Governor Gavin Newsom at 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, June 1, 2019. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
Governor Gavin Newsom: Coulda, Woulda Shoulda
Newsom is always on the wrong side of the most important issues
By Katy Grimes, December 23, 2024 8:54 am
When Gavin Newsom was sworn in as California’s 40th governor in January 2019, he made many promises. And few were about improving the cost of living, the cost of energy, the growing homeless crisis, gas prices, food prices, failing public schools, the ban on gas-powered cars, the war on the oil and gas industry, the war on Central Valley agriculture, the war on business owners… the list is long.
Starting with “inclusiveness” and “a decent standard of living for all,” Newsom quickly turned his attention to then-President Donald J. Trump, promising an administration that will be “an alternative to the corruption and incompetence in the White House.”
Whoa. Pot, meet kettle.
“Our government will be progressive, principled and always on the side of the people,” Newsom said.
“Principled.” He could have said his government would be, decent, equitable, honest, honorable, moral, righteous, or virtuous – all synonyms of “principled,” and none of which describes Gavin Newsom or his administration.
Newsom’s administration has instead been unethical, unjust, base, cutthroat, ignoble, immoral, and unconscionable.
He also said on inauguration day:
“What we do today is even more consequential, because of what’s happening in our country,” Newsom said, speaking as if California is a sovereign nation. “People’s lives, freedom, security, the water we drink, the air we breathe — they all hang in the balance. The country is watching us. The world is waiting on us, the future depends on us, and we will seize this moment,” he said.
Let’s examine this: People’s lives, freedom, security, the water we drink, the air we breathe — they all hang in the balance.” California has the cleanest air in the country, except for Hawaii, and they have the Tradewinds. The water in California is also some of the cleanest – well, except for the sewage spills in Tijuana, dirtying San Diego waters. Our freedom and security has never been more at risk under Gov. Newsom with escalating crime throughout the state, Communist Chinese infiltrators, and punishments to Republican Mayors and cities who dared to challenge Newsom’s housing and homeless mandates.
The city of Vallejo has been begging the Governor’s office for CHP to help with the city’s escalating crime. It’s been crickets from the governor’s office, despite daily and weekly requests.
Newsom had to send extra CHP to Oakland to assist with out-of-control crime. But Vallejo – apparently you’re on your own.
And he said this: “The country is watching us. The world is waiting on us, the future depends on us, and we will seize this moment.” Oh spare me. Newsom was laughable trying to sound like Barak Obama’s “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal…” when he won the Democratic nomination for presidency.
The country was only watching California to see what level of crazy the state would ascend to under Newsom. He has not disappointed the rest of the country… they are mildly entertained by California, but us – we are very disappointed.
Newsom stressed California “is not going to have one house for the rich, or for the poor, but one house for California.”
Whoops – that’s exactly what did happen. The chasm between the very rich and the very poor became wider under Gavin Newsom, whose policies and new laws only helped to move more of the middle class and businesses out of the state. Small, medium and large businesses have been packing up and moving to business friendlier states for lower taxes, fewer regulations, and affordable housing for their employees. And they are moving because they are rewarded for being in business by other states – unlike California, which makes it as painful as possible to do business here.
In 2022, 817,000 Californians moved to other states. California also lost a net of 407,000 residents to other states between July 2021 and July 2022, including a greater share of those with a college degree and residents at all income levels than in the past.
In 2021 the state lost one congressional representative – under Gavin Newsom’s administration.
In 2023, California lost 239,575 domestic residents, while gaining 232,570 because of “net international migration” – non-citizens.
Newsom said, “Children should not be ripped away from their parents at the border… and millions for a wall that should not be built.”
Another whoops. Incoming Trump border Czar Tom Homan says there are 500,000 missing immigrant children. That wall would have saved them.
When he was elected, Gov. Newsom, in January 2019, promised the world and a bag of chips to Californians.
Newsom’s campaign promises included:
- Universal healthcare for everyone, regardless of ability to pay, including immigrants in the country illegally.
- A “Marshall Plan” for affordable housing production of 3.5 million housing units over the next decade
- A master plan for aging with dignity
- A middle-class workforce strategy
- A cradle-to-college promise
- Universal pre-school
- An all-hands approach to ending child poverty
- “Audacious” and “bold” action on the homelessness crisis
How did he do?
These were empty promises – other than socializing medicine and health care when Newsom expanded the state’s Medi-Cal low-income health system to include illegal immigrants.
Newsom is always on the wrong side of the most important issues. He hasn’t gotten one issue right. When he was elected he could have made himself a hero to the people of the state, had he addressed even a few of the crucial issues. We will be addressing these – what he could have done, what he should have done, and what needs to be done to return California to its greatness.
