Despite coming up short, after running a stout and respectable campaign against Republican incumbent Tom McClintock in the battle over California’s 4th Congressional District, former California Senator Barbara Boxer made sure to show Democratic challenger Jessica Morse some love. Serving...
In a public statement released by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and other high ranking Democratic Senators, the Trump Administration has been put under the spotlight as the group aims to rescind a rule that punishing international students for violating their...
As longtime Democratic leader and party stronghold, Nancy Pelosi’s 2019 Speaker of the House bid is seriously driving a hard line between many House Democrats. And many newcomers are being pressured to make up their minds. As the California Globe...
With most races long finished throughout the state, one remains to be called as Democrat TJ Cox is less than 1,000 votes behind Republican incumbent David Valadao. The race, a battle over parts of Kern, Fresno and Tulare counties, is...
President Donald Trump and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-28) this week became engulfed in a fecal fracas. And neither man came out of it looking particularly good. On ABC’s “This Week” Sunday morning, Schiff doubled down on contentions by Democrats and...
Nancy Pelosi’s Speaker of the House bid appears to be in serious jeopardy after a group of sixteen Democrats released a letter opposing her leadership. Going public today, the letter—supported by 11 incumbents and four members-elect, plus a challenger in...
I want to pay homage to my dear friend and colleague Patricia Dean who died yesterday after suffering a bout of cancer. I owe much to her as does the University of Southern California. For six years until 2011 she...