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America’s Weakest Presidential Candidate Epitomizes the Left’s Disdain for the People

Kamala is devoid of a personality, of critical thinking skills, and a conscience

By Katy Grimes, October 25, 2024 10:01 am

This presidential campaign has been the strangest I’ve ever witnessed since voting in my first election in 1980. And in the ensuing years I have watched and witnessed the left become more radical, more Marxist, and completely disinterested in the concerns and issues important to American voters – nor are they interested in the will of the people.

The 2024 Presidential Election may be the most corrupt, immoral scandalous election ever, and with the weakest presidential candidate in recent history – Kamala Harris.

Kamala’s latest interview with Anderson Cooper of CNN was atrocious.

I retweeted:

CNN: You’ve been in the White House for four years. Why haven’t you done any of this already? KAMALA: “I’m pointing out things that need to be done that haven’t been done that need to be done.”

I responded:

Order Up: One tossed word salad with a side of idiocy.

While Kamala Harris continues to attempt to deflect any policy discussion, voters likely won’t be so forgiving. Because after 4 years of the Biden/Harris administration, the people are broke, beat up, living in fear, afraid for their children’s future, and concerned about the future of the United States.

A new Gallup poll shows that an overwhelming majority of U.S. voters want new voter integrity laws:

84% want to require all voters to provide photo ID in order to vote;

83% want to require people who are registering to vote to provide proof of citizenship.

Democrats, including Vice President Harris, continue to vilify voter identification laws as “Jim Crow 2.0” attacks on voters.

Despite this priority issue for voters, Democrats have been actively mandating and passing no-voter-ID laws in some states.

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a bill banning local voter identification requirements.

Kamala’s flip-flops

This is just one example of how Democrats are flipping the bird at voters. And there are so many other quality-of-life issues important to the American people – issues Kamala has flip-flopped on.

The George Floyd killing and subsequent 2020 protests demanding defunding the police, Harris was supportive of the defunding.

“This whole movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said in a 2020 interview.

Her campaign now says, “Throughout her career, Sen. Harris has supported increasing funding to police departments and boosting funding for community policing.”

Despite saying in her 2020 presidential bid, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” Harris has now flip-flopped on that position and claims she will not ban fracking.

After saying in 2020 she wouldn’t “rule out” expanding the U.S. Supreme Court, she now says she’s not in favor of packing the Supreme Court.

Kamala even called President Trump’s border wall “stupid” and “un-American.”  Now she says she will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the southern border wall.

Where do the people stand on the issues?

The border: voters want the border sealed and the 10M+ illegal immigrants now in the country deported. “You are witnessing the economic oppression of Americans to reward and enrich illegal aliens,” former President Donald Trump said this week. Americans are paying through taxes for the millions of illegal aliens in the country: housing, food, medical care, as well as the escalating violent crime.

Crime: voters want tougher criminal penalties. In fact, California voters are so exhausted from the state’s escalating violent crime and business-killing retail theft, as well as the dismissive response from Democrats, a new Public Policy Institute of California poll reveals that 73% of all California voters are in favor of Proposition 36, which will make significant reforms to California drug and theft laws. This is big.

Notably, Gov. Gavin Newsom and most legislative Democrats oppose tougher criminal penalties, and have unbridled disregard for crime victims.


When Americans find themselves in financial trouble, they cut back on spending. Trump acknowledges that America must do the same. He said he will shrink the federal government, end inflation, begin oil and gas exploration and extraction again, and bring back manufacturing to the U.S. Trump is also promising tax cuts for workers, no taxes on tips, exempting Social Security benefits from taxation, and exempting overtime pay from taxation.

Kamala Harris says she will tax the rich more, and will increase the income tax rate to 39.6% for people making $400,000 or more. She plans to institute a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains.

The Tax Foundation reports Trump will make the expiring individual income tax cuts from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent.

On Business Taxes, Donald Trump will lower the corporate income tax rate from 21 percent to 20 percent, and lower the corporate income tax rate to 15 percent for companies that make their products in the U.S.

On Capital Gains and Dividend Taxes, Trump has no tax policies proposed.

But Wait! There’s MORE!

