Gov. Newsom Forced to Repeal California’s anti-LGBT Banned-States Law for 2024 Presidential Campaign

California’s governor is going to show the red states a thing or two about promoting social equality

CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Florida ad. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)

In order for California Governor Gavin Newsom to be able to travel the country campaigning for President – without being called a hypocrite – he’s orchestrated the introduction of a new bill to end California’s travel ban to “anti-LGBT law” states.

Senate Bill 447, authored by Senator Toni Atkins (D-San Diego), would end California’s ant-LGBT law travel ban to 23 states, including  Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

Last summer, Newsom was busted vacationing in Montana – one of the 22 states on California’s list of state-banned travel. Montana is not only among the 22 states to which California has banned state-funded and state-sponsored travel, Montana is also one of the states Newsom’s office has called out for restricting abortion access.

That should have been a thoroughly embarrassing issue for the governor.

This time, with Newsom agitating for a Presidential run in 2024, California’s growing list of banned states could make it a lot more difficult for the governor since it won’t just be his friendly California media on his tail.

And rather than admit just how stupid it is to ban states from state travel, Newsom and his PR team think they’ve cooked up a really witty reason to change the law: “rather than just end the ban, the bill would instead replace it with the Building and Reinforcing Inclusive, Diverse, Gender-Supportive Equity Project (BRIDGE Project) to ‘promote social equity, civil rights, and antidiscrimination through marketing and advertising campaigns,’” the Globe reported.

Ahhhh, California’s governor is going to show the red states a thing or two about building bridges, promoting social equality and civil rights, and anti discrimination.

Good luck with that Gavin. Those red states aren’t the back-woods hayseeds you think they are.

Think about this – Gov. Newsom is authorizing spending California taxpayers’ money in other states so he can teach them a lesson about social equity.

“I think polarization is not working,” said Senator Atkins on Wednesday. “We need to adjust our strategy. We know what we need to do, but we need to be able to be there to do it.

Newsom claims he’s not running for President but his actions, even as buffoonish as they are with this new bill, indicate otherwise. He will discover on his whistle stop social equity tour of Red States that he isn’t as attractive to the rest of the country as he and his team think he is.

Watch out Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia – Gavin Newsom will soon be visiting your state and wagging his social equity finger at you.

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Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor in Chief of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California's War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

View Comments (23)

  • Soon they will learn that they are not as smart as they think they are when they (he and his minions) get laughed out of those towns.
    Just hope Kevin Kiley is on the other street corner to show the rest of the U.S. that we are not all as arrogant and stupid as our governor.

    • The Dems are smart enough to lay the groundwork for Trump to win the Republican primary and then lose the general election. Trump simply won't be able to get the 80 million votes like Biden did in the last presidential election.

  • You know you live in a corrupt state when the Governor and legislature pass and repeal laws that benefit only them.
    How convenient they all agree!
    He has no shame!
    His PAC will be funded by the Soros and the Gates of the world.
    I hope he gets heckled at every stop, I guess his state of the state jaunt was a test run for his Shame Tour of red states. He should call it the Life Sucks Tour. Maybe he can campaign on every person gets a tent instead of a chicken in a pot.
    If the nation accepts him as a presidential candidate then we know the end of times is near😅

    • I am beginning to think the people of California are brain dead. They can't see how they are being played? They have had bad governors in the past but nothing is compaired to how bad Newsom been for California. I cannot see how he has done anything good for California, other than making himself,a few friends and relatives inordinately wealthy as they continue to pick the pockets of California Taxpayers. You want someone that is worse than Biden or even Trump to run this country? If you do elect Newsom. Compaired to Newsom Biden and Trump are choir boys purer than the driven snow. The only state that is worse off in that activity seems to be New York. Perhaps instead of walls at the Mexican and Canadian borders we should have walls seperating the rest of the nation from California and New York.

      • Not all of us, most of us want to rid California of this corrupt governor, for s reason we can’t get rid of him.. he’s like a thorns

  • Something tells me this puffed-up, arrogant, narcissistic horse's ass of a governor isn't going to get the kind of reception he thinks he's going to get out there in the states he loves to hate.
    Also don't forget his tendency to have angry, curse-ridden meltdowns when the sycophantic press in his pocket cheer for him don't cheer LOUD enough. Remember his tantrums before the Recall? So be sure to watch your temper out there on the road when there aren't as many Fanboys and Fangirls as you are used to, Worst Governor Ever. It's not a good look.

    • Good Advice to Gov Gav, ShowandTell.
      I hope his true colors show on the road.

    • I can't find Newsom's schedule anywhere and have emailed my Governor and legislators to find out when he plans to bring his idiotic, arrogant BS to my state. I will be there with friends and a bullhorn, I plan to drown out everything he says if I can find where he will be. Any help is appreciated.

  • By his own values he is now Governor Bigot. Will the alphabet Mafia give him a pass?

    Rules for thee but not for me. What a clown.

  • They should INCREASE the ban to all 49 other states! Try to keep the democrat virus contained!

    • I love it, RED ALERT, RED ALERT.
      What we have here is a Code 3 Clown Show.🤡

  • Maybe South Carolina can enact a law that prevents Guv. Brylcreem from coming here?
    As a toxic hair site?

  • Even the states populated by a majority of normal people (the banned states) have a lot of loons and wackos. The loons and wackos will be thrilled to see their newest loony and wacko hero. Since the feckless, senile, babbling buffoon they appointed in 2020 to eat tapioca in the White House has disappointed all but the most retarded democrats, they need a new empty headed vessel to lead us to official third world banana land.

  • Was 447 carried by Atkins for Wiener? They must save face with the contributors in his district and the Castro.
    Now that they are appeased he can ride his unicorn into red states without reprisal from the alphabet mob.
    A real lesson in how to kiss the ass of your contributors.

  • Can't believe Newsom has the hubris to think he could be POTUS. Maybe he knows something we don't.

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