The 28th congressional district is one of the more unusual districts in California, in that it has a rare mix of urban, suburban, and rural parts cobbled in. It stretches from the center of Los Angeles up through the Silverlake...
While most districts that are in Orange County this election cycle are set to be battlegrounds, such as the close 49th district race, one that still ranks as ‘likely Democrat’ is the 45th district. Completely encompassed by the county with...
The ‘false debate’ is not the discussion that considers the enormous human cost of suppressing economic activity – it’s the discussion that pretends there is no such tradeoff. One in six working Californians has applied for unemployment insurance since...
Imagine if the nation was ruled by a dictatorship of doctors. It turns out the “experts” from Imperial College were wrong in their early computer model of the coronavirus. Imperial College originally predicted that more than 500,000 people could die...
The 12th Congressional District, which comprises most of San Francisco, has had Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in charge since redistricting almost a decade ago, and the region having her as a Congresswoman since the end of the...
Last year at this time, the 50th Congressional District, a large swath of land that stretches from the San Diego suburbs to the outskirts of the Salton Sea, was considered a lock for former Representative Duncan Hunter. However a scandal...
From his base at California’s Stanford University Hoover Institution, Thomas Sowell authored a series of thoughtful books, wrote a nationally syndicated column, and often appeared on television. In a 2016 column headlined “Farewell,” the 86-year-old economist pledged to “spend less...