Home>Articles>DOGE Accountability 101: The Left is Freaking Out With US Taxpayer Gravy Train Cut Off

Space X and Tesla founder Elon Musk in New York City, August 2021. (Photo: Naresh111 / Shutterstock.com)

DOGE Accountability 101: The Left is Freaking Out With US Taxpayer Gravy Train Cut Off

San Franciscoā€™s nonprofit sector is the largest per capita of any California county ā€“ $9 billion outstanding in federal grants and loans

By Katy Grimes, February 10, 2025 9:06 am

Non-profit organizations and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have become a shadow government in the U.S. Many years ago I reported blatantly phony non-profit groups to the California Attorney General. Nothing ever happened. So for many years, going back to when Jerry Brown was California’s Attorney General, I have researched and investigated dubious non-profits and written about them, hoping government officials would take notice – to no avail. California’s corruption begins at the top, as does the corruption in the United States.

Think back to Barack Obama and ACORN, a very shady “community activist” organization that helped bring Obama to power. ACORN was a community organizing group that claimed to help poor people with low-income housing issues, but was really registering thousands/millions of people to vote in Democratic districts. Some of these supposed voters reportedly were actually dead, nonexistent, or used shacks and empty buildings as their home addresses.

Sounds just like ACTBlue.

The lid was blown off of ACORN by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, but the organization never really disbanded – they just changed names and continued their “community organizing” and shady leftist voter registration practices.

At the Globe, we’ve reported on so many dubious organizations, with damning details, but crickets… Read this recent article, about “Free Speech for People,” the non-profit parent organization of ā€œImpeach Trump. Again.ā€Ā for an example.

With President Donald Trump and DOGE Chairman and “White House Tech Support” Elon Musk exposing the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) agency, the scheme is up.

“USAID has been a substantial funder of over 6,200 journalists across 707 media outlets and 279 “media” NGOs, including 90 percent of the reportage out of Ukraine,” Wikileaks posted on X.

And: “USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, “Internews Network” (IN), which has ā€œworked withā€ 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and “trainingā€ over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives.” (more on this organization to come).

It gets worse.

“USAID Sent $9.3B to Islamic Terror States That Killed 3,000 American Soldiers, And over $18 billion to Islamic terrorist states,” Daniel Greenfield reports today:

  • USAID support for Somalia had doubled under the Biden administration and with $3.3 billion from USAID allocated in the last 5 years.
  • USAID sent $2.1 billion to Gaza and the West Bank since the Hamas attacks of Oct 7. In 2024 alone, $917 million was programmed for the terrorist areas occupying Israel.
  • USAID provided over $3.7 billion to Afghanistan since the Taliban took over with $832 million in the previous fiscal year alone.
  • Even while the United States of America was at war with the Houthis, the Islamic terrorist group firing on US Navy vessels out of Yemen, USAID continued to direct billions of dollars to Yemen. In 2024, USAID announced a $2.7 billion aid request for Yemen and allocated $753 million. Over the last 5 years, it doled out $3.4 billion.

The San Francisco Standard reports today Bay Area nonprofits are dumbfounded from President Trump’s “funding cuts and chaos. San Francisco has the largest share of the nonprofit workforce of any California county. Other Bay Area counties, including Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Alameda, follow right behind.”

Oh no. Say it isn’t so!

“San Franciscoā€™s nonprofit sector is the largest per capita of any California county – $9 billion outstanding in federal grants and loans for Bay Area entities, according to U.S. contract data. That includes more than $1 billion earmarked directly for nonprofits, and much more that filters down to organizations across the region through state and local governments and institutions.”

This has been paid from taxpayer money – money taken from the people’s paychecks. As Greenfield wrote, “USAIDā€™s partnerships with foreign governments, and with large unaccountable organizations including the UN and the World Bank, have raised concerns of money laundering. The revolving door between USAID personnel and some of the non-profit and for-profit groups who all profit from it has also raised questions about the legitimacy of those arrangements.”

