Serious problems at the California Department of Motor Vehicles appear endless. In January we learned that DMV and county voter registrars told the California Secretary of State last year the motor Voter program was not ready. Motor Voter automatically registers...
Every year the Assembly introduces House Resolution 1 just prior to the January start date of the Legislature. HR 1 establishes the standing rules of the Assembly for the current legislative session. This year, I stumbled on a rule change which...
California Senator Kamala Harris, the possibly front-running Democratic presidential contender, attacked Donald Trump for his State of the Union address Tuesday night about an hour before he even gave it. Apparently, Harris just assumed she knew whatever Trump said would...
The purpose of this article is to provide general guidance to drafting bills and amendments in California. We first discuss some of the considerations for a bill drafter and then follow with examples of bill language addressing the major types...
California is run by a progressive elite who have decided to sacrifice the aspirations of ordinary residents on the altar of utopian dreams. It’s not working, but they’re doubling down, and at this point there’s no end in sight. The...
Border wall, border fence, or border barrier? Border security is certainly the most prominent issue currently facing the Republican Party but how to define it may be an even larger problem. While the government shutdown plagued Congress for over a...
While presidential hype surrounding the 2020 election has dominated political media outlets nationwide, one California Congressional District is already witnessing the early stages of a dogfight that promises to be nasty next year. It appears Republican Devin Nunes of Tulare...