If you happen to be at the Art Institute of Chicago, you can see Georges Seurat’s pointillist masterpiece, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. If you are not in Chicago, here’s the painting. Anyway, you’ve seen...
I returned to San Francisco the night before Trump made a fundraising stop here, an event hosted by tech mogul David Sacks, his wife Jacqeline and others. Even before my plane touched down, while still mid-flight, I was receiving phone...
Growing up, I was taught to avoid two topics of conversation: religion and politics. Yet even a casual study of history shows that these two spheres are all-too-common sources of human oppression. Perhaps, these are the most important subjects to...
Back when newspapers still existed – hey, get off my lawn you rotten kids! – there was a common nickname for a certain section of the paper. News, op-ed, sports, business, real estate, arts, local were all called what they...
In less than two weeks, voters in Los Angeles will have the opportunity to select a new mayor and nine of the 15 members of the city council. A positive outcome is unlikely. The cards are stacked. It’s reasonable to...
What has been for some time a shorthand to describe general political leanings no longer applies in the current political climate, and will not in the future. Left and right lay on a linear graph built upon a certain common...
As another summer of wildfires approaches, it is in the interest of every Californian to understand that California’s firefighters’ union, the California Professional Firefighters, is one of the most politically powerful unions in the state. This union has the power to...