Gov. Gavin Newsom. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Following French Laundry Debacle, Gov. Newsom Blames CHP Detail for Family Exposure to COVID
Newsom family 14-day quarantine just in time for PR nightmare?
By Katy Grimes, November 23, 2020 7:46 am
Late on Sunday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and his family announced they are quarantining after three of his children were exposed to one of his CHP security detail who tested positive for the coronavirus.
Governor and Mrs. Newsom went to an indoor birthday party Nov. 6 at The French Laundry restaurant with multiple households without masks or social distancing.Instead of quarantining following the party, the governor moved about as usual in public for two weeks. Then he announced the whole family will be in quarantine because his children were exposed by a CHP officer?
Late Friday evening, @JenSiebelNewsom and I learned that 3 of our children had been exposed to an officer from the California Highway Patrol who had tested positive for COVID-19.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) November 23, 2020
Once again, Gov. Newsom’s actions show he is not worried about catching the coronavirus, nor does he feel threatened by it. And how do we know that it was a CHP officer who exposed the Newsom family? Maybe it was Mr. and Mrs. Newsom who infected their family after the Napa Valley excursion.
Several cynics on Twitter agree:
Let me rewrite it: “Late Friday evening, @JenSiebelNewsom and I learned we had a PR problem. We were advised to quarantine so as not to keep pissing the F off of Californians who see us as hypocrites. We wish CA Small Businesses all the best in bankruptcy court in 2020 and 2021.”
— Jack McKracken (@JackJackG3) November 23, 2020
As the Globe has reported, Gov. Newsom continually exhibits “do as I say, not as I do,” rather than leading by example. He has ordered the 40 million residents of California to limit Thanksgiving “gatherings” to only three families or 10 people for no more than 2 hours, hold the dinner outside, use disposable dishes and utensils, wear masks, and frequently sanitize – no singing, no shouting, and no wind instruments.
Newsom’s partner-governor, Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown, is taking her rules one step further, telling Oregonians to call the police if they see their neighbors hosting more than six people on Thanksgiving.
Brown’s temporary “freeze,” which went into effect Wednesday, restricts indoor at-home and social gatherings to six people from no more than two households, with no exceptions for Thanksgiving dinner get-togethers, the Washington Times reported.
In a Friday virtual interview with KGW-TV, Ms. Brown agreed that Oregonians should contact authorities if they see their neighbors hosting more than six people.
“Look, this is no different than what happens if there’s a party down the street and it’s keeping everyone awake. What do neighbors do? They call law enforcement because it’s too noisy,” the Democratic governor told KGW. “This is just like that. It’s like a violation of a noise ordinance.”
Notably, Oregon politicians have ignored Antifa and BLM rioters, and their attempts to burn down courthouses and the looting of downtown Portland businesses.
Gov. Newsom has only limited the state’s 40 million residents to no more than 10 people to a “gathering,” while he and his wife violated this very order himself, at the recent swanky birthday party event in Napa Valley. Photos from the event were provided by Fox 11.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown says those committing infractions could face misdemeanor penalties of up to 30 days in jail, fines of up to $1,250, or both, according to the governor’s executive order, according to the Times.
However, the policing aspect of both Kate Brown’s and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s orders is problematic. Sheriffs in California and Oregon say they will not be enforcing the governor’s holiday “gatherings” orders.
Both governors claim a dramatic rise in COVID “cases,” meaning positive tests, but as the Globe has noted, the death rate is dropping. And curiously, other traditional deaths are also dropping, leaving many to assume that traditional death rates are being used to inflate COVID numbers.
In California and many other states, seasonal flu rates in previous years were already being monitored and reported by late November. However, we have not only not seen seasonal flu data in quite a while, the data from traditional deaths been conflated making it largely unreported.
Now we are told that Gov. Newsom and his family will be quarantining for 14 days after being exposed to the coronavirus just in time for Thanksgiving.
Last week, Gov. Newsom’s wife was lamenting how damaging the lockdowns are to the state’s young people, the Daily Mail reported. Jennifer Siebel Newsom made the claim in an introductory essay for a new report by The California Partners Project which examines how teenagers are coping with life amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The essay comes just days after the couple were harshly criticized for attending a dinner party without social distancing or masks.
Gavin Newsom is the politician who, as Mayor of San Francisco, blamed an “alcohol problem” for why he had bad judgement to bed his Chief of Staff’s wife. Don’t put anything past him. @33BeRad
— Jack McKracken (@JackJackG3) November 23, 2020
It really is stunning that Gov, Newsom is blaming first responders for his children being exposed to coronavirus when he simply could have just said his children were exposed. In 2007 when he was San Francisco Mayor, he was caught in a sex scandal involving his re-election campaign manager’s wife, who worked as Newsom’s appointment secretary. Newsom blamed an “alcohol problem” and pretended to go to rehab.
The governor has imposed a 10:00PM curfew on the state, and continually reminds everyone to “always wash your hands and minimize mixing.”
