American's Frontline Doctors Summit ll. (Photo: screen capture AFD Summit ll)
It’s Unethical to Force People to Get Vaccine as Efficacy Wanes, California Doctor Says
The current vaccines will soon be rendered obsolete
By Katy Grimes, August 2, 2021 2:11 am
The Globe has interviewed many practicing physicians over the last 17 months since California Gov. Gavin Newsom first locked the state down, ostensibly because of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The common thread in the information the physicians have shared is not only the distrust in the flawed PCR COVID tests which provided millions of false positive tests, but also their questions about why hospitals were not allowing them to treat COVID patients with therapeutic medicines.
A recent lawsuit (below) filed by Dr. Michael deBoisblanc covers these very issues. Michael deBoisblanc, M.D., was the Medical Director for the only trauma center in Contra Costa County, which was operated – profitably — by John Muir Health. Dr. deBoisblanc raised concerns and complaints about the wisdom and bases for the County’s continuing lockdown order, the lawsuit says. The Globe reported on Dr. deBoisblanc’s requests to John Muir Hospital.
The lawsuit explains:
In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) published its deeply researched findings and recommendations concerning “Nonpharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk of epidemic and pandemic influenza.”1 (“2019 pandemic report”). Similar to Covid-19, influenza (the flu) is a virus that causes acute respiratory illness. Similar to Covid-19, it is spread through contact, aerosols, and respiratory droplets. Dissimilar to Covid-19, influenza spreads easily from children to adults.
Even in the case of a severe pandemic, the WHO did not recommend contact tracing, border closures, entry or exit screening, or quarantining exposed (as opposed to sick) individuals. (pp. 15-18). It “conditionally recommended” – based on “very low” quality evidence – avoiding crowding, as well as workplace and school mitigation measures. (Id.) The 2019 pandemic report also stated: “school closure can be considered in severe epidemics and pandemics,” but “the adverse effects on the community should be fully considered (e.g., family burden and economic considerations), and the timing and duration should be limited to a period that is judged to be optimal.” (p. 16). “Workplace closure should be a last step only in extraordinarily severe epidemics and pandemics.” (p. 17).
This goes a long way to explain that there are many anomalies and cover ups in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID.
Another physician recently explained to the Globe additional concerns:
As I research the delta variant, it is becoming more clear to me that the current vaccines will soon be rendered obsolete.
The delta variant has numerous mutations on the spike protein.
The spike protein is the only protein on SARS COVID 2 that the vaccines work against.
When a person gets the actual infection, they are immunized against many areas of the virus, but only one protein/area of the virus for the vaccinated. Therefore all previously infected people still recognize the delta variant as COVID whereas the immunized do not. That is why you are seeing tremendous breakthrough infections in the vaccinated.
Therefore it is increasingly unethical to force people to get the vaccines as the efficacy wanes, yet the risks remain.
Practicing physicians continue to raise valid concerns not just over the PCR COVID tests, but the push for mandatory COVID vaccines. This physician clearly explains the concerns.
The Physicians have also noted, “masks are are not important outside as they do not stop aerosolized viruses,” and “lockdowns clearly don’t work.”
Gov. Newsom has tried to convince the public that only a zero risk standard is acceptable in dealing with COVID, but this is impossible with a virus. And not one California reporter has questioned him about it. Fortunately many sincere physicians continue asking all of the right questions.
deBoisBlanc Complaint”]
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Apparently, the use of therapeutic protocols using Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin would cut into the profits for big pharma. These therapeutics have been shown to be effective in treating Covid19 patients: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/. However, use of therapeutics apparently does not suit the narrative of the Left who continue to focus on vaccine mandates, masking and threats of lock downs. Recall the left-wing media furor over Mr. Trump’s comments regarding benefits of Hydroxychloroquine and the medical doctors who also advocated the use of these therapeutics? Politics and medicine don’t mix. TRUE science is apolitical.
