In the State of California, a felony conviction results in a lifetime ban from jury duty. This penalty cannot be restored. Or can it? A bill by Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) would allow convicted felons to serve on a jury....
Every session in the California State Senate opens with a prayer by the Senate Chaplain, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Tuesday May 28, instead of Sister Michelle Gorman offering the daily prayer, the prayer was given by Basim Elkarra,...
Since returning from El Salvador in April, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has advanced a plan to spend $98 million on health care for illegal immigrants ages 19-26 through the state’s Medi-Cal program. Democrats in the Assembly want to spend $3.4...
Los Angeles could be at risk of a deadly typhus epidemic this summer according to Dr. Drew Pinsky, an outspoken celebrity doctor and specialist in addiction medicine. Pinsky, a Los Angeles native, recently quoted on Fox News, said: “We have tens and tens...
A State Assembly resolution would urge University of California directors to remove a professor who made horrific remarks on social media about killing cops. However, last week Democrats refused to even hear the resolution. Assemblyman James Gallagher (R-Yuba City) authored...
Here are some interesting provisions about the three forms of direct democracy in California that are found in state statutes (along with the relevant section): Initiatives and Referenda Division 9 deals with measures submitted to the voters and contains Sections...
A bill by Sen. Anna Caballero (D-Salinas) to expedite California Environmental Quality Act provisions and judicial reviews on many types of developments, exposed a divide in the State Senate Thursday. The idea behind SB 25 is to expedite CEQA litigation,...