CA Gov. Gavin Newsom. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Governor Gavin Newsom Unveils $4.5 Million Free Immigration Legal Services Pilot Program
Controversial program targets legal services for illegal immigrant farm workers
By Evan Symon, July 20, 2023 12:48 pm
Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled a $4.5 million pilot program with the aim of providing free immigration-based legal assistance services to farmworkers in the country illegally currently involved in state labor investigations.
While illegal immigrants have had access to free immigration legal services sponsored by California since 2015, with a list of pro bono services even being released by the Department of Justice, there had been a gap in the specific focus of migrant farmworkers due to the different legal status and laws applying to them. Also of concern is the general farm labor shortage in the country, with some lawmakers believing that a solution is to help keep migrant farm workers in the country legally.
These issues led to Governor Newsom unveiling his program on Wednesday. Under the pilot program, case review services, legal advice and representation by an attorney would be given for free thanks to funding by the state, albeit only to workers currently under investigation by California labor officials.
“Farmworkers are the backbone of our economy and we won’t stand by as bad actors use the threat of deportation as a form of exploitation,” Newsom said in a statement on Wednesday. “In the absence of Congress modernizing our broken, outdated immigration system, California continues our efforts to support immigrant families.”
Supporters of the program noted on Thursday that workers will not only be protected from deportation, but they can also now come forward with labor violations to the state without fear of retaliation, as well.
“Prosecutorial discretion ensures that farmworkers will be empowered to enforce their labor rights and stand up against the abuse and exploitation they often face,” said UFW Foundation CEO Diana Tellefson Torres. “Undocumented farm workers – who form such a large and essential portion of our nation’s workforce – must be able to enforce their rights without the threat of immigration retaliation. Additionally, it is of utmost importance that undocumented workers have access to free and low-cost legal services, so that any farmworker who has experienced workplace violations can come forward knowing they are protected from deportation. We are excited about the new pilot program and look forward to working with Governor Newsom to make it a success.”
However, opponents blasted the program, noting that both illegal immigration and the number of lawsuits would rise as a result of it.
“It’s going to encourage increased illegal immigration, which must be stopped. It’s going to increase potentially frivolous lawsuits being brought against small businesses and farmers in this state, and that is the last thing they need to deal with,” said lawyer and 2024 U.S. Senate candidate Eric Early. “They’re already under too much regulatory pressure, which is causing business and farmers to go out of business all too often.”
Legal aide Mitchell Diaz also told the Globe that “This is only going to make the job of lawyers harder. More money from the state sounds great, but it is just going to create more lawsuits and put more pressure on immigration lawyers, who already are being overworked right now.”
The pilot program funds are to be divested soon.
Only our own odious Gov Gavin Gruesome would continually pile expensive bad policy on top of expensive bad policy —– to create a towering, costly mess that will soon collapse and burn —- and think it will somehow “benefit” him. Jerk.
Newsom proclaimed that “Farmworkers are the backbone of our economy?” Meanwhile Newsom and his Marxist Democrat cronies have done everything they can to destroy farming in California? This “free” immigration pilot program for illegals is just another backdoor way to encourage illegal immigration while funneling taxpayer money to corrupt lawyers?
Great point as usual, TJ. “Let’s kill farming” —- meanwhile, “Yay for farmworkers!” O-kay…
It looks like hypocrisy and that’s what it’s been called, but what it really is is a con job.
Is the state facing a huge budget deficit? Leave it to Newsom and reckless Democrats to squander hard earned taxpayer dollar on illegal aliens!
Exactly. Gee, I thought we had no money! Gah
Newsolini translation:
“Farmworkers are the backbone of our economy and we won’t stand by as bad actors use the threat of deportation as a form of exploitation,” Newsom said in a statement on Wednesday.”
What he is really saying “ Illegal Farmworkers are the backbone of our cheat, we stand by them so they will vote for democrats in the future” They will love me and vote for me when they become legal or not!”
Agree, CG —- that’s what Newsom is actually saying, isn’t it. (“Legal or not!”)
Don’t WE , the ones paying for this, have any say in the matter?
I know! The insanity never ends