@Raymond: I looked at the study you kindly linked. The “narrative” you are referring to says “get vaccinated if you are eligible.” The paper and the subsequent references to it don’t contradict that narrative. They support further investigation of these therapeutics, and all of them support further aggressive vaccination efforts. Several papers express concern that touting therapeutics will encourage vaccine hesitancy. Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and others are not “miracle cures” but they are cheap, well-known and have low risk of causing harm because they have been used for long periods.
@Concerned Citizen, the narrative is that “If you don’t get vaccinated, people will die from Covid, and it’s your fault.” Which one of these articles that you “cite” if any, have been peer reviewed? The first one doesn’t seem to be – it’s just an OPINION paper. Who besides people like you are claiming that therapeutics are a “miracle cure?” You don’t really know what you are talking about do you?
@Raymond: You are correct that the Machanick paper is not peer reviewed. It’s the first one to come up on Google Scholar. The other two are reviewed and accepted. I kind of expected you to “like” them because they support the case I think you made, that these off-patent therapeutics have value. I expected that you and I would “like” that for similar reasons.
The part you stated about “your fault” that people will die is, I believe, a correct interpretation of the general narrative, and one that is supported by observation. And yes, I think that narrative is actually correct: Not getting vaccinated and especially discouraging other people from getting vaccinated when they are eligible, is literally killing people who didn’t need to die. Others on this website have quoted apparently non-existent “Israeli” data making a case that the vaccine somehow makes people less safe,… and (assuming the data really don’t exist) I regard that as reprehensible.
It sounds as though you don’t believe that getting vaccinated is a good idea, and that even a partly-effective therapeutic negates the value of getting vaccinated. Or am I wrong about that? When you ask: “Who besides people like you are claiming that therapeutics are a ‘miracle cure?’” I could quote you from someone you may “like” (and I detest!), from when the entire hydroxycholoquine debacle began: “The way she spoke, it was like a miracle. And this was not a fan of mine, but she’s a fan of my now.” I’m sure you know who said that. And that is the primary reason why, though we have excellent vaccines available, his “fans” continue to refuse them and are currently driving up infection rates in FL, MO, LA, and other states where he has a lot of “fans.” Political conservatives outside the US aren’t refusing vaccination at anything like the rate inside the US.
His “fans” include 40% of teachers, the president of California SEIU, 20 to 40 % of California hospital staff, a large swath of POC and lefty anti-vaxers? Who knew?
@Concerned Citizen see my responses to your comments/questions below:
“@Raymond: You are correct that the Machanick paper is not peer reviewed. It’s the first one to come up on Google Scholar. The other two are reviewed and accepted. I kind of expected you to “like” them because they support the case I think you made, that these off-patent therapeutics have value. I expected that you and I would “like” that for similar reasons.”
Oh, I see. You are trying your best to impress me with your scholarly abilities. Okay, I guess that’s understandable. I won’t question why.
“The part you stated about “your fault” that people will die is, I believe, a correct interpretation of the general narrative, and one that is supported by observation. And yes, I think that narrative is actually correct: Not getting vaccinated and especially discouraging other people from getting vaccinated when they are eligible, is literally killing people who didn’t need to die. Others on this website have quoted apparently non-existent “Israeli” data making a case that the vaccine somehow makes people less safe,… and (assuming the data really don’t exist) I regard that as reprehensible.”
Let’s see if I understand what you are saying. If one of your family or close friends, who declines taking the flu vaccine, gets infected with early stage flu with no visible symptoms and comes to your home for dinner; and you spend time together for an evening. Then, a day or two later you start coming down with severe flu and you die from it. You believe that the person who infected you, should to be held responsible for killing you? It’s his/her fault? Yes or No.
