Tag: water storage
Citizens Ballot Initiative filed to Fulfill Funding of Long-Overdue California Water Projects
A citizens water group has filed for ballot title and summary with the California Secretary of State on a water abundance ballot initiative for the November 2022 ballot. The Water Infrastructure Funding Act of 2022, and the More Water Now...
Baltimore is just a City; California is a State Transforming into ‘Third World’ Ugly
California was once a thriving two party state. We replaced it with the current one party state, one party rule. Scholar and Central Valley resident Victor Davis Hanson calls California “America’s First Third-World State.” “’Third World’ has come to transcend...
Dam Sexism and Racism
Officials of the Oroville Dam, the Sacramento Bee reports, “stole equipment, cooked financial books to conceal wrongdoing, destroyed evidence and fostered a toxic culture of sexual and racial harassment that included slurs and nooses hung where a black worker would...