Tag: Vote by mail
Is Gavin Newsom a Tyrant or is he Capable of Democracy?
I am frequently asked why I am so earnest about exposing Gavin Newsom’s record, leading many to question how he can be stopped. Newsom continues to fail up, never having had any close challenges for public office – not for...
California Initiative, Referendum and Recall Reform Act – A Pathway to Digital Petitions
With tremendous effort, conservatives across the State of California campaigned to recall the atrocity known as Governor Newsom in the year 2021. According to Ballopedia, “of the 12.8 million voters who participated in the election, 61.9% voted to retain Newsom,...
Permanent Vote by Mail in California
California law provides for permanent vote by mail status for voters. These provisions are contained in Division 3, Chapter 3. Section 3200 provides that a voter who qualifies under this chapter is entitled to become a permanent vote by mail...
21% of All Registered Voters Have Already Voted In Recall Election According To SOS Report
The California Secretary of State’s office reported on Thursday that 21% of all registered voters in California have turned in a Gubernatorial recall election ballot so far, with ballots being returned by mail currently being the majority favorite method of...
SOS Issues Guidance to Counties on ‘Print-Your-Own Ballot From Home’ Program
The Globe reported Sunday that the California Secretary of State may have invented a “print-your-own ballot from home” program just in time for the September 14th recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom through the Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBM)...
Legislature Authorized Opening California’s ‘Print-Your-Own Ballot From Home’ Program to Everyone
The Globe reported Sunday that California Secretary of State Shirley Weber may have invented a “print-your-own ballot from home” program just in time for the September 14th recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom through the Remote Accessible Vote by Mail...