Gov. Newsom and West Coast Leaders Sign Climate Agreement… to ‘Dominate?’
‘This is not about electric power, it’s about economic power’
By Katy Grimes, October 7, 2022 2:45 am
California Governor Gavin Newsom, Oregon Governor Kate Brown, Washington Governor Jay Inslee, and British Columbia Premier John Horgan “doubled down” on Thursday and signed a new Statement of Cooperation, another climate agreement – the Pacific Coast Collaborative – “recommitting” the Western region “to climate action.”
“In California, we punch above our weight when it comes to climate action – but our actions can only do so much without the rest of the world at our side,” Gov. Newsom said. “The Pacific Coast is raising the bar for tackling the climate crisis while also ensuring every community is included in our efforts. The West will continue to lead the way toward a carbon-free future that supports our economy, our people and our planet.”
I’m not sure how much we are punching above our weight in California given that former Gov. Jerry Brown already had a climate compact with California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, formed in 2013 to promote “the type of new thinking necessary to solve the West Coast’s infrastructure crisis,” I reported several years ago.
“In October 2013, California Gov. Jerry Brown, together with the Governors of Oregon and Washington and the British Columbia Premier, signed the Pacific Coast Action Plan on Climate and Energy, ‘to align climate change policies and promote clean energy,’” I reported. “The Pacific Coast Collaborative links with the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX), a compact between California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. The WCX is linked to the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative.”
“California isn’t waiting for the rest of the world before it takes action on climate change,” said Gov. Brown. “Today, California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia are all joining together to reduce greenhouse gases.”
Apparently in the 7 years since Jerry Brown inked his climate deal with the Governors of Oregon and Washington and the British Columbia Premier, it’s not clear at all how much the bar for tackling the climate crisis has been raised, or if California is leading anything on “climate action” other than a lot of discussions and compacts.
Adding to the vapidity of the agreement, San Francisco Mayor London Breed had this to say at the signing ceremony Thursday:
“How cool is this, to be at this place at this time to celebrate the Pacific Coast Collaborative – a commitment to our future, a commitment to our planet and the needs of what we need to commit to in terms of climate change.”
Breed continued: “And I gotta say, I’m really proud of what San Francisco is doing, and was just talking to Governor Newsom about the big uproar when he was Mayor when he implemented the composting policy of San Francisco.”
“And when you think about it, look at how far we’ve come. We have this really incredible climate action plan. And in San Francisco, it’s not just the plan – we’re putting the plan into real action.”
Gavin Newsom was Mayor of San Francisco for eight years, 2004 to 2011. But he got his composting plan implemented.
Mayor Breed finished her comments and went on to introduce “The Premier of British Columbia, Governor Inslee.”
Mayor Breed stumbled over a correction as the actual Premier of British Columbia, John Horgan, fist bumped her as he took the podium.
When Gov. Newsom was up at the podium, he called climate change “the issue that unites all of us, not just here, but around the rest of the globe.”
Newsom called what is taking place, “the Great Awakening,” noting that “something is happening… the extreme heat, extreme drought, the extreme weather… we have all experiences this whipsaw back and forth.”
“Of course, less than a month ago in California, we were this close to turning off the lights,” Gov. Newsom continued. “Stretched to a degree we’ve never been stretched before. 52,000Mega Watts of use on September 6th – ten days of heat the likes of which we couldn’t ever imagine. A 10-day heat dome. 124 degree temperatures in September. So we’re all being stretched, in terms of the challenges and the opportunities.”
Gov. Newsom said it aloud: “the opportunities.”
As for the “extreme heat” Gov. Newsom continually refers to, the Globe recently reported, in 1973, the hottest temperature in Sacramento was 107 degrees. By 1975, it was back up to 113 degrees. In fact, between 1972 and 1992, over 20 years, every summer in Sacramento was in the triple digits, and there were four summers hotter than 110 degrees.
In 1996, it was 110 degrees in Sacramento. In 2002, it was 110 degrees. In 2006, it was 111 degrees. In 2017 it was 110 degrees. In 2020 it was 112 degrees in Sacramento. Last summer in Sacramento 2021, temperatures reached 109 degrees. The point is, every summer in the Sacramento region, temperatures are hot – 104 up to 113 degrees. The standard appears to be 104 to 108 degrees – really hot. I am a native of Sacramento, and remember back to 1972 and the very hot summers, then and now.
In the latest iteration of the Pacific Coast Collaborative, Gov. Newsom said “the realities that present themselves present opportunities that we recognize we have to reconcile.”
A more comprehensive energy policy using an “all of the above” approach would not present Gov. Newsom with the “opportunities” he is seeking.
“This is not about electric power, it’s about economic power,” Newsom said. “This is about dominating a big global industry.”
“Electric vehicles are a trillion dollar industry,” Newsom said. “We’re not going to cede that to other jurisdictions, other parts of the globe. We want to dominate that.”