“It sounds as though you don’t believe that getting vaccinated is a good idea, and that even a partly-effective therapeutic negates the value of getting vaccinated. Or am I wrong about that? When you ask: “Who besides people like you are claiming that therapeutics are a ‘miracle cure?’” I could quote you from someone you may “like” (and I detest!), from when the entire hydroxycholoquine debacle began: “The way she spoke, it was like a miracle. And this was not a fan of mine, but she’s a fan of my now.” I’m sure you know who said that. And that is the primary reason why, though we have excellent vaccines available, his “fans” continue to refuse them and are currently driving up infection rates in FL, MO, LA, and other states where he has a lot of “fans.” Political conservatives outside the US aren’t refusing vaccination at anything like the rate inside the US.”
Since I am not in the medical field, I don’t presume to know what is medically best for other people wrt to vaccines or anything else. You, however, clearly do. People make their own choices and deal with the consequences, if any. My mother consults with her doctor and makes her decision. Whatever that decision is, I accept it. Finally, I have no idea who the “she” is, wrt to your comments about hydroxychloroquine.
@Raymond: I’m responding to your later post, because it doesn’t actually have a “Reply” button. So, here we go:
Yes, I have medical and scholarly abilities. Sorry if it seems arrogant, but I know what I know, and it is painful to watch anti-science sentiment lead an entire country catastrophe.
When my mother was in a nursing home, even before covid, there were signs at the door asking people to sanitize hands and not to enter if they have flu or cold symptoms. If your infected friend has dinner with you, knowing that you are vulnerable, and you die of the infection, then YES, that friend bears some responsibility for your death. That “friend” didn’t “kill” you, but didn’t take responsibility for his/her actions either. Maybe the “friend” was unaware of the risk. But that “I didn’t know” defense doesn’t hold for Covid. Anyone spreading disease for no other reason than refusal to follow medical advice and get vaccinated,… is responsible for the consequences.
The pronoun “she” was in the quote. I don’t know who “she” is either. But we both know where the current flood of anti-vax propaganda comes from…
@Concerned Citizen, okay so the friend didn’t “kill” you. We are making some progress. Yes, the friend didn’t know that he/she was sick at the time. How would he/she have known, given that he/she had no symptoms (in this hypothetical scenario)? The friend, in consultation with his/her physician, made a conscious choice not to be vaccinated for whatever reason. What, if any, precautions would YOU have taken to protect yourself in this situation? Would you have been vaccinated? If the answer to this last question is YES, then it’s clear (at least to me) that the friend and you share the responsibility 50-50 for your death. If you died, the vaccine that you chose to take didn’t work. If you lived instead of died, the vaccine did work; and therefore you and your friend are blameless. Can we agree to say this?
Others on this website have quoted apparently non-existent “Israeli” data making a case that the vaccine somehow makes people less safe,… and (assuming the data really don’t exist) I regard that as reprehensible.” I don’t know about the non existant Isreal data that vaccines make people less safe but I do know that Isreals director of public health services said the data is showing the vaccinated are 50% less likely of spreading the virus then the unvaccinated which was lower percentage then what a concerned Dr. Anthony Fauci said about the vaccinated spreading the virus on the Face The Nation TV Show on CBS this past weekend. I think your right though there is non existant Isreal data of the vaccinated being non safe but I have yet to read anyone on this website say that either. Only you.
You won’t trust a vaccine that’s been developed over the course of a decade and has been administered to 4 billion people with almost no problems whatsoever because it’s experimental, but you want to troll your local Petco to self-medicate your way out of Covid.
Dear Lord, maybe you all need to be wiped out by this disease, y’all are just that stupid.
You mean A vaccine that has been developed for a decade and still has yet to be FDA approved only emergency use authorization where at least 11k deaths have reported as well tens of thousands more injuries from reported from it on the governments VAER website. Many people have had the virus and survived, do they now have natural immunity. Is the vaccine better then natural immunity? I really don’t understand why those that are vaccinated are even concerned. If somehow you do get the variant your symptoms will be very mild and no threat of death or hospitalization. Right? Why are they even forcing the vaccinated to wear masks again? By now everyone has had plenty of time to get the vaccine its forced down our throats on TV. So who really is blaming the unvaccinated for spreading this? Are the streets and hospitals full of unvaccinated people blaming other unvaccinated for getting covid 19? Why would a vaccinated person even blame anyone for anything? They are safe right? Obviously I’m not a medical person.