Newsom, who laughably refers to California’s “Golden Economy,” may be the worst governor in the country. He is clearly California’s worst governor and a legend in his own mind.
Here’s another visual of “California’s Golden economy:”

And the gluttons for punishment voters who cast their votes for this incompetent buffoon, voted against his recall TWICE. They get what they deserve.
California elections cannot be forensically audited. This is a design feature.
Great point! I would love you to expound on this
I’m from California I have no idea who votes to keep newsome in office besides other rich out of touch people like himself. they obviously hey benefits from him. but if the state crashes all your money goes with it. it’s time to pick someone who will make life better for everyone not just for democrats.
I believe that Newsom’s biggest support comes from a lack of forensic election accountability (fraud).
Heartily agree and there will even more to come. Happy New Year.
Abe: You’re kidding, right?! Don’t blame people for their “voting”… in Cali, no way for us to know how people have actually voted! There’s been massive fraud and has been for decades.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m from Commiefornia but live in a red county TRUMP24. These voters are so gullible and ignorant it’s pathetic.
I agree to some extent…we been plenty brainwashed and manipulated here. BUT…look at the red/blue color-coded map from the ’24 election…most of Cali is RED! Okay, the blue parts include the most populous parts where…this is key…the voter rolls have been hugely dirty, by design no doubt. Those not-real voters on the rolls are like a slush fund with their “votes” cast for them Plus LPVs (low propensity voters) can have their “votes” cast for them as well. We saw that in the Newsom vs Elder recall voting… many people reporting that they went to the polls, only to be told that they had already voted.
Add to which…Cali is not even THAT much more registered Democrat than Republican. Back in 2019 when I was seeing people allege that Cali was slam-dunk going to go D because Ds were the majority, I checked the numbers. I found that Ds were highest but not by a huge amount…the numbers were roughly 1/3 D. 1/3 R, 1/3 other. IMO, the 1/3 other are much more red-leaning than blue. I sense that many register independent, etc., due to disincentives, lack of courage, etc. to register R. Also, the Rs weren’t doing a good job either, too weak. Many people–I heard many say–they only bothered to register a party if they wanted to vote in the primaries…
“…When he was elected he could have made himself a hero to the people of the state…”
But was that is goal or intent?
How has Newsom’s net worth changed since being governor?
Hey Abe. Everyone DID NOT vote for this “incompetent buffoon”. Sacramento is corrupt! We’re overpowered by the Incompetent brain dead buffoons who continue to vote these people in. Also the “deep pockets” overpower us. There’s a lot of “red” in California! So stop putting all of us in one category. We’re not all cut from the same cloth. We The People will not give up!
Election cheating is also a big factor in the bad outcomes we see, which has been going on for years and years and years.
I voted to recall the governor. He’s only out for his self and his rich friends. He doesn’t care about the people of California. That’s why people are leaving the state. He’s killing the work force causing more homeless.
The company I worked for13 years closed their doors due to his politics killing california.
completely agree, fuel tax. not going to fix roads, population growth is mostly illegal immigrants, budget a joke, praying that the common sense people are elected, oops dreaming again, they have perfected the art of stealing the elections, last election proved it.
Thank you Katy for another satisfying article about the WORST GOVERNOR EVER, Gavin Newsom. Newsom has been the MOST embarrassing, MOST conscience-less, MOST sadistic, MOST narcissistic, and the biggest LIAR of a governor this country has ever seen.
Our beloved country needs to remain on alert about this guy because he has a history of rolling out the grandiose campaign promises just to get elected, followed by the even more grandiose newly-inaugurated promises, after which he fulfills none of them, not even the ones sensible people didn’t agree with in the first place. Instead he proceeds to turn whatever he is supposed to be governing into a slimy cesspool of a hellhole of filth and complete chaos, which by the way he appears to be doing on purpose. He will make the same bogus promises again in hopes of being elected should he ever be a candidate (God forbid) for U.S. President and, should he ever be elected (God forbid), he will turn our entire country into a filth-ridden sewer of a hellhole.
Forewarned is forearmed, America!
MAGA much, Katie.
At least he has a plan to fight back.
Luv my Gov. You would too if you had to live under another ass.
What a weird comment? What are Gruesome Newsom’s plans to fight back? No doubt just more misery for Californians while he and his criminal Democrat mafia cronies live like royalty at taxpayer expense? Take for example California’s sky high gas prices that are the result of Newsom and his Democrat cronies tax policies. According to CBS 8 San Diego, Californians pay roughly $1.40 per gallon in taxes and fees — the highest in the nation. Here’s the breakdown:
State Excise Tax: 57.9 cents per gallon (as of July 2024)
Federal Excise Tax: 18.4 cents per gallon
Cap-and-Trade Program: 23 cents per gallon
Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS): 18 cents per gallon
Underground Storage Tank Fee: 2 cents per gallon
Sales Tax: ~3.7% of the retail price
These taxes and regulatory fees combined with California’s stringent fuel standards — which mandate unique summer and winter gasoline blends — drive up prices far more than the refiners’ net margins. Where’s all that tax money going when California has the worst roadways and highways in the country?
