On September 8th, 1966, the world was introduced to the greatest science fiction franchise in history. Star Trek: The Original Series hit the TV screens 56 years ago and has since amassed 13 movies, 8 television series, 3 animated shows,...
Renown screen actor Sidney Poitier died recently at the age of 94. Mr. Poitier was the first black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Homer Smith in Lilies of the Field in 1964....
Senator David Cortese (D-San Jose) has backed off from a proposed total ban on real firearms in movie sets this week, opting instead to focus on banning live ammunition in most film productions and instilling movie armorer credentialing requirements. In...
“What started with a whisper… will end with a bombshell” read the tantalizing trailer for the 2019 political drama “Bombshell.” This film depicts the 2016 fall of Roger Ailes at Fox News after Gretchen Carlson sued the media mogul for...
The rank hypocrisy displayed by Twitter has reached alarming, and kind of hilarious, new heights. Today’s trending fact check features the debunking of the viral rumor that President Trump criticized Alec Baldwin and supposedly wrote, “Now you’re going to prison,...
While Dr. Fauci and elected politicians continue to debate the right to celebrate All Hallows Eve due to ongoing Covid concerns, celebrities have returned after a seemingly endless summer of Hollywood Hypocrisy. They have done so both to excite and...
A bill to ban real guns and live ammunition from all film and theater sets was proposed over the weekend in response to the fatal accidental shooting of a cinematographer by actor Alec Baldwin at a movie set in New...