So it’s not really about saving the planet, or the United States, or California; nor is it really about “extreme weather.” But it is about government dominating an industry. Gov. Newsom said it aloud in this press conference.
Additional proof of this dominating can be found in the “sweeping set of laws” Gov. Newsom signed last month that aim to dramatically cut the state’s use of oil and gas, many in the California media reported. That “sweeping set of laws” is 40 new climate change bills regulating California businesses and its people.
Leading off the sweeping package of legislation is the ominous bill, The California Climate Crisis Act, AB 1279. Apparently California has a climate crisis.
The overall goal of Newsom’s “sweeping” climate change package is “Achieving net zero GHG emissions” in the state. To do this California needs to address and change and completely alter electricity, buildings, transportation, industry, agriculture and land use… according to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, founded in 1998 as the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. “Twenty-nine percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from generating electricity. Most of the electricity is used in our homes, offices, and factories to power everything from heating and cooling systems to lights, computers, refrigerators, and cell phones,” they say.
So pretty much everything we use in modern society needs to be upended, overhauled, restricted and repurposed, according to the Climate Change hustlers and Gov. Newsom.
Only, according to Michael Shellenberger, this is a lot of hyperbole.
Shellengerber is a fierce critic of green extremism, Gerard Baker says in a recent Wall Street Journal interview. “In his book Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All, he rejects the idea that the changing climate can only be saved by a massive restructuring of the economy. He argues instead that economic growth can continue without negative environmental impacts through technological innovation. But his critique of modern progressivism doesn’t stop with climate.”
Shellengerger says climate change is real, but it’s not the end of the world. He says we’ve “become much more resilient to natural disasters over time. I mean, deaths from natural disasters in the United States is usually a few hundred people, nothing close to deaths from many other accidents, car accidents, drug overdoses. And that’s going to be the case around the world, especially as countries develop.”
While Governor Newsom is talking death, doom, destruction and domination opportunities because of climate change, Michael Shellengerger is hopeful and presents a very positive picture of how we thrive: “we need an energy abundance vision and strategy, not an energy scarcity strategy. We’ve had energy scarcity for the last year, year and a half. That’s been in the agendas to get more energy scarcity. And the situations of energy scarcity, we actually revert back to burning more coal. In a situation of great energy abundance, which is the situation the United States had been in really over the last 12 years, thanks to the fracking revolution, energy prices came down because natural gas was so abundant and carbon emissions came down.”
And Shellenberger is no “right-wing curmudgeon,” as Baker says. He’s a former Democratic candidate for public office, as well as a former recall candidate for Governor.
Shellenberger should be California’s Energy Czar. Or governor.
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We had a chance of electing Micheal Shellenberger as our governor but Hairdo of course funded the campaign of the no name GOP candidate so he could label him a “terrorist” and sadly Shellenberger came in third in the primary. I don’t know if Hairdo actually believes in all this stuff or if he is just using this as a way virtue signal for political gain, but it’s people like him that is spreading misery via their forced energy scarcity policies. He, like most people in the “climate change” camp are not serious. They are all disingenuous hacks leading us off a cliff of economic ruin in a grim game to lower the standard of living for everyone else so they can enrich themselves at our expense.
These four Governors should quit their day jobs and start writing nursery rhymes and fairy tales. They would give Grimm and Mother Goose some real competition. Because climate change, global warming, climate crisis, climate emergency, or whatever they are calling it this week is the biggest hoax and fairy tale there is. Shellenberger’s book is a good one. Some other books to read are: “Global Warming Skepticism For Busy People” by Roy Spencer, “Climategate” and “Eco-Tyranny” both by Brian Sussman. All three of these books expose the climate change hoax and shakedown. By the way, good article here Katy!
Kate Brown (Oregon) is termed out and rated as the least popular governor in the country. She will be replaced by an Independent or Republican in November ( If the Republican wins, look for Oregon to at least hedge on this climate deal.
It is time the grass roots unite for a new leadership. The entire green depopulation ageneda is their economic program to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and humanity. The powers behind Inslee, Newsom and the others is the central bankers of the Federal Reserve and the City of London and their central bankers. The British Oligarchy has been at the heart of this entire environmentalist movement for a long time. Not enough space to go through that history now. We need to pull together, that is why I am running for California State Assembly 18 against Mia “Missing In Action” Bonta. We need nuclear, fusion and a space program as President Trump was opening up again with the Artemis Project. Thanks Katie for bring this to our attention.
Gavin Newsom was anointed the title “Young Global Leader” by Dr. Klaus Schwab in Davos in 2005 ( So his actions reflect his master Schwab who heads the World Economic Forum and his Great Reset. Part of the program is a planned economic collapse with food, power and water shortages. Depopulation is high on the agenda with help from Bill Gates. Justin Trudeau is also a YGL, and ahead of Newsom on the 2030 Agenda. Trudeau is not slowed by the 1st and 2nd Amendments we have. Some people in Canada are already leaving.
