This past Sunday, the 77th Annual Golden Globe Awards took place at The Beverly Hilton Hotel, located in Los Angeles County, where three people a day die on the streets from homelessness. As host Ricky Gervais comically pointed out in...
“The trash they left behind, the needles, urination, and feces, kicking in my windows, all added to the difficulty of owning a business.” Another California business is closing its doors due to out of control regulations, homeless thieves, and...
‘We need our neighborhood back. We need public safety reforms and more police presence in our community, and higher numbers of law enforcement overall.’ In our last article we featured the issues affecting the historic Sacramento neighborhood of Land...
‘When homeowners believe that our politicians either don’t know what to do, ignore our complaints, or show us statistics about how good things are, their last resort is to leave.’ When you ask residents of Land Park in Sacramento...
The more people who stayed quiet, referring to themselves as the ‘silent majority,’ the worse it was for the ones who didn’t. As a California native, what I have seen happen to this state and my neighborhood, which used...