Governor Newsom announces signing of $15 billion climate change, wildfire funding packages in Sequoia National Park on 9/23/21. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Gov. Newsom Applauds ‘Inflation Reduction Act’
‘Government cannot put a single dollar into the economy that it has not first taken out of the same economy’
By Katy Grimes, August 16, 2022 5:21 pm
“Just as you can’t drink yourself sober, you cannot spend your way out of inflation or tax yourself out of recession or borrow your way out of debt. Yet that’s what the Democrats claim they can do,” California Rep. Tom McClintock said about H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act President Joe Biden just signed into law.
Yet California Governor Gavin Newsom exalted the President, despite that it will cost the average household an additional $6,000:
“The Inflation Reduction Act is a total game-changer for America. California is proud to stand with the President as we usher in a new era for unprecedented federal climate action. Here in the Golden State, we’re on the front lines of the climate crisis every single day – from weathering drought to fighting wildfires to dealing with extreme heat.”
Rep. McClintock has a better grasp on the damage all of this spending will do:
“Now they are doubling down on these foolish policies. It seems the more that some people invest in their mistakes, the less willing they are to admit them.”
“They’re adding 87,000 new IRS agents – larger than the entire population of Flint, Michigan — to collect $200 billion of new taxes – mostly from middle class families and shopkeepers who don’t have the resources to contest expensive audits. They’re adding $300 billion of new corporate taxes which will be passed on to families as higher prices, lower wages and lower returns. All to give away ¾ of a trillion dollars MORE of your earnings to their green energy cronies and other political supporters – averaging $6,000 per household.”
This is a gigantic redistribution of middle class “wealth.”
Gov. Newsom can’t wait to get his hands on some of that beautiful spending money – for the black hole known as “climate change:”
“The significant funding that will flow to states like ours is essential to protecting people from the worst impacts of climate change and accelerating our transition to a clean energy future. With our own record $54 billion Climate Commitment and world-leading efforts to cut carbon pollution and move toward an oil-free future, our state has been a global leader on climate change. But California can’t wage this battle alone – and thanks to today’s action by President Biden, we won’t have to.”
Not only does Gov. Newsom speak in platitudes when he discusses “protecting people from the worst impacts of climate change and accelerating our transition to a clean energy future,” none of this spending is having any impact on “climate change” other than to make it worse in California. Wildfires are upon us once again, and these are not caused by “extreme weather” or “climate change,” but by neglect and prioritizing fire suppression over wildfire prevention.
The pollution and carbon emissions from the fires causes far more carbon emissions than fossil fuel emissions. A report in 2020 found that the CO2 from California fires dwarf state’s fossil fuel emissions. In 2020, the state’s wildfires “generated more than 91 million metric tons of CO2, according to data from the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED). That’s about 25% of the annual emissions from fossil fuels in the state.”
The Globe reported in July on the Yosemite Oak Fire, and found that NBC News had a reasonable understanding on “climate change” and California’s now-annual “fire season:”
“For decades, federal, state and local agencies have prioritized fire suppression over prevention, pouring billions of dollars into hiring and training firefighters, buying and maintaining firefighting equipment and educating the public on fire safety.”
“But as climate change continues to fuel dry conditions in the American West, many experts say it’s long past time to shift the focus back to managing healthy forests that can better withstand fire and add to a more sustainable future.”
Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher also weighed in with a level head about the left’s claims that because of climate change, California needed to immediately begin, “shuttering all natural gas plants, converting all houses from gas heating to electricity, and electrifying our ports.” Gallagher concluded:
“The bottom line is California has done the most to reduce carbon emissions at great cost to its citizens. It is estimated that our carbon policies are already costing the average Californian $1,235 a year. Doubling down on these policies is the wrong approach.”
“More importantly, not one of these solutions will stop a devastating wildfire from occurring. The 2018 fires alone emitted 45 million metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere, nine times more than we reduced carbon emissions over the past few years.”
In June, Rep. McClintock gave all of us a reminder of how the economy works, even when it is being disturbingly mismanaged by the current administration:
“When the Democrats passed Mr. Biden’s $1.9 trillion spending spree in March, a lot of people got a lot of free money – thousands of dollars in many cases. But the bill is already coming due for that free money, and, as many of us warned, it turns out that free money is very expensive. Indeed, it turns out that the very same families most harmed by the lockdowns will be the most harmed by paying the bill for the lockdown relief. It comes to about $15,000 for an average family and the first installment is already reflected in the rising inflation sapping the purchasing power of working families.”
“The sad and sober reality is that government cannot put a single dollar into the economy that it has not first taken out of the same economy.”
However, Gov. Newsom concluded that “the Inflation Reduction Act is about helping hardworking American families.” How? By increasing our costs an additional $6,000?
