Suspect Farzad Fazeli. (Alameda County Sheriff’s Office)
GOP Congressional Candidate Avoids Stabbing by Trump Hater
Rudy Peters Was Almost Stabbed At A Campaing Event This Week
By Sean Brown, September 12, 2018 7:20 pm

A California Republican congressional candidate was nearly stabbed earlier this week after a man armed with a switchblade attacked him.
Rudy Peters, a Republican who is challenging Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell for the state’s 15th District seat, was attending a festival in Northern California when the violence broke out. According to authorities, the suspect Farzad Vincent Fazeli “approached the victim in an aggressive manner and made disparaging remarks about his political party and elected officials,” before other people heard him “screaming, ‘F— Trump, f— Trump!” Peters told the San Francisco Chronicle.
Peters had been sitting with Joseph Grcar, a Republican State Assembly candidate. He said they were both “kind of shocked” by the outburst, but that the man seemed like he was walking off. “The next thing you know,” Peters said, “he stops and turns around and says, ‘I’ll show you,’ and runs at the booth.” (Via sfgate). According to Peters, the man grabbed a cup of coffee and threw it at him before Peters approached him and a brief tussle ensued. Immediately following the interaction, the man reached for his knife, however the blade malfunctioned. Fazeli fled the scene but was detained moments later by deputies, who happened to be just a few booths over. They then found the switchblade knife on his person.

Following the altercation, Swalwell tweeted “My opponent Rudy Peters was attacked at his campaign booth in Castro Valley. I’m glad to hear Mr. Peters is okay. But it is NEVER okay to use violence to settle political disagreements (or any disagreement). Fortunately the sheriff’s office arrested the suspect.”
On his campaign site, Peters advertises and supports ‘MAGA,’ better known as Trump’s slogan ‘Make America Great Again.’ Fazeli has disparaged the President on his Facebook page and officials believe Peters’ support is what set him off. It should be noted Fazeli has past convictions for burglary and battery. Luckily no one was seriously injured.
Swalwell took home the June primary win with a 70% – 26% margin over Peters, so now the top two finishers will face off in November.
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