This is the third and final installment in a series of reports on the impact of the California Environmental Quality Act on development in California and ways to potentially improve the law. It is written in response to hearings conducted...
Last week the Globe reported that Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas & Electric had just filed a proposal to create income-based utility billing. Currently, utility bills are based on electricity and gas consumption. The...
Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas & Electric filed a proposal on Thursday that would install a fixed-rate electric bill system for those under the three largest power companies in the state, the Globe reported....
Earlier this week I attended an event in downtown Sacramento produced by an industry trade association. One of the highlights of this event was a plenary session where a high ranking state politician addressed the crowd. The participants shall remain...
It has been said that the love of truth lies at the root of much humor. Biting, caustic, even sarcastic humor can make us uncomfortable when it points out weakness or odd proclivities. So is humor truth? A friend sent...
Anyone serious about ushering California into an electric age, much less the entire world, faces immutable facts that are indifferent to passions and principles. With algebraic certainty, these facts lead to uncomfortable conclusions: It is impractical if not impossible to...
Following Gavin Newsom’s signing of a bill this weekend to allow Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant to operate for another 5 years, many are scrambling to seek final approvals for not only final hurdles to keep the plant open, but...