s City Hall and the city’s Board of...
A new poll from UC Berkeley has found that over half of all Californians have given at least “some consideration” to move to another state. While California has seen a jump in moving outside the state in recent years, the...