In 2019, Santa Anita Park in Arcadia faced an unprecedented 37 horse deaths, spurring a flurry of protests as well as outrage from lawmakers and advocates. With two deaths so far in 2020, which have been reported to be largely...
‘I’ll tell you, talk about a sport whose time is up unless they reform.’ Gov. Newsom The District Attorney of Los Angeles found “no evidence of criminal wrongdoing,” in...
Santa Anita Park was the center of another protest and counter-protest over the future of horse racing Thursday, a week before the premier Breeder’s Cup next week. The issue is over the future of the sport itself due to a...
The 33rd horses death at Santa Anita Park since December of last year occurred early this month, calling into question the effectiveness of earlier legislative action. Beginning in December of last year, a large number of horses began dying at...