Hi Stan –you are right about the”Young Global Leader” by Dr. Klaus Schwab in Davos. Thanks for bring this up–Mindy Pechenuk, Republican Candidate for State Assembly 18
Stan, I was thinking, “Agenda 20/30, Klaus Schwab, WEF, and the Great Reset are all reflected here.” Maybe we need billboard campaigns (taking a leaf from Newsom’s book) for educating people about the plan laid out in Agenda 20/30 and the Great Reset. But are people smart enough or concerned enough to even follow up on the information? Anyway, I totally agree with your comment.
Adding to the vapidity of the Agreement…
LOL! Great article Katy!
Gavin and his band; The Leftist Coast Grifters.
Arrogant elites bringing you the latest hits in Catastrophic Climate Sophistry!
Dudes, not everyone is on acid.
More excellent coverage from bulldog-with-a-bone Katy Grimes on this destructive “climate change” takeover attempt, and great comments here, too. Be sure to check out Katy’s 2015 article (linked above) where we can see the seedlings of the cartoonish gang’s Dictatorial Dreams planted, or rather expanded, under Jerry Brown, by this “collaboration” (really illegal compact) consisting of the usual suspects and others, some of whose names we have all but forgotten (e.g. Wade Crowfoot and even Tom Steyer).
No, of course these comic book villain wannabes don’t believe in this climate B.S. As you know. It’s merely their best-bet path to (they think) piles of wealth and absolute despotism. Bonus points for serving as a finger in the eye to metaphorical “Daddy,” the target of their lifelong spite and hatred and resentment. Jerry Brown’s wealth comes from oil and he’s been flipping the bird to his father and those interests for all of his adult life but meanwhile we don’t see him giving up any of those advantages, for all of his superficial “asceticism.” And if Gavin Newsom were a true believer he would be shunning the Getty family instead of eagerly climbing the ladder they provided to him for all of HIS adult life.
Obviously Gavin and the Gang are gettin’ while the gettin’s good NOW before any fresh faces are elected in November as governors and etc. That new crowd may not immediately blow their plans to smithereens but they certainly cannot be relied upon to be “cooperative” agents in them. And then there is Shellenberger, whose common-sense energy movement grows by the day, a central threat to the wannabe green tyrants.
Interesting that Gavin uses a Christian religious term “Great Awakening” to describe the hoped-for allegiance of the acolytes. As we know, “green” IS a religious faith for those who blindly follow Gaia, as our phony of a con-artist of a Gov/Pastor also knows very well.
All four are globalist minions listed on Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum website:
California Governor Gavin Newsom :
Oregon Governor Kate Brown:
Washington Governor Jay Inslee:
British Columbia Premier John Horgan:
No doubt they are all getting incentives and payoffs to push this evil climate change agreement that will destroy the economy, usher in the great financial reset and ultimately establish an oppressive one-world globalist government?
Great insights again, as usual, Mario!
How about “punching above (y)our weight” and taking down the environmental pollution that is released into the atmosphere by CHINA, Governor Frat-Boy???
Oops – that would likely cut off your under-the-table FUNDING from your CCP overlords and “partners” at BYD, who you did the under-the-table deal for C19 PPE gear and I believe they were also in on your “train to nowhere” grift as well, am I right???
We have GOT to get rid of this WEF houseplant and short-circuit his national ambitions at the knees…. organize, vote, volunteer to be a poll-watcher and keep these SOB’s HONEST so they don’t steal YET ANOTHER election, like they did for Newsom’s recall and the primaries for the mid-terms…..
It’s true that this country is in need of a Great Awakening, but not the kind these reprobates have in mind.
You said it, Leonard Martinez. Hope and pray the REAL “Great Awakening” will be upon us soon. We’re definitely ripe for it, aren’t we.
Leftists took that 70’s bumper sticker that read “freeze in the dark” as a game plan to depopulate the world. Time to send them all to Gitmo as the worst terrorists to ever darken the world.
Newsom has no cash to back the deposit. Sometime I think he really doesn’t believe this nonsense. He’s pandering to the greenies.
The only thing Gavin believes in is his bank account and how to acquire more influence so as to increase it.
That’s not all he belieives in:
He believes we should all be vaxxed while his daugher is not
He believes in groping female staff
He believes he is destined for higher office
The first two are true and the third one is pure fantasy
I voted for Michael Shallenberger in the primary. I knew he probably wouldn’t get in, but he’s more tolerable for the lefties to vote for than a Republican. If he could get in to implement his policies around energy and drugs/homelessness I think we’d see some significant improvements. Such improvements could encourage people to vote for candidates with similar ideas instead of progressives. Change has to start somewhere.