I would say California’s worst governor is Arnold Schwarzenegger. This article is so out of touch and highly biased. I found this article to be short on details but filled with rhetoric. It is all about red meat for Trump followers to get them worked. This article represents everything that is wrong with media and journalism today.
By every measure most Californians are worse off since Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom was installed into office and Katy Grimes effectively listed the reasons why with this article. In contrast Rick H could not come up with one valid argument in favor of Newsom. Most Californians would gladly take Arnold Schwarzenegger’s years as California’s governor over the disastrous last few years under Gruesome Newsom’s dictatorship.
It takes a great deal of willful ignorance to not recognize Newsom for who he really is. Every move he makes is destructive towards our Constitutional Republic and it’s sovereignty. The huge volumes of Americans that have been fleeing California should be ample evidence for “the lights to come on” for you.
Worst Governor ever! We had a chance to recall him but people were still asleep. Now they have woken up. Please get him out.
You’re right. American Psycho look-alike hasn’t delivered on anything, but he is never effectively held to account.
Who votes for Newsom? Government employees, teachers unions, LGBTQ+ , Hollywood, Silicon Valley, all the employees of NGO’s serving the homeless industrial complex, real estate industry, building and trade unions,, environmental groups, SF, Sacramento and LA, and illegal aliens, – because they all benefit from his out of control spending. Plus, his minions like Shirley Weber, the Secretary of State, control both signature verification and the vote count.
And Dominion… they’re features, not bugs for the party in power..
Unfortunately, the Republicans can’t get a unified front together and are too infested with,country-club Republicans and slimy,business owners who want cheap labor to fatten their bottom line…
I sensed a change this past year but it’ll be interesting to see how the CAGOP behaves in 2025 and beyond
You neglected to mention the cemetery vote and other like democrat constituencies in california.
Stomping on our 2A RIGHTS has got to be in here too, right? That seems to be a passion of his. I can’t wait until he’s gone, hopefully, quietly into the night. Never to be heard from again. Fingers crossed.
Hopefully President electe Donald Trump will help our California people to RECALL Grusom. Please help President Trump!!!
Mark: I’d put that a bit differently. Instead of Donald Trump helping per se, I’d rather that the MAGA/MAHA movement get on-the-move, organized, and effective in Cali! The Republican Party in Cali just has not seemed to have much in the way of positive leadership. Maybe the R Party offices have been dominated by RINO / UniParty types, like apparently they have been in Arizona? I wouldn’t know about other offices, or even much about the local office where I am, because…it’s been so low profile as to seem non-existent. Who knows, it could have been RINO / UniParty run, and doing more to support the D establishment.
Don’t forget all the tax dollars to mysteries like “Coastal Resilience “ and other green – money – for-nothing projects. How about bragging about our new bullet train, governor? Too much!
Excellent synopsis of the wanna be dictator, Newsolini!
Fire meet Gavin’s feet!
Thank you Katy for holding Newsolini’s feet to the fire for the last 5 years.
It is imperative that those who believe Gov Gav has been an excellent Governor pushing ultra progressive programs onto the hardworking citizens of this state.
People such as “Beth” either are too far removed from everyday life of the average Californian or are somehow benefiting financially from the taxpayer money grab, i.e. housing first programs, abortion sanctuary status or perhaps the shuttling of illegal migrants crossing the border!
Merry Christmas Katy , Globe staff and the awesome readers of this publication!
Hey Rick-
My guess is you are either a transplant or a troll. As someone born and raised in this once great state, it is sad to see what the crazies (most of whom likely moved here from a red state) have done to ruin her.
CA lumber fee, paint fee, ammo fee, mattress fee, plastic bag fee ( except welfare- they don’t litter) paper straws, green waste, blue waste, 2nd amendment violations , lockdowns, enabling persons here illegally, bans on gas mowers, blowers, furnaces, ovens/stoves, RVs, and soon cars (except for gov .vehicles and first responders- says it all) fireplaces etc.
Losing the right to be safe in your gender (xx & xy) specific bathroom, or sports team, to be free from child porn in our schools, and the ruination of our streets by druggies and mental cases.
Am I biased, you’re darn right. Maybe this serfdom lifestyle is the shining beacon on a hill for you, but to me it’s a steaming pile of you know what. Why is it a Trump thing? It is a freedom loving thing. I don’t understand the allure of being part of a Dem/ Marxist progressive social experiment.