Is There a Conservative Re-Alignment Taking Place in the Golden State?
Ric Grenell and Fix California are succeeding at an improbable task
By Katy Grimes, November 23, 2022 10:53 am
Ric Grenell’s Fix California started a statewide inspection of the 58 counties’ voter rolls in July 2021 pushing voter integrity, as well as an effort to register Conservative voters.
An alarming report by the Election Integrity Project California following California’s November 3, 2020 election showed the election was marred by significant voting and registration irregularities. The non-partisan organization analyzed the state’s official voter list of February 9, 2021 and reported its findings to California’s Secretary of State Shirley Weber June 17, 2021 – to no avail.
Grenell and his team at Fix California launched their statewide legal survey analyzing the current status of voter rolls throughout the state.
Specifically, Fix California has been looking for and cross-checking inactive registrations, voter registrations cancelled, registrants not satisfying the citizenship requirements for registration, deceased registrants, individuals who moved out of state, the number of voter applicants providing applications to vote with either a blank affirmation of U.S. Citizenship or an affirmation of non-citizenship for 2016 to date, out-of-state change of address requests.
Public records requests have allowed Fix CA to cross check voter data with the California Secretary of State, Department of Motor Vehicles, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Postal Service’s National Change of Address database, California Attorney General, any California Superior Court, the County Health Systems, county and city district attorneys’ offices, and county and city election departments.
This is cross checking which should have been going on all along by counties. And that’s been Grenell’s concern: “through our work on the data front, we are identifying key areas where there appears to be high concentrations of inaccurate or poorly maintained voter rolls.”
Results are starting to pour in for both voter integrity and voter registrations.
Upon founding Fix California only last year, Ric Grenell said he wanted to re-align California, the bastion of liberalism, to a place where conservative ideas and policies have a fighting chance. After this year’s pilot program, where the organization invested high-six figures into a statewide voter registration effort, he may be onto something. Fix California is currently registering over 10,000 conservatives a month at a fraction of the cost of many other national organizations.
Fix California spent 2021 investing in an extensive data analysis to:
(1) Identify California voter roles that were out of data. The organization put every county on notice through a broad legal effort to clean up their voter roles.
(2) Identify a target list of unregistered conservatives. All-in-all Fix California identified 1.4M unregistered conservatives.
In 2022, Fix California ran a two-phase pilot program in the months preceding the June Primary and November General Election working to begin registering these targets.
In total, over 50,000 of Fix California targeted residents have been registered, averaging more than 10,000 registrations per month – ahead of the 2022 Midterm Elections.
According to Grenell, these conservative registration efforts consisted of digital peer to peer engagement via SMS text messaging, emails, and digital advertising.
Fix California also ran engagement via phone banking, with callers making over 136,000 total phone calls to get conservatives registered to vote before the election.Volunteers were recruited at “Take Action” rallies held by Fix California in both Southern and Northern California, where hundreds of attendees came to hear speeches from local conservative leaders, headlined by Ambassador Ric Grenell.
Since the rallies, over 400 people have signed up to volunteer, and Fix CA has trained over 100 of them to use the phone banking system to call conservatives and get them registered to vote.
While the RNC typically spends over $45 per registration during voter registration efforts, Fix California spent under $15 per registration during 2022.
Fix CA’s 2022 engagement was targeted to Contra Costa, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus counties, determined to be most important for this year.
While Fix California is a non-partisan, non-profit organization, an independent review of the data shows the counties targeted by Fix California may have had major impacts in competitive state and federal elections. (The most recent data is from Friday 11/18/22. Vote/registration data is not finalized).
- In Assembly District 7, Fix CA registered at least 1,037 new voters. Republican challenger Josh Hoover appears to be down only 906 votes to the incumbent Democrat Assemblyman Ken Cooley (D-Sacramento). It’s a surprisingly close result.
- In Assembly District 47, Fix CA registered at least 1,847 voters. The Republican Greg Wallis is only down by 1,138 votes, with Democrat Christy Holstege at 83,352 votes, and Wallis with 83,284 votes. The current result is so close, the Secretary of State reports candidates are tied at 50% each.
- In Assembly District 40, Fix California registered 3,431 voters and Republican Assemblywoman Suzette Martinez Valladares appears to have defeated Democrat Pilar Shiavo by approximately 1,850 votes.
“California is broken, but it’s only because conservatives have focused their attention and dollars elsewhere, while liberals have taken over,” Grenell said. “Fix California is bringing the attention–and the investment–back to where it belongs, right here in California. Californians want a new direction, and we are seeing residents finally getting off the sidelines because we are providing solutions and an opportunity to make a difference. Our work is having a tremendous impact, and if we can continue, we can fundamentally change the future of California by seeing conservative policies succeed in Sacramento.”
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My friend Josh Hoover is now ahead by more than 1%.
