Tag: water rationing
Gavin Newsom is Attempting to Play on a Stage Well Above His Pay Grade
On the heels of Democrats’ huge presidential loss last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom doubled down on stupid. He doubled down on arrogance, on smug bravado, on foolishness, on indiscrete loony ideas and policies. Perhaps before Newsom gets too full...
Ringside: More Water Supply Requires Industry Unity
Probably the most consequential and controversial water policy decisions in California involve how much water to pump out of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and into southbound aqueducts, and we’re in the middle of another one right now. For the last...
Ringside: Water Czars Ignore Solutions to Scarcity
The Delta Tunnel proposal exemplifies California’s political dysfunction. It will probably never get built, but it promises to dominate all discussions of major state and federal spending on water infrastructure for the next decade, preventing any other big ideas from...
Ringside: Water Rationing is the Worst Way to Build Resiliency
When a public policy decision is flawed, and the reasons it is flawed are simple and obvious, and the consequences are huge and costly, the appropriate response for a concerned observer is to call attention to the looming debacle. Not...
Top 50 Disasters Gov. Gavin Newsom Has Ushered into California
The blockbuster news this weekend that Obama Democratic Strategist David Axelrod advised President Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race after a damning poll showed him trailing behind former President Donald Trump, the New York Post reported. “David...
California Holds the Key to Western Water Security
Dams and aqueducts on the Colorado River make civilization possible in the American Southwest. But for the last 20 years, as a prolonged drought has gripped the region, withdrawals from the river have averaged 15 million acre-feet per year, while inflows into...