  • VP candidate JD Vance has discussed increasing the child tax credit to $5,000.
  • Reinstate an unlimited itemized deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) paid or discontinue the cap as part of TCJA extension.
  • Exempt Social Security benefits from taxation.
  • Exempt tip income from taxation.
  • Exempt overtime pay from taxation.
  • Create a deduction for auto loan interest.
  • Make the expiring estate tax cuts from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent.
  • Tax large private university endowments.
  • Considering replacing personal income taxes with increased tariffs.
Read more about Trump’s tax plan at the Tax Foundation.

Free speech: Kamala Harris and Democrats appear to support the censorship taking place in the U.S. Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, Google all censor conservatives, removing posts, manipulating searches.

Look at the attacks on Elon Musk for his purchasing Twitter in order to allow free speech on the internet.

new poll from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression finds that free speech is a critical issue for most Americans in the 2024 presidential election, topping other hot button issues like health care, immigration, crime, and guns, theFIRE.org reports.

theFIRE.org reports: Americans from both parties view free speech as a significant issue, with 91% of Republicans and 90% of Democrats agreeing it’s at least “somewhat important.” However, Republicans were more likely to rate it “very important” (70% vs. 60%), and they were more likely to respond that they were somewhat concerned about their ability to speak freely in the U.S. today (63% vs. 42%). Republicans were also more likely to respond that they speak less freely today than four years ago (46% vs. 21%).

FIRE’s poll, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago, asked 1,022 Americans how important a host of issues were in the context of the upcoming election. The top answer was inflation, with 68% saying increasing costs was “very important” and 91% calling it at least “somewhat important.” But the next top answer was free speech, with 63% calling it “very important” and 90% saying it was at least “somewhat important.”

Lastly, this week, the Democrat talking point was “Trump is Hitler.”

Notably, whenever your debate devolves to “you are Hitler,” you have lost the argument as well as the battle.

Equally, Kamala calling Trump a “fascist” when her polling is sinking is heinous – especially after three assassination attempts on the former President.

Kamala, the weakest presidential candidate in modern history, is desperate. She’s devoid of a personality, of critical thinking skills, and a conscience.  She will say anything and possibly do anything right now. It’s clear she is losing and the rats are starting to jump ship.

The Los Angeles Times refused to endorse her. Friday, The Washington Post just refused to endorse her.

“We are running against the most radical, most incompetent, most unfit Vice President in history. No one respects her. No one trusts her,” Trump said.

As David Harsanyi said this week, “Vote. Don’t vote. I don’t care. Just stop telling me that Vice President Kamala Harris is going to save democracy.”

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20 thoughts on “America’s Weakest Presidential Candidate Epitomizes the Left’s Disdain for the People

  1. “Kamala is devoid of a personality, of critical thinking skills, and a conscience.”
    Katy summed it up perfectly!
    The people with common sense do not want what she is selling, a bowl of nothing,! Empty word salads cannot supply what this country is in need of, meat, sustenance. A Trump administration will be chicken soup for the soul of this country. However, if you have a bad case of TDS, there is no quick cure for you. Who knows maybe there will be a new mRNA vax to “heal” you.

    Get those ballots in, we have a country to save!

    1. If (God forbid) she wins or takes the office, the empty bowl will fill up with leafy, lefty taxes, unpaid bills, illegal immigrants, crime, regulated speech, gender warfare… A Kamala green goddess dressing tops it off with cackling croutons.

  2. If we had voter id and valid id to register the corrupt class that we currently have would not be in power or part of the discussion. It would be interesting to know when California stopped issuing voter identification cards. We were lulled to sleep by a corrupt class of politicians, and this is where it has led us to. These folks do not even reach the status of empty suits.

  3. How could you vote for a person that CAN NOT make a decision on anything. She can’t explain anything and talks around any subject except the answer? Her accomplishments? She won’t admit that she new Joe Biden has been in decline the last 4 years or at least 1 year. She is lost without a teleprompter and a speech that someone else wrote!

  4. The Democrats are counting on their tried and true Steal to drag her across the finish line. This is why they have fake polls showing fake popularity for ol’ Kackala to give cover for an obvious steal. Too bad for them that it won’t work this time.

    1. Many of us hope that the Democrat’s steal won’t work this time? Unfortunately during the last election in 2020, there were many deep-state RINOs who helped their Democrat cronies steal the election and refused to question the many instances of blatant election fraud?

