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Feral Swine

Record Public Safety and Judicial Pork Barrel Projects in California’s Largest State Budget

Part Vl: Public Safety and Judicial pork projects

By Katy Grimes, June 20, 2019 8:31 am

California’s largest state budget ever — $215 billion — is larded with a record number of local pork-barrel projects injected by individual legislators, often in exchange for “horse trading”  votes on passage of certain pieces of legislation. “Pork barrel” is a metaphor for the appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative’s district.

There is pork in every aspect of this budget as California Globe is reportingGeneral Government Augmentations in 2019-20 Budget, EducationResources and Transportation, Health and Human Services, and Public Safety and Judicial pork. 

This final article will address the Public Safety and Judicial pork –  $116,474,000 million of extras:

TOTAL: $116,474,000 extra Public Safety and Judicial pork barrel projects in the California Budget.

All of the pork in this budget as California Globe is reportingGeneral Government Augmentations in 2019-20 Budget, EducationResources and Transportation, Health and Human Services, and Public Safety and Judicial TOTALS nearly $1.3 Billion in budget extras – items which were never vetted publicly, or debated in the public legislative committee hearing process.

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One thought on “Record Public Safety and Judicial Pork Barrel Projects in California’s Largest State Budget

  1. This is DISGUSTING. Who even knows where to BEGIN to curse it.
    The stink coming out of this legislature is overwhelming.
    And that goes for the endless pork in Parts I, II, III, IV, and V, too.
    “Feral Swine” — no kidding.

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