What a very pathetic gov. We’re supposed to pray for people like him but sometimes it’s very hard (Matthew 5). These are the top 5 most homeless cities in the world, with New York being 2nd worst, and LA just as bad/worse. What a job our corrupt governor has done, while he, and his multi billion/trillion $ realtor friends get richer, building mainly for the elite, so us common folks can’t afford. May God help us all cus sure seems to be getting worse these days. Revelation 14:7 Moscow, Russia Total Population: about 12 million Homeless population: 58,000 Los Angeles, California Total Population: 4 million Homeless Population: 58,000 Mumbai, India Total Population: 18.5 million Homeless Population: 60,000 New York City, New York 8.5 million Homeless 74,000 Manila, Philippines Total Population 3.1 million 1.2 million children are living on the streets without a home and 1/4 of population are living in poverty. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=e56c3fcc502442ca8f86d89809fbf287#:~:text=for%20the%20Homeless).-,1.,overall%20population%20living%20in%20poverty.
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May California’s toll from the virus go up by at least one, and hopefully more…anyone related to Pelosi. C’mon, Corona, you can do it!
History is in unkind to controversial leaders, so be patient…..
Wear your mask-
We need to get this guy outa office now! we can stop his nonsense. There is a recall petition going around and we need more signatures. The deadline for signatures has been extended. There is a website you can go to and download, fill out and send back the petition or you can find your local place in your county to sign the petition. We have got to do this before California is unrepairable. We can turn this around! And please, stop voting for Democrats. Look what they have done to this state! Not just Newsome but all the Democrats. Here’s the website https://recallgavin2020.com
Someone tell Dear Leader Newsom to relax— PCR tests are a scam, and we’ve known this since March.
EXACTLY! But Newsom is probably lying to get sympathy anyway. Very dramatic of him….. Too bad it’s not working anymore.
People are waking up and these parasites and liars are being revealed.
Dr. Rashid Buttar : “The only way you can control people is by keeping them in ignorance”
and by- keeping them in filthy masks and/or the equally non-sensical/comical 6 feet apart rules invented out of thin air by another Gates funded liar-Neil Ferguson.
Once people become empowered with knowledge they can’t be controlled any more.
All the information on the covid scam is available to anyone who goes looking for it.
Global psychological warfare
Its a totalitarian takeover
How harsh and mean of me to post link below while Newsom is under “COVID quarantine” 🙂
Very insensitive of you ShowandTell.????
Let me try to smooth things over:
We have until March 17,2021 to collect 2,000,000 signatures to recall Newsom.
Also the campaign is in need of volunteers and donations.
His continued lockdown is unconstitutional. Please remember it may feel like we are living in Valenzuela but we are still US citizens with constitutional protections, such as a right to pursue a livelihood.
Thank you Cali Girl and you are absolutely right to emphasize that Newsom’s “continued lockdown is unconstitutional;” that “we are still US citizens with constitutional protections, such as a right to pursue a livelihood.” It’s like a breath of fresh air to read this.
I heard a RecallGavin radio ad today! They are on fire — as I’m sure you know better than most.
Join the growing movement:
Christian Drosten’s version of the PCR test was ready and approved by the WHO (how convenient) for world wide use in January before China even showed their version of evidence of this so called “new pathogenic virus”.
How miraculous a test ready before anybody even knew what they were testing for!
Does everybody know Attorney Reiner Fuellmich? He will prove this in court and this will spread around the world.
The cabal -Gates, Fauci, Schwab…will soon move to plan B-“RUN FOR YOUR LIFE-the sheep losing their fear and are on to us”
“Portuguese Court Rules That The PCR Test “Is Unable To Determine” A COVID-19 Infection”
Katy Grimes comes through again in her signature style by pointing out Newsom’s “blame game” is nothing new. Oh yes — I had forgotten about Newsom blaming his affair with the wife of his best friend and campaign manager on his alcoholism. Right.
Also appreciated in this article the information, not found elsewhere that I am aware of, that the Covid DEATH numbers (!) are being pumped up by apparently stealing from both annual deaths from all causes and from annual flu numbers. If you think my putting it that way sounds crass, just think how utterly crass it is to actually DO IT. These people are beyond outrageous. If there is any justice in the world, it will not end well for them.
Thank you
Gavin, the best quarantines are those where you go sit on the bottom of a lake. Try it. Take your whole family. Stay down for 12 hours…better yet, stay down forEVER!
To him, the great mystery of politics was obedience to rulers. Why in the world do people agree to be looted and otherwise oppressed by government overlords? It is not just fear, Boetie explains in “The Discourse on Voluntary Servitude,” for our consent is required. And that consent can be non-violently withdrawn.
Lew Rockwell, 2011
This is a psyop. Brown and Newsom are intelligence assets serving a plutocratic criminal class. Abuse of “public health” as a tool of social control and oppression has a long history going back to at least the great leper hunt of the Middle Ages. Hypocrisy has nothing to do with it – the real problem is the Mainstream Media is controlled by the intelligence agencies and not serving the interest of the people. They’re not journalists.