      Take for example Republican Congressman Tom McClintock who represents California’s 5th congressional district. Not only did he vote to certify the stolen 2020 presidential election for Biden, but he refused to investigate or even acknowledge any of the blatant voter fraud. McClintock attacked President Trump on Jan. 6 claiming that his rhetoric about the stolen election was “utterly irresponsible,” and that while he didn’t tell people to break into the Capitol, Tom McClintock claimed that Trump “betrayed” the trust of his supporters. McClintock is member of the deep-state Democrat/RINO Uni-Party who pretends to be an opponent of Democrats but then makes back room deals with them?

  5. “… No one respects her. No one trusts her,” Trump said.

    Even the Dem leadership doesn’t trust her else they’d let her off leash to answer questions. Problem is – they haven’t programmed her responses sufficiently, yet. After all, she is merely the next mouthpiece for an intended 4th Obama term.

  6. How could anyone have respect for us given our willingness to allow the Republicans and Democrats to spend America into irreconcilable debt.
    Those we elected know the American situation is terminal: We’re being melined and rightfully so because we are stupid.

  7. Katy Grimes summed up Kamala Harris perfectly: she’s devoid of personality, she’s devoid of critical thinking skills, and she completely lacks any conscience. She’s a despicable globalist puppet who will say and do anything to get into power? Only the most clueless and brainwashed voters would ever vote for a monstrous candidate like her?

  8. I accidently heard a live stream on local news of Kamala Harris at a rally. She said, “The Trump ban on abortion.” I immediately turned this propaganda off. Does this woman ever stop lying? Seriously.

  9. The fact that a ding-bat candidate like Harris is even close to winning, who is nothing more than another Trojan horse for the progressives, tells me that if we win this battle we will lose the next, and people like Newsom will eventually be running our lives. We will be like Mexico, but without the charm.

  10. Another Katy Grimes grand slam article, calling the situation perfectly…
    The only issue not covered, and it’s a HUGE one, is electronic voting machines and the voter fraud they enable, by providing cover for (mostly Democrat Party) cheating.
    .Found it interesting that the Dominant brand of electronic voting machines recently tweeted that they will sue anyone challenging their accuracy, when the PDF on the CA SOS website leftviver from Padilla’s corrupt occupation of that office describes the vulnerabilities and backdoors that have been engineered into the platform, then explains how to mitigate them.
    The Gateway Pundit site has plenty of coverage of how those tabulations can be altered and the logging shenanigans that can be accomplished through “adjudication”
    Until Republicans mount a vigorous attack on these machines and tools used to steal elections, and cover the opposition’s tracks, the State and the Nation are headed to globalist, Communist rule.
    Harris and Newsom are both foot-soldiers for the opposition out of San Francisco.

    1. Absolutely, CriticalDfence9. A compromised election process is the most “clear and present danger” to democracy. Countries like Venezuela, that use voting systems like Dominion to keep a dictator like Maduro in power, are the clearest examples. Democrats don’t want voter ID, clean voter rolls, or citizen-only voting laws. They oppose all attempts to legislate these policies by Republicans. They want all avenues open to cheating and that is why they back the use of systems like Dominion. Furthermore, the Democrat media propagandists keep saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud or that fraud is only a minor problem that has little effect on the results. Of course, the exact opposite is true. There is plenty of evidence:


  11. The Kamala Harris rally in Houston last night was billed as a Beyoncé concert but all she did was walk out and make a barely audible speech for a few minutes. Kamala’s rally then quickly descended into complete chaos with boos and yelling were heard as Harris failed to calm down the rowdy crowd. Many attendees stormed out of the rally
    because the performance they actually got was 91 year old Willie Nelson singing feebly. Bait and switch has always been is a specialty trademark of lucifer/satan? That entire disaster is what a Kamala presidency will be like?

    1. Good information, TJ. Yes, it appears that the Kamala campaign is collapsing in this last two weeks. Not even Michelle Obama will be able to turn the tide which is turning into a tsunami for Trump/Vance. In fact, Michelle might want to limit her exposure to this looming disaster for Democrats as the House and Senate races are all turning toward Republicans. We shall see, but if Michelle/Kamala get the same kind of reception as you describe, the Democrats are done for the next 20 years or more…….God save the Republic.

  12. You go Katy. Thank God for your articulate and straightforward reporting. You speak for conservatives so well, your logic is self evident and inarguable for anyone with a brain. Please run for Governor. Pray for a Trump win y’all

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