Are you out of your mind wishing death on everyone who has a common-sense objection to this extremely dicey experimental vaccine, which is not even necessary given the irrelevancy of COVID now apart from the propaganda about it with which we are constantly bombarded? If you have something to say, why don’t you try saying it without wishing mass extermination on your fellow man, which makes what you say look exactly like what it is, a whole lot of B.S. laced with vile hatred?
This should be easy for you, from Dr. Fauci himself. start at 20 mins. https://thehighwire.com/watch/
Oh my god, I am so tired of vaxx worshippers wishing death on those who dont swallow the lies about covid and the dangerous jab. It shows you are just a bunch of selfish blowhards who care more about pushing your own narrative than saving lives.
COVID HAS A 99% RECOVERY RATE (including my family, among whom are 80, 83, and 90 years old)
IF YOU BELIEVE IN THE VAXX SO MUCH, WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF THOSE WHO WONT GET IT? And don’t tout the “but but unvaxxed produce variants” crap because science has shown and continues to show that is untrue. Also don’t claim to be worried about our health and lives because your death wish above proves you are a liar.
We who have decided to remain unvaxxed have our reasons. Some medical, as in our case, and some political. Either way it is our body, our choice. I am not responsible for your health and medical decisions, and I don’t expect nor want you to be responsible for mine.
Live in fear, wear your unsanitary and useless face diaper, vaxx yourself silly, if you like. But leave me alone. If I get covid again (which wasn’t that bad the first go round) or even if I were to die from it, that is my decision, and mine alone. Although with a 99% recovery rate, I’m not that worried anyway.
Well said Deb Shay.. Thankyou . you may be fascinated by this. https://www.brighteon.com/dc43ea4a-e64b-42a4-8737-1efb436751b5
Question: How do you stop a virus from mutating?
Answer: You don’t, that is what a virus does, in order to survive it mutates.
The mRNA has yet to be proven as safe or as effective as has been claimed. It just might be contributing to the mutation as Dr. Malone a contributor to the development of mRNA technology. He referred to it as a leaky vaccine therefore leading to breakthrough cases and transmission to those who have made a choice not to get the EUA shot.
A lot is still needed to be learned but I guess that is why we have millions of people (test subjects) “vaccinated”. In months and years to come we will learn much about the mRNA shot.
The non-vaccinated are the “control group” in this ongoing experimental study. The treatment is the vaccine and the criterion (dependent) variable is the death rate specific to the virus itself.
The vaccinated are the “experimental group.” This is an ongoing study. This is a study in an uncontrolled environment (outside of the laboratory) so the conditions are a variable.
That is NOT correct Stacy. There IS a control group. The selection of participants is randomized. The fact that it is outside of a laboratory has nothing to do with it. Are you a bio-statistician? Clearly, the answer is no.
The control group must be eliminated by forced vaccination to hide all the negative effects. Having millions of healthy people walking around that did not get the jab totally blows up the narrative.
Everything you stated is completely accurate. Those who chose to get the shot won’t listen. They only want to defend their decision.
99% of the people contracting the delta variant are not vaccinated, which proves the vaccine is effective. This is a bullshit article.
Widen your circles of information gathering as far as you can.
How was it determined -and by WHOM(- the main question- that a person “contracted” the “delta variant” in the first place?
Plus, what independent-researcher was allowed to repeat that same study-to get the same result to confirm the accuracy?
The so called scientists and md’s and institutions and their funders involved in ALL of this fraud- (to separate us from our freedoms and kill a lot of people)-so far (Bill Gates, Ralph Baric, Daszak….) they all have a financial interest in these tests and injections-which is fraud, “interlocking directorates” , “gain of function research, patenting nature,,,,,all illegal.
Independent md’s and researchers have not been allowed to access these vials or have debate in public or reveal that the test is calibrated to create false positive, each positive is a “case” without a case the pandemic does not exist.