Rep. McClintock has been sounding the alarm over what will really happen in the United States with the Inflation Reduction Act:
“The Democrats printed and spent trillions of dollars we didn’t have and unleashed the worst inflation in forty years. They waged war on American energy and plunged us into recession.”
“What makes them think socialism will work any better here than everywhere else in the world it has ever been tried?”
“This bill takes our country further into this dismal future – and only more suffering and poverty will come of it.”
McClintock says that Americans deserve a wise and frugal government. “But it is not enough to deserve it – we have to demand it at the ballot box.”
Of course, Newsom supports the Inflation Reduction Act. He supports anything that will make citizens poorer and their quality of life reduced. Name one thing Newsom has done to improve the lives of hard working, tax paying Californians. Just one. That’s all I ask.
Immediately after Dems passed it, the title of ‘Inflation Reduction’ became Climate and Healthcare (similar to the ‘con’ when naming CA propositions)…. Also note while other states tried to ease gas prices, Newsom dissed Californians with a down-the-road gas tax/budget refund combo. What this administration has done to California and the quality of life is unforgivable: stolen elections, concealed carry info release, vaxx mandates, lockdowns, trans therapy, abortion tourism, CRT…. While they go through the motions, they also know it will all come to an abrupt end very soon.
Agree wholeheartedly with both of you, Protect Freedom and Marilyn Midura. Cannot name ONE thing Newsom has done for Californians, NOT ONE thing. And all that Newsom has done to ruin this state is indeed unforgivable. Newsom is a soulless, empty shell, a narcissist, and so much more that is awful. He is cruel and vindictive, and he doesn’t care how much he destroys or who he hurts. Like the most craven heroin addict wants his next fix, Newsom wants power. I can barely stand to look at him anymore, and I certainly can’t stand to hear his staccato nonsense prattle anymore. He makes me sick. All of them make me sick. They’re probably glad about that. But I liked Marilyn Midura’s last sentence, which was very hopeful.
You are not alone in how you feel Showantell! Hang in there, I too believe it will come to an end hopefully sooner than expected.
Thanks for your sweet reply, Stacy. Sure hope so. 🙂
More managed decline of America
Bottomless pit of climate spending that never has any success metrics to prove that what’s been done is working.
How much money is California spent chasing climate change yet we’re still in a drought with an adequate storage facilities for water for 40 million people and agriculture
Bottomless pit of climate spending that never has any success metrics to prove that what’s been spent is having any impact.
How much money is California spent chasing climate change yet we’re still in a drought with an adequate storage facilities for water for 40 million people and agriculture
Gavin Newsom has exposed himself and that is not a pretty sight. Newsom’s full support for the genocide green agenda could not be clearer: ” The significant funding that will flow to states like ours is essential … our transition to a clean energy future. …our state has been a global leader on climate change. But California can’t wage this battle alone – and thanks to today’s action by President Biden, we won’t have to. “. Our problems do not come from man made climate change, our problems comes from leaders like Newsom and the entire Uni Party, that created the ” Inflation Reduction Act”. If you want to stop inflation abolish the Federal Reserve, that is the cornerstone that needs to be removed. Then we can get back to the American System with the Constitutuional National Bank and credit system to build the 30 desalination plants and other real water infrastructure projects.
Mobilize for these solution, mobilize for Nov. 8 to vote out Newsom and his Uni Party. It is up to the citizens to keep our republic and a future for generations to come. Mindy Pechenuk, Republican Candidate for State Assembly 18
The “existential threat of ‘climate change'” is World Economic Forum-speak for cover for the “Great Reset” and the “Build Back Better” dystopian plans that are being promulgated by Klaus Schwab and implemented by his “Young Global Leaders” (Gavin Newsom, class of 2005) who have “infiltrated the highest level of governments worldwide”…
This is a giant wealth-transfer scheme to collapse the global economy so that fascist governments and their ultra-wealthy donors (and the Communist Chinese Party) can consolidate power and financial clout, culminating in their Global Digital Currency, where your “money” can be centrally controlled if your “social credit score” falls below the central-planners’ thresholds.
Unfortunately, the accelerated adoption of the uncertainties introduced into the daily economy and the concerted efforts of the Communist Democrats and the OBiden Residential Administration is so disconnected from normal reality in the aftermath of their two-year “plandemic” that most people are emotionally shell-shocked and cannot fully comprehend the dystopian plans that are being deployed.
Two important resources that are very good at explaining how to resist these WEF fascists and the “Great Reset” can be found at the Rumble channel of “Liberty Station” and Dr. Keith Rose’s podcast called “The Scalpel” and I highly recommend that everyone spend some time with both of these resources and continue to follow them regularly as they assess the threats that we all face from these dark forces of evil.
Also, please read Stephanie Maier’s book titled “The Righteous Fight: Reclaiming the Soul of America”…