Sign on EV charging station at parking garage near the CA Capitol 9/30/2022. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
An Abundance of Scarcity: Now and Forever
Global oligarchs are using the iron fist in the velvet glove to pursue their end goal of limiting the individual in all facets of life
By Thomas Buckley, February 12, 2023 8:15 am
With abundance, anything is possible; with scarcity nothing is certain.
And what the world is facing right now is an abundance of scarcity.
From climate change edicts to purposefully limiting housing supplies to cordoning off the public square for the free exchange of ideas to food shortages and/or diet modifications to the limiting of energy availability to personal health strictures and to the very ability to make the best choices for oneself, the currently fashionable scarcity makes one thing abundantly clear: global society is becoming more confined, more caged in, more restricted.
And that’s the point. What the world is seeing now – in real time and at warp speed – is an intentional modification of what it means to be a discrete individual in a larger society.
Abundance is the opposite of scarcity and it comes not only with comfort and a sense of certainty and well-being, but also with the ability to take risks, to make choices, to try – or think – something new in the knowledge that one’s basic, core needs are being met.
To use a poker analogy, if you’re up for the night you can take a flyer on the chance of getting that inside straight and really cashing in and if your card doesn’t come up it’s no big deal.
In other words, abundance allows for choices, for risk, for innovation, for the rise of the new.
Scarcity does not.
A person in a constant state of anxiety about being able to meet their basic needs is simply not capable of taking such a risk for fear of losing whatever they happen to have left, therefore limiting their options to “sure things.”
Like an addict, they obsess over their next fix, to fulfill their most compelling need and cannot look beyond to a future that could involve other options. And when that need is met they are happy and grateful and calm…until, and only until, the next time.
Mere survival becomes the point of day-to-day life and one will never challenge those people and organizations that just barely keep you from falling over the edge; in fact you become grateful, you become compliant, you never wonder, and you become willing to imprison yourself to ensure your continued existence.
Hence the impossibility of the idea being touted by the World Economic Forum and its masterclass minions – and – that you will own nothing and “be happy.”
This current sense of scarcity is not being caused, as it has transitorily occurred in the past, by random calamity but by an intentional effort to control global society and the eight billion individuals who comprise it.
On purpose, global oligarchs are using the iron fist in the velvet glove that is the social economy or the caring class or the civil society or the third sector – whatever you want to call it – to pursue their end goal of limiting the individual in all facets of life.
(The social economy, etc. is typically defined as that amorphous blob of “charities,” non-governmental organizations, think tanks, foundations, new philanthropies, ESG, DEI, private social service agencies, inter-governmental agencies, etc. that have warm and fuzzy names but are dedicated to providing the infrastructure for the global elite to run the world; the WEF itself estimates that 10% of the economy in Europe already falls into this nebulous nightmare of nascent nullification.)
The control – and rationing – of basic resources and rights is at the heart of the effort to domesticate the entire human race. And to ensure that control through constant surveillance, either voluntarily (Siri, Alexa, etc.) or compulsory (street cameras.)
Of course, California, as it has been of late far too often, can be seen as a harbinger of the horrors to come (need a concrete example? Virginia banning the sale of gas powered cars in 2035 just because California did.)
High housing costs? Check. Unreliable and expensive energy? Check. Limits on free speech? Check. Neo-feudal oligarchical rule? Check. Massive investments in the social economy? Check. Constricting employment and business opportunities? Check. Canyonesque wealth gaps? Check. Overarching and increasingly centralized government power? Check. Destruction of public spaces? Check.
What all these factors come together to do is to create dependence, limit options, and literally force people to stay in their homes (self-imposed lockdowns make a certain sense if one has to step over human excrement on the sidewalk.)
And this public limiting becomes a private tunnel vision which spirals into a loss of self-worth, a destruction in one’s confidence, and a despairing “just leave me alone and I’ll do what you say” approach to life.
And the subjugation is complete.
Only by refusing to accept imposed scarcity can society once again govern itself as a collection of individuals voluntarily bound together by empathy, respect, and a common vision that allows people as much freedom to fail – and succeed – as possible.
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The Oligarchs of the NWO will not rest until they have EVERYTHING. If you have one grain of rice that is an offense that eats them up and they cannot rest until it is taken away.
Wake up folks! The NWO only has three classes of people. Them, slaves and serfs. Look up their goals. The biggest is to reduce the population to 500 million or less. Odds are you won’t even make it to slave status if they have their way (which they will not). It is high time we remember there are Billions of us and just a few thousand of them.
As Mr. Buckley pointed out, California can be seen as a harbinger of the horrors to come for the rest of the country? The deep-state Democrat cabal maintain their control over Californians by manufacturing scarcity? When will the majority of Californians wake up from their slumber and reclaim their sovereignty and freedom from tyrants?
The World Economic Forum’s globalist Great Reset is coming into full swing. Right now, the agenda involves pricing everyone out of traditional foods through inflation and supply chain problems. The energy crisis is also part of the mix as it is making fertilizers too expensive to produce. Egg inflation and associated shortages are another cut in the death by-a-million cuts gameplan of the globalist “elite.” First, it was meat; now it is eggs; and eventually, it will be everything natural and good and wholesome that gets extinguished in exchange for the globalist dystopia that is forming right before our eyes.