What is there to hide?
The fox is guarding the hen house. These people are 100% criminals. Dont be duped by the media that they control.
@UNC: Google scholar is a good source of reliable information. It tells you who referenced an article, so you can see if it is being ignored, panned, or quoted in further work. Many covid-related articles are open sourced because the research (to the extent people believe in science) is saving millions of lives. Literally.
PCR tests detect that someone has “a” covid virus. It can’t distinguish between strains. That falls to genetic sequencing tests. CDC and other agencies run the tests on samples from people with positive PCR tests to monitor what strains are active. They can also use genetics to determine who infected whom.
Studies are repeated in many countries and they confirm the vaccine efficacy. The researchers are in different jurisdictions and there is no central authority or money source “allowing” them to do research. There is no way some “deep state” or rich-and-evil person could be orchestrating the research or inhibiting contrary results. It is real.
Asking to see actual vials is pointless. The results are statistical and at this point hundreds of millions of samples have been collected and tested. There is no way to store them or review them in bulk. Apparently you think the test results could be falsified. There is no basis for such a belief. Sorry, but it’s just a crazy belief.
Gates, Baric, and the rest aren’t doing or publishing the research. They don’t review papers. There is no reason to think there is fraud going on.
Did you even read the article? The physician who provided the information about the Delta variant specifically said, “When a person gets the actual infection, they are immunized against many areas of the virus, but only one protein/area of the virus for the vaccinated. Therefore all previously infected people still recognize the delta variant as COVID whereas the immunized do not. That is why you are seeing tremendous breakthrough infections in the vaccinated.”
What the doctor says in this article makes sense. The mutations are the reason that there has to be a new flu vaccine every year or two; as they make the previous vaccine less effective against the new strain.
P.S. https://www.passporthealthglobal.com/2020/07/why-do-we-need-a-flu-vaccine-every-year/. Most people don’t want or need a flu vaccine every year; my 93-year-old mother included.
Most likely not. What strikes me the most about all this, is people have lost or given up the capacity to reason for themselves. “Appeals to Authority” are no longer considered a logical fallacy to an astonishing number of people.
Now I had the ‘rona back in January and nicely recovered since;
A. I’m not 80 plus years old, nor
B. Have comorbidities.
Not that it was my preferred way to spend the MLK weekend, but I’ve had worse flus frankly. I’m fairly certain I’ve been exposed numerous times since then with a slight cough on several occasions. So what the quoted physician said, “ previously infected people still recognize the delta variant as COVID,” correlates with my own experiences/observations. I have not and will not get any of the shots as they now serve me no purpose.
@Katy: I’m really sorry, but your “When a person…” quote is attributed in the article only to “another physician.” That’s not a legitimate “reliable source.” The physician could have been Harold Bornstein for all we know.
This is the big problem with misinformation: People get confused because there’s no way to track down why somebody is making some claim that contradicts peer-reviewed and published results.
@Concerned Citizen, as I have explained previously, I speak with many doctors, some who allow attribution in the article. However, many more cannot as they are attached to practices and hospitals which would punish them up to and including termination. As the editor, I verify all confidential sources.
The same is taking place in government and in the State Capitol with sources.
@Katy: The efficacy of some off-patent pharmaceuticals in treating active Covid is a topic of ongoing research. Hopefully this will be resolved in the coming months and hopefully these really work as well as some studies suggest.
However, all published research on the relative benefit of “natural” versus vaccine-driven immunity is completely contrary to the unattributed quote from your source. Studies from all around the world, supervised and funded completely independently, all conclude that vaccine immunity is superior in duration and efficacy to having survived an infection. I am deeply concerned that publishing your anonymous MD source’s statement, contrary to broad consensus and without some clarification as to what the basis of that claim is, and a comparison of its merits with published results,… is not ethical.
Lmfao. You are sadly misinformed and I would love to see your data and your proof of this. I’ll wait while you try and find it
Steve, do you even know what specifically you are asking for? Can you ask a legitimate question? What is the misinformation you are referring to? I’ll wait while you try and google it. Good luck!
