Tag: Measure HHH
Rather Than Tough-on-Crime Policies, Sacramento Sues 7 Transients For Harassing Businesses
If Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg or any other member of the City Council committed the same crimes the transients are – assault, dealt drugs, committed robbery, masturbated in public, or pooped on the sidewalk in front of a business –...
While Cities’ Homeless Populations Surge, California’s Homeless Industrial Complex Grows
Cities throughout the state of California saw their homeless populations surge in the last two years. Yet, Democrat politicians try to normalize homelessness, while at the same time, try to make California residents accept epidemic levels of homeless as a...
The Homeless Industrial Complex
Los Angeles could be at risk of a deadly typhus epidemic this summer according to Dr. Drew Pinsky, an outspoken celebrity doctor and specialist in addiction medicine. Pinsky, a Los Angeles native, recently quoted on Fox News, said: “We have tens and tens...