It will take lawsuits to force Counties to clean up the voter rolls (although LA already pledged to do so as a result of another lawsuit). Let’s not forget fraud is now codified via ballot harvesting and many votes never get counted at all.
Way to go Ric Grenell! Katy, I hope you forward this article to the California GOP.
What’s the California GOP???
Oh, you mean the gifter panhandlers that beg for money via email, but do nothing with it???
Not one red cent, Jessica Millan Patterson…..
Totally. You mean that website that wasted all the space on the front page to look like a green energy non-profit asking for money? Some of the county websites were better but I just assumed the the CA GOP was bought and sold by the market cap based between SF and San Jose.
EXCELLENT! So glad to see this, and to see the specifics of what Fix California has done and will continue to do. Who else would cover this? No one else but Katy Grimes, that’s who.
Happy Thanksgiving to the amazing Katy Grimes and to the wonderful CA Globe writers and to everyone’s families, too. And Happy Thanksgiving to John the Patriot (hi John) and the great CA Globe commenters and all of THEIR families, too!
And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too Showandtell! Don’t know what we would do without Katy Grimes and the CA Globe so Happy Thanksgiving to them as well! They are one of the few that reports factual and honest news!
CA needs Ric Grenell! He has stated that this will not happen overnight, but change will occur over time and turn our state purple – it better than pure blue.
Katy, I almost wrote you to suggest an update on the Fix California actions. After what has transpired here and in Arizona elections we all need to support organizations that truly are in the business of fixing what ails California. Thank You, Thank You.
Happy Thanksgiving to Katy and the entire Globe staff.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the readers and commenters.
I am so thankful for the alternative, fair, true news publication called, California Globe.
I believe California is worth fighting for.
I too am grateful for this publication, and those like-minded California patriots who want to restore this state to its former glory as “The Golden State”…
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all of you!!!
Well, well, Fix California is doing what the Ca GOP should have been doing for years! And in ONE year! Exactly what does the Ca GOP do, anyway – other than ask for money in their annoying emails? Thank the Lord for Ric Grenell and Fix California! Hope is stirring.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Hopefully Ric Grenell’s Fix California project will be successful and it’s not too late to save the state? No doubt the Democrat cabal and the many RINOs in California’s Republican Party will do all they can to hinder it?
As long as the public employees unions have a stranglehold on their elected Democrat toadys in the California legislature, nothing will change and it will only get worse. The only solution is successful litigation in federal court. The California Supreme Court is just another toady and will not help.
“Despite struggling to win seats, the GOP brought in 50,623,819 votes in House elections in the 2022 midterms, compared to Democrats’ 44,564,327 vote, according to Cook.”
I must agree with @Fed Up. Sorry to be a party-pooper but here is where the realistic rubber meets the road. Progress is measured with outcome numbers as shown by Cook. What are the numbers for California in this midterm compared to the previous midterm elections; overall did the Republicans gain votes versus Democrats? Unless claims of “progress” in registering voters are backed up with solid data, it is wishful thinking. Did those new Republicans registered by Fix California turn out and vote or were apparent Republican gains due to other factors? Did they split their votes? More Republicans did not turn out in my district. The numbers here look the same as they were previously. If people want change it has to center at the local level. The CAGoP and RNC do not support/fund local Republican organizations. Local groups are left to fend for themselves. Are the CAGoP and RNC supporting Fix California with $$$? Grenell’s effort with Fix California is admirable in trying to duplicate the Stacey Abrams success in Georgia. But here is the one BIG difference between them – the Democrat MONEY machine. For example, Republican Lynn Cheney in Wyoming received most of her $7 million in donations (in her losing primary) from CALIFORNIA Democrats – they love her. In order to rebuild the party from the ground up, Republicans in California need the financial equivalent of a George Soros plus.
That said, try to forget about politics for at least one day and have a great Thanksgiving. ????
FYI Folks. Certainly would be a radical change that we hope would be for the better, no matter what one thinks of Mike Lindell’s ubiquity 🙂
Glad to hear this Showandtell. Another challenger is Lee Zeldin NY. I think either would be stronger conservatives than Ronna RINO Romney-McDaniel.
It would be fabulous if Ric,Jessica, Linda, and the RNC would have a meeting and join forces with effort and money.
Something similar to the playbook used by the Democrats!
“It would be fabulous if….”
That is a BIG “if” Tomorrow. In the mean time we will have to just hang in there and outlast them. This is the kind of $$$ gap Republicans are up against:
Abortion is not a big issue to me now other than it is my feeling that conservative candidates lost a lot of votes because they had no abortion for any reason platforms. l believe the majority support allowing first trimester abortions and candidates will continue to lose over this hard line stance. Young single women voted heavily democratic.
You don’t win by compromising, especially when it comes to human life.