Elon Musk posted on X details of DOGE’s deep dive into Medicaid payments:

To be clear, what the @DOGE team and @USTreasury have jointly agreed makes sense is the following: – Require that all outgoing government payments have a payment categorization code, which is necessary in order to pass financial audits. This is frequently left blank, making audits almost impossible. – All payments must also include a rationale for the payment in the comment field, which is currently left blank. Importantly, we are not yet applying ANY judgment to this rationale, but simply requiring that SOME attempt be made to explain the payment more than NOTHING! – The DO-NOT-PAY list of entities known to be fraudulent or people who are dead or are probable fronts for terrorist organizations or do not match Congressional appropriations must actually be implemented and not ignored. Also, it can currently take up to a year to get on this list, which is far too long. This list should be updated at least weekly, if not daily. The above super obvious and necessary changes are being implemented by existing, long-time career government employees, not anyone from @DOGE. It is ridiculous that these changes didnā€™t exist already! Yesterday, I was told that there are currently over $100B/year of entitlements payments to individuals with no SSN or even a temporary ID number. If accurate, this is extremely suspicious. When I asked if anyone at Treasury had a rough guess for what percentage of that number is unequivocal and obvious fraud, the consensus in the room was about half, so $50B/year or $1B/week!! This is utterly insane and must be addressed immediately.

“So they designed treasury payments the same way they designed the voting system. Impossible to audit,” a follower responded.

Musk replied:

“The best way to understand the system is that it is designed for complaint minimization: people donā€™t complain if they receive money, but do complain loudly (especially fraudsters!) if they donā€™t receive money. Therefore, everything is geared towards sending out the money, even if wasteful or fraudulent.”

“This was how they turned all of us into slaves! And spent our money like Hunter Bidenā€¦” another follower responded.


Adding insult to injury, “DOGE Team Discovers FEMA Spent $59 Million Last Week on Luxury Hotels for Illegals in NYC Violating the Current Law ā€“ Musk Vows to Recoup the Funds,”Ā the Gateway Pundit reported this morning.

Meanwhile, back in San Francisco, hands are wringing, pearls are being clutched, big crocodile tears are being wept, and safe spaces will be needed:

“City leaders are considering layoffs to close the gap on a massive home-grown deficit. And that assumes San Francisco holds onto the $1.8 billion in federal funds it is counting on this year ā€” 11% of the city budget, according to the controllerā€™s office. With threats looming that the Federal Emergency Management Agency wonā€™t reimburse $234 million it owes the city, and U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi directing the Department of Justice to pause funding to sanctuary cities, itā€™s clear that San Franciscoā€™s government is in a similar predicament to local nonprofits.”

DOGE is investigating the more than $100 Billion a year of entitlements payments to individuals with no Social Security Number or even a temporary ID number. Our government was paying billions out to people with no provable existence. Let that sink in.

Shut it down. All of it.

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31 thoughts on “DOGE Accountability 101: The Left is Freaking Out With US Taxpayer Gravy Train Cut Off

  1. Long time California Globe readers know that Katy Grimes has faithfully researched and investigated dubious non-profits and written about them for years with no response from government officials from either political party. Thankfully the Trump administration with help from Elon Musk and DOGE has finally taken action to shut all this corruption down. How many of us thought this day would never come?

    1. So USAID took half a billion dollars in taxes from U.S. taxpayers, and then sent it to an NGO called Internews Network that works with 4,000+ outlets to ā€œtrain journalistsā€ and ā€œtackle disinformation.” No doubt Katy Grimes and California Globe were attacked by the propagandists from the Internews Network for reporting truth?

    2. Oh please TJ. Katy doesn’t “research” a darn thing. All she does is copy and paste things. Then she adds her own opinion — which is taken straight from Fox News and FB. Not an original thought in anything she writes.

        1. Oh ouch. Take a look at that “article.” It is essentially a bunch of cut/pastes from Elon’s twitter. If that is what passes for “facts” — what color is the sky in your world JFB?

          1. @OldcalifornianWithCommonsense. You sound like a butt hurt Democrat who has lost all objectivity if you are offended by this article. Common sense says to audit expenditures, and remove fraud and waste. End of story.

  2. To all those dubious NGO employees..

    You no longer can grift off the American taxpayer!
    More to comeā€¦

    1. SkunkedinD7, I agree. There are multiple NGO’s and non-profit 501c3’s that are involved in the graft here in California in the Housing space. One issue is that HUD is already starting to scrub their website detailing these types of relationships.

      1. As long as PHA’s can use excess Section 8 dollars to loan to these NGO’s & Non-Profits there is excess money. The State of California is involved through the issuance of tax credits.

