On Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom’s office released Project Roomkey data showing that just over 7,000 of the nearly 17,000 state and FEMA-leased hotel rooms and trailers set aside for homeless use during the coronavirus pandemic have been filled. Lower than...
On Monday, thousands of undocumented immigrants crashed the California Department of Social Services website for several hours as they attempted to sign up for the state’s special ‘Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants’ stimulus payment. An increasing demand for stimulus money...
‘This Resolution is meant to restore a proper balance between the legislative and executive branches.’ Monday an Oregon judge declared “null and void” the pandemic-related emergency lockdown orders of Oregon Gov. Kate Brown in response to a lawsuit filed...
On Monday, Casinos in San Diego County began reopening despite several weeks of please from the local, state, and federal levels of government. Four casinos reopening in SD County this week Viejas Casino in Alpine fully reopened Monday along with...
At a press conference on Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that California would begin reopening hair salons, barbershops, in-store non-essential retail, and major sporting events sans spectators as early as June 1st. A June Phase 3 reopening The re-openings would...
The Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee Monday killed Senate Bills 1053 and 1054, authored by Senator John M. W. Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa), which would have increased access to medical care providers by allowing for multi-state licensing for nurses...
As of March, the private sector lost 110,609 jobs while government added 21,000 jobs, according to a report in the Orange County Register, April 19, 2020 The overall mortality rate from coronavirus in California as of May 14 is 0.01%...