@Scott: Apart from being factually false, you are making a common statistical error: High fractions of infected people being vaccinated happens only in areas where almost everybody is vaccinated. When everybody *is* vaccinated, then 100 percent of cases are among the vaccinated because there isn’t anyone else. When fewer than 100 percent are vaccinated, vaccinated people still have about 1/5th the likelihood of getting infected, compared with unvaccinated people.
I get that you are angry about the situation. But the “bullshit” is all in your comment.
Scott, your statement is so false and you lack any supporting authentic sources to support your “opinion.” When you can give us data, which we all know the CDC doesn’t even have, you might have a logical discussion with someone on this site. Otherwise, go back to twitter/facebook/MSNBC/CNN to grovel in nonscientific rhetoric. Or maybe go back to school to improve on your knowledge base.
It was in the New York Times so it must be true????
Right @CaliGirl. I was out of town a week and come back to a bunch of trolls on CaGlobe. Be glad when these clowns have to go back to work, pay rent like the rest of us!
Stacy, see what happens when ya leave, the void gets filled with nonsensical commenters such as the guy who is Blocking…..????
Lol, who forced him to read and comment?
You have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Obviously. And yet you manage to be rude and nasty saying it anyway. Amazing. Go back to your spot under the bridge.
Scott myers 99% of the peopke are contracting the delta varrient are unvaccinated and the article is bs right? I’d like to know where you got your data from because this past weekend on the TV show face the nation, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, Israel’s director of public health services, said Sunday that evidence points to the waning immunity in the COVID-19 vaccine, saying her two biggest concerns with the delta variant relate to its level of infectiousness and the rising rate of vaccinated individuals testing positive. Furthermore She added that 50 percent of the current infections are vaccinated individuals. “Previously we thought that fully vaccinated individuals are protected, but we now see that vaccine effectiveness is roughly 40 percent. She came on immediately after Fauci who was,concerned about the something happening here now. We are living in really troubling times right now and if we all do not get on the same page our future is not looking good. We do not need a divide amongst regular people just trying to live between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Anither lockdown is coming are we going to be divided and just let them destroy our lives from a virus with a mortality rate of the flu. Speaking of which what happened to the flu, its seems to be MIA.
“UNITED NON COMPLIANCE” (Chris Sky) will end the UN/Bilderberg group of billionaire psychopaths toying with us- the “useless eaters”- in “their” world.
WE DO NOT COMPLY WITH CRIMINAL DEMANDS. A criminal demand is “wear a mask” for no reason that makes any sense. “Take a jab” that you cant know for sure what is in it or if it will kill you or not.
Show our concern and love for our freedom and for our fellow Americans by not wearing a mask, taking a pcr test or the jabs and keeping our independent livelihoods OPEN.
This is “round two” from the psychopaths to finish off the remaining business’ that were not destroyed in round one.
Who can definitively say that the vials from each company contain the same ingredients or what is each company’s product? Then repeat that same investigation and get the same result? That is doing real science vs science fiction. This has never been allowed to be done by anybody who is not in the cult. Bill Gates probably has the master file(s) for every single jab, each one with its own lot number and who took it-all computerized , since he is invested in all of them. Some people got the poison potion-whatever that is, graphene? -and others (Pelosi, Biden…) saline. Who knows? All of it is so insane and meanwhile…what is going on at the border? The other strategy being used to destabilize-and then topple- our country.
The Usual Gang of Idiots seem to read your crap posing as “journalism,” lol. I’ve seen enough. Blocking . . .
That’ll make these doctors go away! ????
Don’t let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha, Jeffrey….
@Jeffery Utter
I think you have a public comment section confused with social media. You must have come here of your own free will.
Don’t let the keyboard hit ya on the way out. ????
Thank you Jeffrey, bye!
“Blocking!” You are my new favorite comedian. This is classic psychological projection. The “Gang of Idiots” appears to be you. Bye!
