El Dorado County Board of Supervisors. (Photo: www.edcgov.us/BOS/)
El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Should Ditch ‘Implicit Bias’ Training
Requiring county board and board appointees to take ‘implicit bias’ training is a diversion by people incapable of doing the governing expected of a county board
By Katy Grimes, February 24, 2023 9:09 am
“There is nothing onerous or frightening about implicit bias training,” the Sacramento Bee editorial board claims, critical of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors for considering doing away with mandatory implicit bias training for all board appointees.
The board voted two years ago to make “implicit bias” training mandatory, however they are now facing opposition to the training. “Tuesday, the board took into consideration whether or not to require the implicit bias training, and directed staff to revisit the language around requiring board appointees to be required to take the training,” ABC10 reported.
Board members reported they were having trouble keeping appointees because of their opposition to the training.
Imagine that.
According to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, “The Board sets policy for County departments, oversees the County budget, and adopts ordinances on local matters and establishes land use policies.”
Implicit bias training details how a person’s “implicit biases affect others” and the “daily effects of white privilege.”
California public schools also require implicit bias training, and many use it in the classroom, despite that accusing students and adults of “daily effects of white privilege” is itself biased and racially prejudiced.
The Daily Caller just reported on the Anaheim School District racial training, exposing that Black Lives Matter directed the curriculum:
In an effort to address “issues related to racial justice,” Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) requires 7th through 12th grade teachers to use a curriculum created by the schools’ Black Lives Matter Task Force, a coalition dedicated to creating equity for African American students and staff within the district, according to screenshots of the curriculum obtained by the DCNF. The curriculum teaches students about the “daily effects of white privilege” and “implicit bias.”
“In an effort to bring the concepts of racial justice to the forefront of your education during Black History Month, the BLM Task Force created a lesson for all 7th graders to help you explore and think critically regarding concepts of race, racism and racial equity,” the curriculum stated. “While this topic may feel sensitive for some, it is a crucial part of Civic Engagement that we value in the AUHSD.”
The 7th grade lessons provided suggestions for students aged 11-14 on how to be more “mindful” and “aware” of their learned implicit biases, DCNF reported.
Students in 8th grade, “are taught to learn empathy, critical awareness and respect,” and “how stereotyping can cause prejudice and discrimination.”
9th graders are taught social justice and what “historical disadvantages” minorities face through statistics on black incarceration rates, suspension and expulsion rates.
It gets more offensive by 10th grade: In tenth grade English, the “let’s talk about privilege” curriculum discusses the “daily effects of white privilege.” Students are asked to reflect on their own privilege.
11th graders receive the “stay woke” lesson, and 12th graders learn how systemic racism affects “black people negatively” and then are asked to discuss their own beliefs.
Wenyuan Wu, a California Globe contributor and executive director of Californians for Equal Rights Foundation told the Daily Caller, “The 2022 California Smarter Balanced test results show that only 23% of students in the Anaheim Union High School District could do math at the grade level and the English proficiency level was 43%.”
This kind of radical indoctrination has taken the place of teaching students how to read and do basic math. It’s also taken the place of actual job training. Requiring school boards and county boards to suffer through this mind-numbing gibberish is just more indoctrination with the goal of silencing board members on issues of “race” and “white privilege,” and forcing them to submit the the race hustlers.
In April 2022, the Globe reported Californians for Equal Rights Foundation called for the San Dieguito Union High School District Board to abstain from dividing students and employees on the basis of race, following a highly contentious incident at the board’s Diversity Equity Inclusion training workshop, hosted by the board on April 11, 2022.
The Globe spoke with Dr. Wenyaun Wu, who said they firmly “oppose the inflammatory and untruthful narrative promoted by San Dieguito Union High School District (SDUHSD) Superintendent Dr. Cheryl James-Ward and biased media reporting.”
Dr. Ward attempted to answer a question on Asian-Americans students’ high performance in the school district saying these students do well because they come from wealthy, first-generation Chinese-American families. She argued: “people who’re able to make the journey to America are wealthy.”
Dr. Wu told the Globe Asian-American students from low-income families perform better in school than other low-income students. “The problem here is not race and ethnicity,” Wu said. “It is culture. They are the playbook for the woke.”
The Californians for Equal Rights Foundation says its objective is to “Defend Merit and Advance Equality,” and “Promote civic engagement-” something schools should be focused on instead of DEI, CRT and implicit bias.
The Bee editorial board recounts the story of a half-Black female student at El Dorado High School in Placerville, whose mother said she had been subjected to increasingly violent racist behavior, and then sued the school.
How could this happen if the teachers had years of implicit bias training? How is requiring implicit bias training for the school board going to change anything on the ground or in the classrooms if teachers can’t even put a stop to offensive racist behavior? And how is it that issues involving racist behavior are a modern day issue in this era of so-called race enlightenment?
The Bee editorial board claims: “The larger question that needs to be addressed is why this training is seen as such as so threatening by so many, if that’s in fact the case. And if it’s not having the desired effect, what are elected officials planning to do instead?”
How about teaching kids U.S. History, and how to write a coherent 5-paragraph essay?
This focus on race and racism is a diversion by incompetent “educators” incapable of educating children. It serves no other purpose. And requiring county board and board appointees to take implicit bias training is an extension of this diversion by people incapable of doing the governing expected of a county board and its appointees.
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If anyone needs “implicit bias training,” it’s the members of Sacramento Bee editorial board all of whom are radical leftist hacks who have an anti-Caucasian bias. Many of us native Sacramentans with common sense stopped reading the Sacramento Bee years ago because it’s a worthless leftist propaganda outlet. The Sacramento Bee has become irrelevant and it’s surprising that it even still exists?
Bless you, Samantha.
