Get ready for the return of Ol’ Black Eyes. Despite being told by experts that President Biden’s eyes appearing to be coal black – whenever he actually gives a not-embarrassing speech, that is – is merely a trick of the...
When Barack Obama burst onto the political scene with his electrifying slogan “Hope and Change,” he captivated the world. Yet beneath those words lay the seeds of a cultural conflict aimed at dismantling America’s foundations to rebuild it into a...
In the aftermath of the January 6 Capitol riot, a call from federal law enforcement went out far and wide: help us identify who was there. If you were a neighbor or a friend or an acquaintance of someone you...
As a California High School student I have major concerns that I would like to share about our current education system and how I feel the woke are dangerously grooming kids my age, and kids of all ages. It seems...
On November 5th, voters across the country will head back to the polls to see if they can fix everything currently going on in the nation. Now, that won’t happen, of course, and millions of people will have actually voted...
Governor Gavin Newsom is preparing an army of bureaucrats to protect California’s climate policies against a second Trump administration. You read that right. With California’s visible melt-down, the elitist governor is focused on climate change. In “California is preparing to...
With the latest comment from Democratic Congress Member Vicente Gonzalez, an odor of mendacity has metastasized into the foul odor of utter panic over the increasing abandonment of the Democratic Party by Latinos—long expected to have remained a loyal, silent...