Jeffery your a good boy. You always do as you’d told, behaves just like CNN and your government tell you to. You never question anything they say and,your enemies are those who question the narrative. You would gladly take a bullet or put a vaccine not approved by the fda into your body for your government. You know you do not belong here on this website. Go back to your safe place and you will be rewarded by a third booster shot and your very own vaccine passport. The government will do the thinking fir you and take care of you because your a good boy.
nobody should ever be coerced to inject anything no matter how effective!
@MFEAA: Why not? Are you saying that 6 conservative SCOTUS justices are wrong in Jacobson v. Massachusetts?
Jacobson vs Massachusetts did not force people to take an EUA shot. It was not a mandate. It centered on the state’s right to fine residents who chose not to get the shot. They were fined $5.00. This case is being misused.
CaliGirl teaching a good lesson! I like it!
@OFUCG: Interesting article. I hadn’t seen it before. However: imposing a fine for violation is a “mandate” just like a parking fine is a mandate not to park in a red zone. BTW: the article points out that, adjusted for inflation, that fine would be $150 today. The article points out that SCOTUS didn’t say a state has power to forcibly inject people. That’s not happening nor likely ever to happen, though.
YES. Wonderful stuff, excellent. Appreciate it.
Forgot to add I meant the above for Cali Girl’s comment.
Concerned Citizen. What are you trying to prove here. You have been vaccinated so your safe. The unvaccinated only pose as a threat to the other unvaccinated. Its there choice and they accept their fate, even death. I don’t get what your doing here. Are you just concerned about life in general because your such a good person with the highest morals you want to help the unvaccinated? Or are you trying to protect a loved one who you think won’t get vaccinated because of what a anti vaxxer said. In that case its your job to convince them to get the jab. That should not be that hard for a smart person like you with all your data. I’d like to know what your data says about the mortality rate of this virus. Also what does your Data say about the total number of regular flu casses this past year. I got sick and thought I had the flu but turns out it was covid 19. There are millions of use who got covid 19 and fully recovered. What does your data say about natural immunity from getting sick? Usually we would not need to get a shot having natural immunity but what do you think? And speaking of immunity did you happen to catch Face The Nation this past weekend. Here are some quotes from that show.
Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, Israel’s director of public health services, said Sunday that evidence points to the waning immunity in the COVID-19 vaccine, saying her two biggest concerns with the delta variant relate to its level of infectiousness and the rising rate of vaccinated individuals testing positive. She added that 50 percent of the current infections are vaccinated individuals. “Previously we thought that fully vaccinated individuals are protected, but we now see that vaccine effectiveness is roughly 40 percent.”
Her segment was immediately after Dr. Fauci who was very concerned because the same thing was happening here. Its the same shots so no surprise there. I link is for the article but its better to just watch the show itself and see it come directly from their mouth. That was Face the Nation on CBS which aired this past weekend. How do you feel knowing that the jab you took is showing waning immunity a little over half a year?
Nobody is forcing anyone to get vaccinated. Stop playing word games. Suggesting people CHOSE to get vaccinated is the truth. This isn’t Russia or China. Stop with the false narrative about forced vaccination. Nobody is still buying your “forced” BS anymore
I agree we are not Russia or China. That is why we can have this discussion.
Many people “CHOSE” under duress in order to keep their jobs or continue education. That is not free will.
I think the Federal government plays loose with the use of the word mandate.
The President’s press secretary says they are working with private companies to require vaccinations, Newsom calls himself the CEO of California and is requiring “vaccinations” of all state employees and contractors. The government is well aware it is a violation to force experimental gene therapy on citizens, so yes they skirt around calling it a mandate.
Would you consider a person who in order to keep their long time job is required to get the shot be a choice of free will?
This also leads to informed consent, in order to make that choice an individual should by law be given full informed consent before the EAU shot is administered. As long as it is called a vaccine and not experimental gene therapy people are not given informed consent!
Frank as long as you feel good about your choice that should be all that matters to you.