Back in the days of the Spotted Owl, the Bee did everthing they could to NOT support the timber industry here in NorCal. During that period all the loggers and foresters had bumper stickers that read “Save a Tree, Cancel the Bee”. I always chuckled about the cleverness of that slogan.
By the way, after most of the mills closed down for lack of federal timber the Bee ran an article titled “Was an industry destroyed for a bird in no danger?” by Gregg Easterbrook. But it was about 15 years too late to help.
My kid used to go to a very nice private school here in town, within days after George Floyd incident, our 97% all white student body school administration announced they were changing the curriculum because in their words, “The High School students though the elementary students needed it”. They wanted to add this Black Lives Matter white guilt curriculum for 3rd graders and like magic, the curriculum materials were all ready to go too. Imagine that!
We got the F out of there as fast a we could. I’d rather let my kid watch leave it beaver reruns all day than get brainwashed with that racist garbage.
“Leave it to Beaver” re-runs definitely beat today’s public school curriculum, and by a thousand miles. Especially Season 1.
Seems to me this is just like everything else the Dem/Marxists do, no matter the setting. They know as well as we do that a rigorous education and merit-based policies are the very best way to combat any still-existing racism. But to encourage that would mean they would soon be extinct and they sure as heck don’t want that, do they? The Dem/Marxists who are constantly pushing this oppressive propaganda would simply fade away from our institutions because of an affliction called Severe Irrelevancy Disorder. So instead they embrace racist ideas and work tirelessly to fan the flames of fires they themselves were responsible for setting.
Grateful to Dr. Wenyaun Wu and Katy Grimes for bringing these matters to our attention. It would be nice to see the El Dorado Board of Supervisors take a page from board appointees who object to “implicit bias” nonsense and not only stick to voting against such training but become much more vocal about the real harms of “implicit bias” propagandist training when it comes to our public schools and other institutions.
By the way, isn’t it about time the Dem/Marxists stopped holding up as an example of their best values the thoroughly discredited and dishonored “Black Lives Matter,” whose leadership have for some time been revealed as con artists? But, silly me, maybe it’s to be expected that the Dem/Marxists in leadership positions in CA’s public schools WOULD continue to admire and embrace such a disreputable organization.
We have a Southeast Asian family member who attended racially and ethnically diverse public schools in South Sacramento during the early 2000’s where there were few White students. She and other Southeast Asian students were often subjected to violent racist behavior from Black students. The Bee’s elitist editorial board should take a look at Sacramento’s public schools where implicit bias training has failed to stop Black on Asian hate crimes?
Black gangster thug culture is more of a threat to other races and even to members of the black community than mythical white supremacy will ever be?
As a blue eyed blond person growing up on the Monterey peninsula I was subjected to reverse discrimination in the late 60’s. Ironically it did not hamper my feelings on equality for all living in the very culturally diverse community of Seaside. This sensitivity training begins at home . If local organizations such as our city government feel they need to dictate and enforce this bias training then they should reevaluate how they are vetting their job applicants. Especially in small communities, A persons actions and speech should speak for themselves. Based on my life and actions, the way I carry myself, I would take offense to having “woke”jargon etc. pushed at me. NOT NECESSARY! . We are sheep
Ignorance abounds. Sad.
Here unbeknownst to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors is what they are following: The Protocols of Zion,
The only real chance CA has is for each county to ditch Agenda 21/30 first thing the next time they meet, take a vote and vote it out-done!
The Protocols of Zion
I am a committed citizen of EDH, California and the USA. I believe to the depths of my soul in Democracy and the importance of being engaged in the issues and giving voice to decisions that will affect me, my family and our neighbors. I am also a subject matter expert on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging and leadership effectiveness……and have had an exemplary career in contributing my expertise to those topics.
I was horrified to hear that 2 Board of Supervisors (Parlin & Thomas) are recommending to stop Implicit Bias Training for all county committees, commissions and boards….this is a terrible idea. I am a lesbian, single Mom and grandmother of 3 little girls so I have lived with the discrimination that comes from unconscious bias, particularly of well-meaning people. I have personally and professionally witnessed the devastating consequences of how damaging it is to not feel seen or appreciated for our differences usually from well-meaning people who don’t know they have iMPLICIT BIAS.You may already know about this resource but just in case here is the link to Harvard’s Implicit Association test that has been taken by over 2 million people….ALL of whom reported that they discovered they have implicit bias for some group of people whether it be BIPOC, LGBT, Women, Disabled, Homeless, Women, etc. Let’s all seek to be more inclusive of our diverse neighbors!
How does one become a “subject matter expert” on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DIE)? Maybe it helps to be a Marxist Democrat and a World Economic Forum globalist minion? Pushing DIE appears to be a lucrative gig? Purveyors of DIE get paid big bucks to foment division based on race, ethnicity and gender? If any one group has implicit bias, it would be Black Americans according to a recent Rasmussen poll which found that almost half of Blacks were not okay with White Americans. Maybe Rayona Sharpnack needs to peddle her DIE expertise in Black communities where it’s most needed?
“Rayona Sharpnack,” you definitely sound like someone who is making a living off of DEI. Would you happen to be a paid trainer for some bogus organization who comes into a workplace and harasses a captive audience until they submit to your leftist worldview? Your statement “Let’s all seek to be more inclusive to our diverse neighbors!” assumes facts not in evidence. In other words you have made the false assumption that your audience is not “being inclusive” already, which you could have no way of knowing, and which is furthermore none of your business. Also I find your leftist jargon delivered in a Polyanna tone extremely annoying, oppressive, and offensive. What if I were paid to burst into your workplace and lecture you to stop using leftist jargon because I don’t like it? Would that be okay with you?