The purpose of this article is to examine the constitutional provisions related to California’s Governor and some of the published appellate court decisions that provide insights into how these provisions are interpreted by the courts. Article V focuses on the...
California public schools aren’t your grandfather’s schools any longer. Today’s lesson plans are written by Social Justice Warriors and LGBT activists, and enshrined in the California education code. But what is being foisted on children as young as age...
Following the recent college admissions scandal, a California lawmaker is renewing a push to allow school districts to replace certain standardized tests given to high schoolers with free versions of a national aptitude test used by many colleges and universities...
Hawaii may be the first state to ban fur products. While this may seem laughable given the balmy tropical climate, a California lawmaker is also trying to ban fur products and clothing, ahead of the Hawaii ban, despite the many...
If you heard a primal scream emanating from 22nd Street yesterday, that was me reading the Vanity Fair headline “The Hard Truths and High Cost of the RussiaGate Scandal.” We have endured a ton of awful reporting over the last...
“If necessary, we will call Bob Mueller or others before our committee. Our predominant concern on my committee is: Was this president, is this president, compromised by a foreign power?” That was House Intel Committee boss Adam Schiff after the...
Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) announced Tuesday that he has authored legislation to put a wealth estate tax on the California ballot in 2020 in order to create a new tax for wealthy Californians. Wiener claims this new wealth tax...