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Do the American People Want Socialism? 

The term ‘progressive’ basically means Socialist

By Victor Mezhinsky, October 11, 2024 10:10 am

There are members of our current and past governments deemed to be Socialists by declaration (such as Bernie Sanders) or by their actions (such as AOC, Harris, Obama). The term “progressive” basically means Socialist. They work to “fundamentally transform” our country. Whether they will succeed depends on who we elect this year as president. So, should American people keep the free-market economic system where a “high tide lifts all boats” or should we become a Socialist nation? That is a fundamental question to be answered during this election.

But what is Socialism or Communism after all? Let us dig into it. Socialism is a first stage of a socio-economic society development towards Communism, a complete and final “prosperity” socio-economic model for all humans. That is what Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin promised in their speeches and books. All private enterprises to be expropriated by the state. All people work for the state and receive salaries determined by the state bureaucrats. The state owns means of production, meaning the factories; its machinery and other equipment are government property. The output of the production is retained and distributed by the state. The local and federal governments control the prices of all goods, regardless of the supply and demand.

Vladimir Lenin, who led the Bolshevik faction. (Photo: Public Domain)

From the beginning, the dictatorial and oppressive Bolshevik (Socialist) government of Russia confiscated all guns from the citizens and closed all the churches and synagogues, except for a few in Moscow for foreign propaganda purposes.

Most people lived in the state apartments. Some families had to rent a room in one multi-room apartment with one kitchen and bathroom. No traveling abroad was allowed unless one is a part of the elite hierarchy, exceptional athlete or a famous ballet dancer or singer.

How about the cost of groceries? Let’s compare. In 1979, the loaf of bread in Russia cost 14 kopeks (cents). My engineering salary at that time there was 120 rubles (dollars) a month. So, the cost of bread was .116% of the monthly salary. In 1979 in the United States the loaf of bread was 20 cents, and my engineering monthly salary was $1,500.  So, the cost of bread then was .013% of my monthly salary. It was almost 10 times cheaper than in Russia.

There was a shortage of everything under Socialism. Because all necessities, living places, medical care, quotas on university admissions were created and controlled by the state central planners, most of whom were members of Communist party. There were no incentives to work hard and produce more. As the Soviet workers used to say: “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay.” That is why the standard of living in Socialist counties was and is low.

But these described living conditions may be just fine for some people in America. However, for the most individuals, the practice indicates, the Socialist lifestyle would not be good enough. People want to have a better and more prosperous life for themselves and their families.

Karl Marx (Photo: Public Domain)

What about people of great wealth in America? Are they not worried that all their wealth will be taken away once the country turns Socialist? No, they are not. They think they are immune from any political and economic changes. These people have never studied Marxism and Leninism. Their wealth and property will be transferred to the state. This is how it was in Soviet Union/Russia, East Germany, and is in Cuba, North Korea and mostly in Venezuela. China has achieved economic success by allowing major corporations operate in a limited free market capitalist fashion. But the ultimate control is still held by the oppressive Communist government.

What about the individuals who would resist the oppression? They would be convicted of “crime” against the state and put in Gulags, prisons, and often eliminated.

So, I think the question in the title should not be difficult to answer now.

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4 thoughts on “Do the American People Want Socialism? 

  1. HELL, NO!!!!

    VOTE TRUMP, GARVEY, and STRAIGHT Republican ticket this November plus NO on all the stupid propositions except YES on 36

  2. Anybody STUPID enough to think government has their best interests as reason for their existence, is such an incurable idiot their sure and certain enslavement until extermination is duly deserved as the Earth will smell better once their carcass is disposed of !!!

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