Here is a question for our good doctors who are standing up to the vaccine tyranny. How do we know what is being injected is what was “approved” for experimental use? The Great Reset malefactors would have no problem at all with switching the meds with other things designed to prolong the “pandemic” or to produce other desired effects like sterility and death.
@CW: How about the fact that at this point, billions of doses have been administered, and hundreds of studies have confirmed that vaccinated people are much less likely to get infected and even less likely to die of Covid?
How about that Donald Trump, who many would identify with anti-vax sentiment, got vaxxed even after he’d survived the disease? Surely that means something?
Even if you refuse to believe in science, don’t you at some point have to accept that there’s proof in the pudding?
Thousands are dying from the vaccine and hundreds of thousands are having severe side effects, many which involve permanent injury. Then there is the fact that ICU’s are filling up with the vaccinated that apparently have no protection at all. The endless “variant” thing is total BS. Keep taking those endless booster shots at your own risk!
The vaccinated are going to be in for a terrifying time as they find out they have been lab rats for people who wish them no good. Pay attention and you will see it unfolding for everyone to see.
This is disappointing news but accurate. Unfortunately for the vaccinated and unvaccinated it is true that the vaccine is no longer holding (research is supporting this fact at this point; here is one of the many articles: MIT technology review: “Covid clusters among the vaccinated are killing our back-to-normal dreams”) I would greatly recommend that people work to increase their natural immune system, take natural anti-virals and keep an eye on companies like SaNotize because they are developing a nasal spray that will kill covid before it gets into the body. It is a sad fact that Covid mutates quickly which means that more than likely we are dealing with an endemic that cannot be dealt with by a vaccine.
@Krista, I concur. This may be the time for a transition away from vaccine development and more focus on therapeutics and the kind of immunity you describe. We still make vaccines for the variants of the Spanish Flu (1919) that visit us every year, but relatively few people take the vaccine (someone mentioned 23%) because of the therapeutics available and their natural immunity to the new strains. Unless, the new strain happens to be more virulent than usual.
You know if your not elderly or have other serious health issues it was really no worse then getting the flu. You can also take a booster every year till you die.
Those people at Pfizer have a permanent smile on their faces. This more then makes up for the 2.3 billion dollar fine the had to pay for their criminal activity in their fraudulent marketing scheme. That drug which was pulled for not being safe of course. Let that sink in, the company whos jab we are taking was found guilty of criminal activity on a unsafe drug and was fined a record 2.3 billion dollars. And those who don’t trust or question the covid vaccine they produced are getting censored and ridiculed by people in forums like this.
Watch this victory at last!. We need to challenge our county health officers. In all 58 counties in Ca, start preparing now. Look up the name of the Health Officer in your county. The one who does not have a leg to stand on their pack of lies anymore.
“CANADIAN_COURT_VICTORY_PROVES_COVID-19 is a hoax all restrictions have been dropped.”
Thanks, Ocean Breezes, for this link. It is fascinating and I’m going to research this more.
I have to admit, though, that I’m not a “patriot or freedom fighter” as the video host suggests about all those happy about this news. I’m just a wife and mom who wants to be left alone to make my own medical decisions quietly and peacefully.
Amen, Deb!
Do you have a docket number for the complaint? I’d like to follow the lawsuit and/or court it was filed in? What is their cause of action? employers can no longer mandate based on workplace safety. Vaxx still spread. We need to do more to challenge these mandates
When freedom of speech is taken then everything that you read in mass-media is either a lie or a misinformation. I live in România, I am an old Romanian citizen, I lived in communism era until ’89 and I recognize the signs of censorship immediately. If they say that the vaccine works, is safe and effective then you must understand that is not safe or effective. As much as they push it to take it you must understand that is not even a vaccine. It’s something else. All the propaganda about a product made by censoring others opinion about the product is 100% crap. Not 99.99% but 100.00% crap. I lived it twice in my life, in communism and now, with this vaccine. Don’t believe them if you want to live or be free.