      2. The S.F. Chronicle did a story on one community organizer, which had photos of her in a little corner office space. Well, I love photos and thought a portrait on the wall in front of her had a familiar silhouette. So, I zoomed in and wadaya know? It was their patron saint of public health, none other than Ernesto “Che” Guevarra. Then, after further inspection, higher up was a poster image of a sultry luchadora guerrillera posing with an AK47. I recall she had a penchant for Dr. Martins and fashionably altered denim bib overalls. The End

  3. If the fraud and waste is this bad at the federal level, imagine how bad it is here in California in the state government. This state has been run for decades by the same parasitic Democratic Party that openly flaunts corruption, such as having taxpayers pay union members’ dues, and having taxpayers pay health care costs for illegal aliens.

  4. Dear President Trump and Mr. Musk…
    Please WITHHOLD every RED cent that was previously earmarked for our fruity friends in San Franfreakshow…
    We need to fumigate that formerly fine city, and cutting off the Federal gravy train will ultimately be a blessing, not only to the few normal people who live there, but to ALL California taxpayers, who live deep behind. enemy lines, thanks to the Looney-Tunes legislators like Scott “Here’s My” Weiner, Nancy “E.T.” Skinner and Buffy “Dead Eyes” Wicks, and their insane legislation that flow from that cesspool of a city….

  5. Top to bottom revision of all 501(c) nonprofit regulations should be a DOGE priority. As Krauthammer said, “nonprofits are out of control quasi-governmental organizations.” Our 1.5 million NPOs have become partisan and subversive — wielding $6 trillion in assets.

    1. Great idea Paul. Let’s start with the Howard Jarvis group — $8 million a year to lobby for the chamber of commerce.

  6. With a level playing field news outlets like the Globe are going to surge in popularity. I would not be surprised to see the Globe be one of the leading news outlets in California within a year or so. Your years of sticking to it in the face of government funded competition and opposition are going to pay off.

  7. According to the SF Standard there are 1500 NGOs in the City, with 104,000 employees bringing in almost $2 billion per year. This is the largest of each category in the country. Stop it all. Have everyone reapply until we can sort out the good from the bad.

  8. The left has never been a majority, not even close. They built an evil empire using Our money to fund the fake media, buy and steal elections to present a false image of a majority when in fact they have been a small cabal of satanists who manipulate and fake Everything. Now the grift is over and the pigs at the trough are self revealing by their shrill squeals. Round them all up and send them to Bukele as he will know how to deal with them. These people make gangsters look like petty shop lifters in comparison the their reign of terror using Our money to oppress us. Game over!

  9. Well… now we have more evidence that Governor “HairGel” is in it to enrich himself via his “electric vehicle mandate” and follow in Auntie Nancy’s “insider trading enrichment” program…
    With Musk having Newsom in his cross-hairs, you can bet that there’s gonna be an EV deal with BYD shortly, from Newsom’s minions….
    In 3…2….1…


  10. First, Katy, it is so laughable that you call an organization “shady” while you are just a propaganda monger funded by Kushner slumlord money. Second, the fools who will focus on “saving” $64 billion — all while House and Senate are planning to add $4-10 TRILLION to the national debt. Please note: Trillion. With a T. Musk and his incels are a convenient sideshow.

    1. It’s great to see there are stalwart comrades who see and affirm the incontrovertable truth brought to the thundering masses by MSNBC and CNN, not to mention NPR. We need to combat the vile disinformation wrought by Fox news, because stawart comrade Biden is sharp as a tack, grocery and gasoline prices are at 1978 levels, utility rates have never been lower, the border was tighter than an epoxy sealed drum before Trump was reelected, everyone has a job. Face it, reactionary capitalist pigs, the ECONOMY HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER THAN UNDER BIDEN. Now puppet Trump and President Elon Musk are going steal your money. HAVE YOU SEEN THE PRICE OF EGGS SINCE THE INAUGERATUON???? Long live stalwart comrade truth tellers like Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki!!!! Who are viciously oppressed by their capitalist masters and survive on crumbs!!!! See you at the transition clinic. Shake off your chains and unite!

  11. Hey Katy, you should apply to be on the White House Press Corps! You’ve got an extensive record of strong journalism (and at such a young age!). Seriously.

  12. I just heard that $20 billion from the Biden’s EPA has been found by DOGE in a bank that was to be distributed to eight entities.

    $160 million was give by Biden to an electric bus manufacturer in Canada prior to receiving any buses. The company is now bankrupt.

    $1.9 billion of HUD money that was “misplaced” by the Biden Administration has been found by DOGE.

    These numbers are staggering.

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