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San Francisco. (Photo: by Sebastian)

Los Angeles, San Francisco Mayors Clean Up Cities for Visiting Dignitaries But not for Residents

LA & SF clean up, even bringing in extra cops- why can’t they do this for the residents who live there?

By Katy Grimes, November 10, 2023 11:08 am

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, who ludicrously chairs the U.S. Conference of Mayors’s Homelessness Task Force, is hosting a two-day U.S. Conference of Mayors gathering to discuss the challenges in addressing homelessness.

At the same time, San Francisco Mayor London Breed is washing poop off the sidewalks in the City by the Bay in preparation for the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit. And she’s borrowing police officers from nearby cities Brisbane, Belmont, Daly City, Foster City, Menlo Park, San Mateo, South San Francisco, Fairfield, San Jose State University and the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Department, “to aid the city’s police force” during the summit.

Congresswoman Karen Bass speaks against the recall at California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recall election rally in Culver City, CA, Sept, 2021. (Photo: Maxim Elramsis/Shutterstock)

Why can’t Mayors Breed and Bass do this for the citizens who live there? The answer is evident – because they don’t care about anything other than politics and their political optics.

“Bass, who was named chair of the USCM’s Homelessness Task Force in June, has made addressing homelessness and affordable housing key priorities of her administration since she became mayor nearly a year ago,” the LA Daily News reported.

“But when the U.S. president and other world leaders come to town next week, even college police from San Jose will chip in,” the San Francisco Standard reported. “The bulk of local outside help will come from the CHP, which is sending more than 1,000 officers, while Bay Area agencies can spare about 50 officers collectively for the cause, who will mostly help with dignitary escorts.”

Why is it ludicrous that Bass head up the USCM’s homeless task force given that her city is one of the biggest sh*tholes in the state and country? Why is Bass’s record on homelessness laughable? Here is what the LADN claims are her “Actions:”

Let’s see – Mayor Karen Bass “advocates,” “launches,” “courts,” “declares,” “incentivizes” and “signs” things.

Mayor Bass hasn’t done anything concrete to eradicate homelessness in Los Angeles, any more than San Francisco Mayor London Breed has.

But Mayors Breed and Bass will polish up their needle-infested, urine-soaked, poop-stained streets by removing the drug addicted, mentally-ill homeless for a few key blocks so visiting dignitaries don’t mistake Los Angeles and San Francisco for Mogadishu Somalia or Chihuahua Mexico.

Mayor London Breed speaking to participants during the Open the Schools Rally, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 13, 2021. (Photo: Sheila Fitzgerald/ Shutterstock)

Meanwhile, in San Francisco, with the upcoming Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in San Francisco, there is a frantic rush to clean up the city streets – the streets, the sidewalks and the many businesses which have been rotting under the burden of the filth from homeless tent camps allowed by city officials, the Globe reported.

This has been going on for far too long, and now the urgency to clean up is laudable and laughable at the same time. Just who is San Francisco Mayor London Breed trying to impress? The Chinese? They are already laughing at and mocking San Francisco and California over the homeless population allowed to languish in our cities.

San Francisco is slammed as ‘ruined city’ and ‘hell’ in Chinese media ahead of APEC summit – as city officials try to clean up the streets by blasting Star Wars theme to get rid of homeless people and open air drug markets.

Chinese media outlets have been branding the city of San Francisco a ‘total failure’ ahead of a visit from Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Why not clean streets up first for the taxpaying residents and business owners? A little buy-in from residents would go a long way for a mayor intent on impressing visiting dignitaries.

In July, San Francisco resident reporter Sebastian, a friend of the Globe, reported that Businesses along Van Ness have been struggling for years due to decaying street conditions and crime:

Frustrated by the lack of responses from the San Francisco Mayor’s and the Chief of Police’s offices, the Jaguar Land Rover San Francisco dealership on Van Ness and Ellis took the initiative to spruce up their neighborhood with urban gardening to fight crime which I wrote about:


They installed steel planters on their Ellis sidewalk about 3 months ago which soon after was followed by their neighbors along Van Ness and Franklin.

And just like that, San Francisco’s new “Urban Garden District” was developed.

San Francisco business owners have had to spend thousands of dollars on the steel planters on the sidewalks in front of their businesses to keep the homeless and growing tent encampments away. It mostly works. These same business owners pay taxes to the city with the expectation that the city will maintain the common streets and sidewalks.

And now they are being rewarded by mayors who won’t clean the cities and eradicate the homeless for the citizens, but will do it for visiting dignitaries. Welcome to California.

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17 thoughts on “Los Angeles, San Francisco Mayors Clean Up Cities for Visiting Dignitaries But not for Residents

  1. It remains downright DEPRESSING to read about commie Measure ULA and obviously counter-productive “Inside Safe” and the rest of the destruction. L.A. Mayor Karen Bass and S.F. Mayor London Breed and all of their Partners in Crime KNOW what they need to do, they KNOW what models they need to follow, they KNOW what will help both residents and vagrants, and they simply WON’T DO IT. It’s sickening and disgusting, it’s a middle finger to taxpaying residents who are just trying to LIVE. They’re either insane or there’s money involved. Lots and lots of money. “The Homeless Industrial Complex”:
    Don’t forget, these Dem/Marxist politicians always have the option of deciding —- today, tomorrow, or the next day —- to do the right thing. But will they? Ever? See how lightning-fast they can clean up the place if they want to? In L.A. they also scrub down whatever venue they will be using for their ridiculous awards shows. Within a day or two — Poof! All signs of vagrants GONE and the place is sparkling.
    Voting these people out is apparently not an option anymore. If it were, Rick Caruso would be mayor of L.A. as we speak. I don’t believe all the wealthy people who live in posh Brentwood (etc) actually voted for Karen Bass for Mayor so they could remain knee-deep in poop and filth and random arsons and assaults for another however-many years. Do you?
    Not exactly a news flash but I am SICK TO DEATH of endlessly paying and supporting literal GANGS of useless politicians who have made a career out of wrecking my home. Do your job or resign! Anyone who had a SPECK of decency would do it. Do it. Gaaaahhh

    1. P.S. To hear that preposterous, red-bulb-nosed, gel-hair-fright-wigged bozo Gov Gavin Newsom at his presser acting as though he has had absolutely NOTHING to do with the present condition of California as a stinking pit of a hellhole, listen below. We all need some comedy on a Friday night!
      “Gavin Sweeps Up the San Francisco Trash for APEC”
      (Begin at the 6:30 min marker —- Newsom’s blathering goes on for about 19 mins)

  2. 19 minutes of listening to Newsom’s grating voice and word-salad utterances is my idea of He’ll on Earth…

    1. I don’t know, seems like the mocking commentary makes it more amusing and satisfying than hellish.
      But I get it

  3. The homeless problem could be solved almost overnight by jailing people for drug use and possession like we used to do.

    Everything the Democrats touch turns to sh*t.

  4. So they can clean up the streets when properly motivated. Apparently they just don’t want to.

    This tells us who their real bosses are!

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